I'm finally getting around to posting my Christmas decorating for 2015.
If you remember, I kept it very simple last year with fir trees and greens,
but this year I wanted to do the aspen trees again that I did the year before.
We have hundreds of them on our 40 acre place in Fishcreek.
We are always having to thin them out of the fence lines, and so it's nice to be
able to use the ones we cut down.
I did a very simple mantle in the living room
I did make a mistake when I put the little grove in front of the windows...
it makes it impossible to photograph and have it appear as pretty as it is
when you are in the room, but you will get the idea.
There are actually six trees, but I couldn't get a very good photo of them this
week because of the stormy weather making the house so dark.

I have missed blogging, and hope that I can get back into the swing of it again.
It was a rough summer and fall here at the Stocking house due to illness, so I wasn't able
to be on the computer very much.
I had vertigo so bad that I wasn't able to do much of anything for months.
I would be good for a few days and then it would hit and I would be sick again.
I had visited two doctors locally, before going to Boise and seeing a specialist who
put me through a few tests to rule out the more common reasons for vertigo and found that
because of the congestion in my head from my summer and fall allergies, the pressure
in my ears was all that it was. He put me on a couple of different meds
to treat them and I have felt great since I saw him the first part of October.
Once I got my life back :)))) I could see how far I had fallen behind athome and got to
work putting my very neglected garden to bed and cleaning this poor house.
So I am happy to say that I feel as though I could actually now spend some time
blogging again. I have really missed visiting all of my favorite people and places
and hope to catch up soon.
I do have more Christmas to share, but this post is a little heavy on photos,
so I will post again soon.