Monday, February 22, 2016

I don't know about you, but....

...I need a floral fix today.

I look out into my sad little muddy garden and wonder how the heck I can get these
out of all that snow and mud.

We did have about three foot of snow on it three weeks ago, but 
now with all the wind and warmer temperatures in the past several days, 
some of the beds are almost clear with patches of snow that's about six inches
deep and the beds along the driveway are just mud. 

I decided to look into my files and find some of the photos of last years florals that
I hadn't posted yet and found some that you might enjoy.

I have really enjoyed this winter and can you believe it (???),
I'm just not ready to let go of it yet.
A few short years ago you would have never heard anything like
that come out of my mouth!
It's funny how when you set your mind to change something about yourself,
you can make it happen if you try long and hard enough.

One of those things was how I grumbled about winter from the middle of November
until the middle of March, which is how long winter usually lasts
in my part of Idaho.

 I think my dislike of the winters here
( I came as a teen from Boise where the winters are milder)
came from when I had small children (lot's of them :)
and we were dairy farmers. We lived down a long lane that would often
get blown in and so I would have to bundle the kids up to walk to the
 (usually carrying the two smallest)
  car which we had to leave at the end of the lane so we could get to town 
and the children to school. 

But I don't live down a long lane anymore and I don't have small children, 
so I don't have a valid excuse for grumbling about it anymore.

I finally told myself that I was going to change this and make friends
with ol' man winter. I needed an attitude adjustment and would remind
myself daily for awhile, that I really did want to
change how I felt about it.

Guess what? It worked!

I can actually say that I looked forward to the past three winters
and really have enjoyed them.

Thank goodness the roads have been pretty good this winter
so I could get out of town and get some shopping done in Twin Falls. 
I usually go about five times a month and my husband calls 
them my 'sanity days'.


Well, I don't know how sane I am, 
but I go by myself and the hour drive through cattle grazing and farmland relaxes me.
Very unlike living in the city  where the drive would make me crazy.

I'm treating myself to a shopping day tomorrow because most of the painting is done 
and I really, really need a day out of the house.

For those who have asked, I did go with white again, 
(the same white I had before that has just a hint of grey to it) 
 Everything looks so fresh.

So now, because I grumbled about the painting I had to do, I am going to try
to make friends with painting, much like I did with winter. 

Now that's a laugh!

 Not going to happen!!

Wishing everyone who reads here a wonderful week!


  1. I so needed those pretty flowers today! I was outside wanting to work in the yard, but it is so MUDDY! I'm hoping the weatherman is correct and we get another couple days of sunshine. My grass needs mowing so bad, but I'm afraid the mower will sink away, ha-ha! I do have a small bouquet of daffodils in the house from my yards. They are my smile flower! Enjoy your road trip to the city sweet one - Love June

  2. June,
    Much prettiness in your floral photos never posted. Delicate beauty to make the soul rejoice. Your family was dairy farmers in Idaho and my Grendparents had a commercial Chicken farm just outside of Frenchtown, New Jersey. I adore living with 4 true seasons and have always appreciated the frozen sleeping ground during winter and when the trees bud the birds sing and the flowers emerge it's a beautiful thing to behold. Spring is coming ... Have fun shopping tomorrow.

  3. Dear June,

    So glad that you are enjoying wintertime and every season has its beauty and brings us joy. You are contending with the snow and here I am wishing for rain and that it would cool down. That must be a great thing to have the painting over with - here we are still doing some too and know what you are saying about painting - up ladders is not much fun.
    Have fun on your shopping day tomorrow and wishing you a happy week

  4. Oh, darest June, thank you for this lovely gift.

    Just wow. Your photos amaze me, and you need to publish a picture book with them -
    it'd be a perfect coffee table gift book. Such beauty to behold, wow wow wow!


  5. ohhhhh...sigghhhhhhh.......I don't get to see things like this unless in your little world June. Your pictures are sublime. And I think it is wonderful that you are enjoying the winter, that is magical too. The winter is so important for the rest time we all need as spirits. Here in the tropics there is no rest, it goes on and on and after being here for 20 years I really miss the seasons which I seem to be calibrated to. There simply must be a time for growth and a time for rest. Love your flowers.

