~~finding a little time to do some sewing this winter~~
I love the slower days of winter because I am able to to sit at the sewing machine
more than usual. I don't think there are too many things
I like doing more than sewing things for the home.
I love the slower days of winter because I am able to to sit at the sewing machine
more than usual. I don't think there are too many things
I like doing more than sewing things for the home.
I had resolved that this winter I would get in and make a major dent in my fabric stash and
since I have waaay too much fabric and already have three quilt tops ready to have
machine quilted (when I can afford it :))) I decided to make pillows.
pillows for the bed
pillows for the sofa
And this isn't even all of them. I'm sure you will be seeing them in future
photos, but they are summery and some of them
will be going outside or on the sofas in the spring.
I'm like that with everything I do.
Once I get started on something I have a hard time reining myself in.
It really becomes noticeable when I craft or sew. I do a kind of assembly
line thing. I'm one of those...if a little is good...a lot, is A LOT better.
I always make more of something than I will ever need.
I also made a ruffled linen cushion topper thingy for the sofa so when
the dog jumps on the white sofa to see whose at the door
I can throw it in the wash and not the whole slipcover.
but guess what? I only made one!
I've also been sewing some stars (too many, I might add)
from all my scraps for a little garland for a granddaughter's room.
I hope to share them here when I get them done.
garden and would bore you with them this winter?
well~~~ it's winter
so here we go with some of the peonies

It's a wonderful way to share the things I love and love to do.
~~hugs from here~~