Monday, March 28, 2016

In the studio

I wanted to share some snaps around the studio today.
It's spring and I need to do some cleaning and that means
things will get changed up again, so I wanted to post how it looks right now.

some favorite lace pieces

a lovely postcard of a vintage wedding

crystals from an old chandelier I bought at a yard sale that I have yet to
paint and find a place to hang

cluttered shelves of useful (and not so useful) things

A few shots of the inspiration board

jars of lace

more jars of lace

baby bonnet on my favorite blue cabinet

worktable clutter

I started the post with lace so I'll end with lace

Do you want to know the real reason I am cleaning it up in here?
I asked Dale if he would build me some stairs to the loft and he went out to
see what he would need to do and there was so much stuff in the way he just shut
the door and came back into the house.
Notice I didn't take any wide shots?
Too ashamed to share the mess :))))


  1. That last line made me smile, June. I spent all of Good Friday morning in 'my room' trying to get a handle on the mess. It was in such a state that nothing at all was ever going to happen in there. I have ugly Rubbermaid totes full of lace - I think I will borrow a few ideas from you for storing it - much prettier!
    I do hope you get your stairs one of these days..........your studio is such a pretty place, even without the wide shots!

  2. Dear June:
    Such lovely photos taken with a talented eye for clever! Loved this post!

  3. editing is often necessary, be it photos or floor. Edit my friend, so that you may have stairs <3

  4. Happy Spring Dear June! I would just sit and smile at all of your treasures in this sweet little Studio... What a great inspiring space for you to create! I can't wait to see what Dale does for the loft space... take care my Blogging friend..

  5. Oh sweet one, I am laughing for I've been in my room trying to find it, again!! How do we do this? I get so many projects going at one time and wa la, a MESS! You have us all fooled in your studio with your pics, except for that last comment. Oh Dale, you just don't understand! I know your stairs will be constructed soon. Enjoy the puttering and rearranging and keep us posted on how it's going, ha-ha!! Love You, June

  6. OH so pretty, June...and if it is a mess, it is one BEAUTIFUL mess! Pure eye candy and whimsy...I love your studio!

  7. Oh so pretty, June! And if it is a mess, it is a BEAUTIFUL mess! Pure eye candy and whimsy...I love your studio!

  8. Ha-ha! Your mess and clutter is a whole lot nicer than mine. Beautiful photos as always. Have a great week.

  9. It's all beautiful and inspiring.... love your jars of lace! Your studio is warm and charming. Spring blessings to you <3


  10. Everything a woman would want. But I especially want that whole box of beautiful vintage ribbon. Thank you for sharing. In my world, creativity is never accomplished being organized. Paula-Windmill Farm

  11. HI June this studio is defiantly where women Create worthy, it's a beautiful mess, and I bet you know ea try where everything is?
    I like that you like myself keep a lot of your supples in glass, better to see what inspires what, right?
    And stairs up to the loft sound charming, your own little getaway spot for a mattress and a crazy quilt, and a few good reads and your set, or more place to store more of what you have :)
    I adore your cottage studio, and a wide shot of the room would only wow! us with intrigue.

    Happy Spring cleaning my dear,
    Hope you get those steps, all the way to the top :)


  12. As anyone ever wrote: "this is not junk, but my creative mind!"
    Creativity needs a good breeding ground.
    And in doing so, also sometimes nice to see that I am not the only one with full cabinets ...
    Nice post!
    Love, Peetje

  13. Dear June Your studio is just beautiful with all the lace and dried flowers. I love it. So great to have a room just for all this beautiful stuff.
    Hugs from here

  14. I LOVE all of your bit's and bob's June and vintage lace is a favourite of mine. I have just got 5 smallish pieces of French lace that I've put up on some of the Gothic windows in our conservatory ....... I'm just a bit worried that it looks like an old lady's house now ..... hang on a minute .... I am an old lady now !!!!!!!
    .... and, I'm sure what you call mess is a collection of lovely things !!
    After storm Katy blew quite a few trees down and caused a lot of damage, it's a beautiful sunny morning here in my part of England. Hope you and your family had a lovely Easter June. Sending love from the UK. XXXX