  6. I think those long rough winters have something to do with your amazing flowers...that and your gift of a green thumb. Your lovely photos are just as beautiful as the blooms themselves. btw, my husband would do more than grumble if he lived in your climate. He can just barely stand our SW Missouri winters, which are SOOOOOO much milder than yours.

  7. Oh these photos are beautiful, June...sweet reminders of what's to come! Glad you are getting the painting done...feels so good, doesn't it?

  8. I could gladly climb into one of those vases/bowls/pitches/dishes and cover myself with flowers today. What beautiful images, every one of them. The pink blossoms are starting to come out on the trees in my neighbourhood and they are a real pleasure. There is perfume in the air, but there is just nothing like a vase of summer flowers. I have recently become a lover of summer, after a lifetime of preferring the autumn.
    I hope you had a good time on your sanity trip to town!

  9. These gorgeous pictures really lift my heart, June! We are two peas in a pod when it comes to our feelings about winter. It was so terribly hard when my children were young, four under the age of ten and aways one in diapers and a snowsuit. And different schools and times! Now it's not so bad, I really need my days out in the winter or I go stir crazy! Have a great shopping day!

    I have a misconception that all states that have our cold and snow do not thaw out until May, as we do. And I forget that states like yours are so far west and toward a warmer climate that spring and growth come so much sooner. Envious, but that's the way it is. A shorter spring, summer and fall here, but I do love this one and only place I've known!

    Looking forward to your beautiful spring posts, June! :)


  10. winter might be outside but you certainly would never know from these absolutely beautiful photos. I wish we could have a little winter here, it is already far too warm and we still haven't had enough rain. wonderful that would be.

  11. Sheer delight June! I can hardly wait until we can pluck blooms from our gardens. We were out of town this weekend, came home to the snow mostly melted. Nice, but what was not so nice is that our back yard is full of Vole trails. UGH! Never had it like this before. We've got some work ahead of us. Of course this is the year that our grandson is getting married in our garden. lol!

  12. Ahhhh! Thank you for the gift of flowers. Here in Spokane we've had a very mild winter since our round in December where it seemed to snow nearly everyday until Christmas. I prefer the good roads clear of the white stuff. The older I get I don't like winter just because of snow removal and poor health. I think I need to take a leaf out of your book and try to make peace with it if I'm going to live here. And live here I most likely will, because the rest of the year here in the northwest is gorgeous as you well know. :-) Thank you for brightening my day.

  13. Thank you June, for this wonderful spring-vitamins! It makes my day so much nicer. Here is the outdoor wet and grey. This year I am so tired of the winter and wish for spring. I am still working on getting a winter to accept, hihi, or I succeed ...? You have made spring with these beautiful pictures a little closer. Thank you!!
    Hugs, Peetje

  14. It's such a joy to look at your fabulous pictures, dear June. They make me smile. It's wonderful that you finally made friends with Mr. Winter. I'm not a big fan of this season but over here it is much less cold than it is in Germany which I really appreciate. We do get a lot of rain though. Some fruit trees already started to bloom and daisies as well as some other wildfowers showed up on the lawn.
    Have a lot of fun shopping and enjoy your day! :)

  15. The spring invites itself in your photos with so much charm. The marriage between the pink and the blue is completed !

  16. Hi dear June. Beautiful post as usually. I don`t think I can ever like the winter, which I should because I live in Norway haha. Right now it`s snowing again, and wish I could stop it. Spring, summer, flowers and warm, that is what I love.
    Wish you wonderful days
    Hugs from here

  17. Your photographs are very beautiful. Flowers please the heart. At me in the garden snowdrops and winters already bloomed I don't think so will be. I wish much health and joy.

  18. Sigh...your posts take my breath away June! Those flowers are stunning! I can understand winters being tough when you have littles, we lived in Canada for 6 years when I was young and I can still remember my mom's frustration when I needed to pee after she'd spent 15 minutes getting me into my snow gear:) It's good to embrace the weather tho, there's really nothing else to do! I do the same with the humidity here.

