The other morning when I got up and looked out my back door, I saw this mist rising from the earth, over my neighbors field. This field lies just behind a tiny pasture we have in the rear of our property. He plants it in barley every spring. I love to watch it from the time he seeds it to the time he harvests it. First, the little blades of grain appear and soon the whole field is the loveliest of green. It gets very tall and waves in the breeze. He has a pivot irrigation sprinkler on it, and when it comes near our property, I love the spray that reaches us when the wind blows. I go out when it's really warm and stand in the yard to feel the mist. The field then turns a lovely amber in the fall just before harvest. By the time he combines, the barley has turned a very light tan and has started to lay down because of the weight of the heads. I love to watch this process. This planting and harvesting. This picture of this early morning mist was an enchanting sight so early in the morning. The Earth is so alive and I'm grateful.

Now, for the second part of this post. Do you remember Mr. Darcy and Lizzy from a previous post? Well, I learned that you never take a birdcage outside to clean it, ever. Let me just say, that little bird is fast. Well as you know I live in the country, so he had a lot of room to spread out. First he landed on our tractor, then on the fence, then in the neighbors tree, then, and then, and then. I just kept trying to catch him, but to no avail. So I asked my neighbor if she had a net of some kind. She had a fishing net. The holes were a little big and this finch is very tiny. He finally flew across the road to where there is an empty river channel. I couldn't find him anywhere after that, so I figured he was gone forever. I went up and down the river with this fishing net. Well, this road is very busy with traffic and people seeing me walking by the river with this net must have been thinking, oh, poor June is losing it, there's no water in the river, let alone fish. I didn't know I was this attached to my Mr. Darcy. I haven't had him that long. I knew Lizzy was going to be really lonely until I could get her a new man. When I finally got back to the house, Hubs said, 'look out in that tree.' When I looked out the kitchen window, he was sitting in the tree just outside. Well, to make an already too long a story short, it took a little doing, but I finally caught him. He was so tuckered out, that he couldn't fly anymore. Now he is back home, snug in his cage with his Lizzie. And I learned that you never clean a cage full of birds outside.