  15. Oh June, I had to smile of your telling about Dale, just giving up, because of husbond is doing the same here ,lol.
    I on the other hand, LOVE your nice and beautiful clutter, also what I can`t see, I`m sure . Everything so very lovely, and all things and materials, to dream of.
    Mixed to perfection with your wonderful dried flowers al over.
    I am in love with your Studio, dear friend. Hope your Easter was happy.
    Hugs from Dorthe

  16. Hi June,
    There is so much prettiness in this post that I don't know where to begin. The lace is beautiful and I love how you are displaying the lace collars on the hangers. I could get lost in that room and never leave!

  17. I love your space! It is so pretty and feminine. I bet what you call a mess wouldn't look all that messy to us. Although, I do know what you mean. When we get several projects going at once, things start to pile up and spill over fast.

    I look forward to seeing the stairs Dale creates for you.

    Thank you for sharing these lovely photos.


  18. June, I love your treasures and things. I like that the lace are in pretty clear you can see them.Maybe on a sunny day, when you can get some things out of the studio...your husband will have another look. :) Tell Landon hello form me and hug him. Blessings to all, xoxo, Susie

  19. this is the prettiest post I've seen in a while ---- I pinned it so I can find it again and again.

  20. Such a treat to have a peek! SO much to inspire here. Spring greetings, June!

  21. Your studio is so beautiful June! All those pretties and little paper flowers everywhere...sigh!!! We all have our messes, Kyran knows my downfall is cupboards and drawers:) When I open my crafting cupboard up usually numerous things fall out and he say's "Uh oh, do we need to clean it out?" and I just no, it's fine:) It's an organized mess!

    So very glad to see you on Instagram now June!!! Have a lovely week:)

  22. So pretty! I love all your lace and ribbons. Although I, myself, wouldn't have a clue what to do with them, because I have no imagination whatsoever, I can just imagine that you know exactly what you want. The jars of lace are my favorites, but I love all of the soft colors.
    Blessings, Betsy

  23. If ever you should be missing some of that gorgeous lace, you know where I live!!!

  24. Mess or not, it all looks charming to me. I love all the glass jars with your organised lace tucked away but can be seen., why do the beloved men in our lives make so much fuss about craft bits & bobs. My Mr France describes anything I call vintage as 'junk' I hope you soon get your steps, leading you to another level, what ever you will put up there.

  25. So much loveliness! And what one person calls a mess, I call an overflowing of gorgeousness :-) I think that may be Alix of Hesse in the postcard of the wedding? She who became Alexandra, Empress of Russia. I may be wrong. Such a pretty picture though - those dresses!

  26. Your post makes me smile, dear June...also in our house there is a place full of mess. I hope you will find some time to make it much better. You know what you have to do during the next months ;-).

    Sending hugs, Ingrid

  27. Funny...I was thinking about you this morning, missing you and then I turn on the computer and see this lovely, lovely post. It is always such a pleasure when you share with us.

  28. June stairs? I would purge some or find a place to relocate for hubby to start the work. I find your studio inspirational with romantic beautiful fabrics to spark a billion creative ideas.

  29. Amazing what a short time you can find beautiful things and fill it up. Doesn't seem like you finished your studio long ago. I'm sure he'll come back and build some stairs for you (well I think I'm sure!) You have some incredible lace and photos, June. Diane

  30. Oooh its all so pretty as always June!... love that handbag in crewel (I think it's crewel?) that I see hanging... and your jars of lace... sigh... I need to get busy on my room as well... all winter I have not done any straightening in it at all and it needs a good clean up... soon, I will be spending the days in my gardens, like you, so I must do it now!... I had to laugh about Dale closing the door and walking out... Jack is always telling me I have everything boobytrapped around here with all my "stuff!"... (I don't mention his hobby room with all of his radio control planes, helicopters, and model train layout, talk about alot of stuff!)... but I love that we all have our hobbies!... much love, xoxo Julie Marie

  31. You have the best bits and bobs! I love all the vintage goodness and colors!

  32. Pure bliss. I adore the dried bleeding heart.
    Sending hugs,

  33. Lovely images! I love these old sewing stuff! Thanks for charing your beautiful life!!! All the best Mari


  34. OH PLEASE I didn't see any mess just beautiful treasures. I love the lace in jars I'm going to do that I have my lace in suitcases
    Your studio is wonderful

  35. It is the paradise of the lace! I am dazzled by this decoration filled with charm and all these small details bring so tenderness. I am as in a dream by admiring every picture.