    Thank you for sharing all your gorgeousness with us and I hope your "sanity day" is a wonderful one:)

  19. Oh June what a delight to see all those beautiful roses and blossom, displayed in your home. Such wonderful photos, you should collect them all together and have a book printed. I hope you had a lovely day shopping even if it was window shopping , it's good for the esprit of life. We have only had a sprinkling of snow this winter which was gone by mid morning, but we've had lots of rain . I can't wait for Spring. Those pale pink roses are beautiful, do you have the name of it. I'd love to know if you have it. It looks like a prolific bloomer. ?

  20. Beautiful photos as always, you really have a gift for photography. My favorites though this post are the roses at the end. Aaaahhhh!

    It's a gray, windy morning with a few sprinkles so far. It's 74 degrees. I'm working indoors today, clearing out some old stuff, doing a bit of rearranging. I'd love to paint my living room and hallway. Bedroom need faux beadboard paneling put up to finish off one wall. I'm also getting ready to paint the outside of house. First it's move potted plants away from the house, and take decorative bits off the walls, then scrape and pressure wash, caulk, then paint. Prep work is the pits, but must be done. I've got friends from church coming to help me do this. They don't want me climbing ladders and doing all of this by myself. I sure as heck MISS my dearest friend, my husband.

    Life goes on, and I am happy when I accomplish things even though he's not here with me, working together.

    Thank you for sharing all of the loveliness that surrounds you. Enjoy your drive to and from the 'city' and 'shopping'. I'd love to be able to take a drive to that to get to where I am going. Traffic is bad here, not like huge cities, but still bad, and definitely during the winter months when all of the snow birds (tourists) flock here. Traffic will be lighter after Easter.

    Have a great week ~ Love & hugs ~ FlowerLady

  21. I too have learned to love winter. So quiet and beautiful, but then again, I don't get out and drive everyday.

    LOVE all your beautiful floral photos, June.

    Sending hugs,

  22. Well, whatever you are doing, it's working! Your compositions are just beautiful. I'm so glad that you love documenting your beautiful gatden flowers. So very lovely and just what is needed at the end (or near) of winter!

  23. Dearest June, a little wonder of natures magic, it is visiting your blog, here in late February, where ,also here, all is wet and muddy, and nothing blooms of yet.
    All your garden showed last year of pretties, are things to fall in love with , and the adorable soft toned roses OHHHHHHH.
    Wonderful your painting is over and done, June, and yes a day to town is much needed ,also for me, when living in the countryside :-)
    It is great to be able changing bad feelings to come easier through winter, or whatever it might be,-well done.
    Hugs from Dorthe

  24. Hello Dear June...
    Your garden blooms are heavenly. This was our first winter on Vancouver Island and I must say I didn't mind the rain as much as I thought I would. Everything is so green and lush that it is hard to dislike winter here.
    Our winters in the future will be back in Arizona sunshine but it was good to get a taste of what it will be like when we are no longer able to go South due to age or health concerns.
    I hope you have a wonderful day in Twin Falls... hopefully you will have some vintage treasures to share with us from your day shopping.
    Take care..

  25. Your photos make me smile and feel happy! I had to walk down a long muddy dirt road when I was a kid too so I get that! Happy Tuesday!

  26. What a joyous, cheerful post, my dearest June, that's just what I was needing for !
    My day was quite ugly and busy and before than thinking about dinner, I decided to 'donate' to myself a few minutes of relax, and here I've found all the gladness you only can share, thank you my dearest friend, thank you with all my heart !

    May the remainder of your week be blessed with so much love
    thinking of you with tenderness and sweetness,

  27. Dear June,

    How special that you have become friends with winter ;-). That has not yet succeeded to me, while we have had barely snow and winter. Have fun tomorrow during your day of shopping!!

