Sharing a few photos I took weeks ago in the garden.
It's not because I haven't got more current ones, it's just that I didn't
want to miss out on some of the earlier blooms.
This is a little bouquet of scabiosa, lady's mantle and roses I took
to display in the gazebo along with a little iron crib made up
and some peonies.

Foxglove are just one of those flowers that say cottage to me.
They are so difficult to grow here because I'm not in the right zone for them,
so I always treat them as an annual plant in my garden.
I buy larger plants every spring and plant them up in pots.

I love walking up our front walk to the door and have these beauties
to greet me.
Delphinium are also tricky to grow here. Sometimes they winter over
and sometimes they don't.
it's to the nursery I go---again!
They are just too pretty not to have in the beds.
I hope you are all having a wonderful summer or winter wherever
it is in the world you live.
Thank you so much for following along here
and allowing me into your lives and you into mine.
~sending hugs your way~