    Sending hugs, Ingrid

  28. You paint the most beautiful of pictures with your gardening! I haven't been back "up north" since I was 14 but two flowers that grew in Wisconsin that do not grow in Florida are Lilacs (we have a great substitute in Wisteria) and the tiny white bells of my most favorite Lily of the Valley. When I saw your bouquet, I immediately noticed the tiny baby buds that hadn't opened and during the last 55 years had completely forgotten about them. They will always be fairie lanterns in my mind. I thank you for those gorgeous pictures that make me want to smash my face into the flowers and take in deep breathes of scented lilac and lily of the valley. Thank you so much.

  29. Such beautiful blooms from your gorgeous garden June ...... a wonderful reminder of what is to come later in the year. I really don't mind the Winter { but then, our Winters are mild compared to yours } If we didn't have Winter then Spring and Summer wouldn't be a lovely would they ?!!!!
    Hope that we will be treated to photographs of your newly painted rooms soon !!
    Sending lots of love to you and your family from the UK. XXXX

  30. Hi June,
    Such a joy to visit and read about all you have been up to! Stunningly gorgeous flowers! Nobody does it better! REALLY!! Now about this winter thing...there is no way I could ever embrace winters like yours! My Florida sunshine gal blood is much too thin! Not to mention my aversion to cold, wet, slippery, icey, surfaces and ice falling from the sky! And I can't live without miles of sand and salty water near by! LOL!! You are never more than 2 hours from the beach anywhere in Florida, and I am 30 minutes away! But I will always enjoy the flowers you photograph that all those crazy temps help grow!! :o)

    Thank you for always taking time to share such loveliness!!
    You have made so many of my days brighter!

  31. Hi June, I sure do know what you mean about looking at a very dismal garden this time of year. But it won't be long before your first Spring shoots will start to show. You pictures are so lovely and bright. Thank you for a little touch of Spring. xx Jo

  32. Dear June!
    Your flowers and roses are really a dream and I know how you feel when you look now into your garden.
    In my last garden I often had so much water round the plants because the soil is so rich and wet. And like you we had a very long path to our house with lot of snow to remove before work round 5 o clock. I hated winter! Now in this new garden and landscape I have no problems with water and the path is very short. I have now large windows to look in my new garden and I must say, I missed this magical white. It was a very soft winter this year!
    And I hope the next winter is better!
    Dear June, bravo that you are ready with the painting!!!!!
    Here it is still so much to do and often I have no power ...
    But spring will come and then I m ready and you too ....for your dreamy garden!
    Happy time June!
    With love,

  33. Whenever I get extremely stressed, I paint something in the house (usually walls)…..
    I really needed a floral fix, too. My sweet husband brought me flowers home yesterday. From Walmart. And they were dipped-dyed or something with all these obnoxious colors. My sweet husband thought they were like that via nature. God bless his heart!

    Just for fun I might post them later. I'll send you a link.

    I guess it goes without saying that I've preferred your floral fix! Thanks for sharing the lovely photos that didn't make the cut last season. They are stunning, all of them!


  34. Enchanting photo's June! Love the sweet pastel colours. I am glad you enjoyed the winter. You are right, it's best to be friends with it and accept it the way it is. Before you know it is spring again.

    Have a lovely day!

    Madelief x

  35. Your floral photography is breathtaking. Some day maybe I will invest in a better camera to capture such beauty. Winter has become my favorite season but I live in California where I can wear my birkenstocks year round. If I lived where it snowed for three months I would get cabin fever. I am still wondering what color you are painting your walls? I hope some lovely shade of white. We have our vintage travel trailer out of storage and in our driveway...maybe you saw it on Instagram. We are going to be giving it a fresh coat or two of Martha Stewart's Picket Fence White on the inside. Much easier task than what you have undertaken. Best wishes xo

  36. Three days later I'm finally tuning in to get a floral fix from you. Gorgeous !! I rolled through the images of your flowers ....... several times, and I so wish we lived near to each other. Your bouquets are everything I'm attempting to get local florists to put together for the wedding - soft, elegant, romantic. I'm being told that lily of the valley will be impossible for them to get for June :(
    We have had a mild winter, some snow and a quick melt after. But this weekend may be the dump that reminds us that we live north. I approach winter with the same thought that I do for ironing - I have to get through it, but I don't have to whistle during the process. I'm a spring/summer girl for sure.

    sending you hugs - thank you for sharing the pictures of the beautiful posies.

  37. Dear,sweetest June :))))
    So happy to find a comment from you - and shame on me for not stopping by at your blog in such a long time.Today seems to be the perfect day because I am also in a very need for flowers mood...I had plans on going to the mall to buy loooooots of them tomorrow but it turns out our main car is gone tomorrow since the boys are going away to play Bridge...but we´ll se....there´s that winter thing going on here as well..if the roads are good I might just drive the big van! I love winter,- I think for me it was the opposite from you-..loved winter ever since I got children because it´s so much fin for them to do outside in the snow.And you know,I have those three afghan hounds as well and needless to say..their feet are a whole lot cleaner when it´s snow!But the last week have been sp depresseing...something in between both snow and rain and wind and wet wet wet.Of course the week the kids are free from school - we call it winter holiday here.Could have been so much fun with proper snow!!!!! I also love the landscape when it´s covered with a winter wonderland!!!! However...I am looking forward to spring.Not just yot thouh,but in a months time.We are supposed tp get a very warm spring they say...well,I´m taking it day by day.
    As always your pictures are jawdropping!!!! I mean really!So beautiful in every way and I feel enriched in mye heart from looking and admiring them! Just what I needed today...and if I don´t make it to the florist tomorrow I might just come on back for another look! ´Kinda desperate lol !I

    Lots of hugs ,TOve :)))

  38. wow what lovely images...perfect for this time of the year when like you said it is so muddy outside....enjoy your weekend....Gail x

  39. Thank you June, for sharing your amazing pictures with us all. That special springfeeling is what we are longing for right now! I dont like winter at all, but i´m working on it.
    Titti Schönning, Stockholm, Sweden

  40. The lilacs, especially, just take my breath away. Leave it to you to enjoy EVERYTHInG. Each season has it's beauty to me - except hot, hot summer. Diane

  41. Hello my wonderful blogging friend. I've had so much fun visiting you and the picture of your garden you haven't posted. I want to come back to blogging. I have to figure out how to post again. I took up face booking cuz all my kids do it. I don't like it though. I feel so much better on this blog. I also miss everybody.

    We're moving on the 18th of March. We're building a house by my two youngest granddaughters. Kenlie 3 yrs. and Evie 3 months. I want to post the journey.

    Congratulations on concurring winter.

    Your beautiful!


  42. June it couldn't be any more beautiful anytime of the year here. I happen to love the photo the 5th one down it so inspires a weathered look,
    I love your new beautiful header... I love how you can create beauty out of a little mud and snow :)
    Your photos are winters poetry in your home I am sure of that.
    See you soon dear.


  43. wonderful photos
    and beautyful colors

    have a lovely day

  44. All those spring flowers makes me so happy!
    Lilacs, Lily of the valleys and roses...just beautiful!
    Easter is soon and after that we can finally star to wait summer!

    Happy weekend for you!

  45. Just came upon your blog today. I don't know how I haven't seen it before. You are undoubtedly very talented. Your writing, photography and styling are brilliant!

  46. Oh June, what amazing eye for beauty you have! Your captures are achingly lovely. I'm in awe of the clarity, color, light we are always able to catch. It's a bliss receiving all those spring vibes and would like to thank you for that!
    Wishing spring comes sooner!

  47. Thank you June ...
    Thank you for this amazing pictures ...
    I have to take a look again and again ..
    and your new header looks so beautiful !

    I am looking forward to spring and summer !
    Wish you all the best !

  48. Such beautiful photos June and I love your header!! I needed that flower fix today so thank you !

  49. Beautiful pictures from you! You are a great photographer! Your floral pictures are just amazing...
    Have a great day, take care!

  50. Love all your gorgeous photos! Thanks for the inspiration today, I needed it! Happy Saturday June!

  51. Beautiful colors and flowers :-) and these gorgeous photos... love them :-)
    Have a lovely day :-)


You all bless my life with your sweet words,
and I appreciate you taking the time to leave them.