  36. where is the mess ? you should come home i my studio among the paintings, the sewing, the altered books and so on... Promise I'm going to do something ! Heu.. Not to-day I'm going to a vernissage of my paintings in PARIS, not to-morrow I'm going to Normandy for several days !!! when then ???? Wouldn't you came to PARIS to help me ?

  37. Oh gosh so beautiful...everywhere I look!
    Love all your beautiful bits and bobs.
    I love how you have contained them...lovely!
    Thank you for sharing with us June.
    Yes I have some spring cleaning and rearranging to do. My my my.... where do I start? lol
    Love and hugs and puppy kisses from here!

    All my heart,
    Deborah xoxoxo

  38. Can't wait till you have stairs to your loft.

    And messes in my creative space? Heavens yes, I sooooo understand.

    Your messes are beautiful and your creative space is marvelous. I loved every pic- but I always do! : - )

  39. I think your studio looks lovely! Mine looks awful right now.....too much paper, paint, and art journals everywhere! At least your mess is a pretty one! Lovely photos, June!

  40. Dear June,

    Loved coming to visit you today and see all the gorgeous lace and pretty things. Your place sounds a lot like mine - Martin my dear husband often says the sme thing and amazed at how much stuff I have. Really love the little heart shape that you are adhering dried roses - such a sweet idea.
    Hope all is well and you are enjoying the weekend

  41. Oh Girl! No shame zone! Soooo much to love in there!! AND Any creative soul knows the circles we run during the creative process, and the resulting happy chaos!! Truth be told, though...I was just tidying up my studio space so the whole process can begin again. Creating the mess is one thing for me, stopping for days on end and having to restart with brain just won't engage.! LOL!!!

    How wonderful to be able to easily access the loft when hubby is done! Can't wait to see!!
    Big Hugs!!
    Love you, June! Happy Saturday!

  42. Thanks för the cheering upp!! Some snowstorms before June and your garden is one of the most Amazing looking.How dom you do it?? Your William Buffin and John Cabot Roses are the most amazing shrubs I have ever seen.That makes me hopeful for the future if my Roses just turns out half as well as Yorks I am lucky.

  43. I wish my studio was as straight and beautiful as yours. It's such a happy place
    Much Love,

  44. Every single one of your photos made me smile today!

    It's a cold, rainy, gloomy day in southern California and now I have some sun!

  45. June, I wish I had a studio like yours! So inspirational! Always love your photos!! Thanks for sharing ♥
    Hugs, Jody

  46. Oh June,

    What a gorgeous studio. I can see how one can easily get creative and inspired in such a lovely space. It is full of everything that speaks to my heart. I am sure your mess is not so bad.

    Your photos are stunning.



  47. My adored June,
    they're some days that I'm thinking of you for I miss you so much, so I came here and found this post of yours which probably dates back to the few days of my 'interlude' and I can comment with so much joy !
    Your study is such a glorious room, you have so many goodies in it, it's truly inspiring, my Sweetest One !

    Hope your week is off to a great start, I wish you wonderful days to come, my lovely friend,
    sending blessings of joy to you


  48. Lovely photos and so much inspiration!
    A beautiful post...
    Have a great weekend, take care.
    Love from Titti

  49. Haha!! I love it! My husband would do the same thing!! :) BEAUTIFUL photos June!! Mine is full to the brim also.

  50. Oh June, these photos are stunning. You inspires me so much. You are a world of talent. How blessed are we to able to enjoy your talent and creations sweet friend.

    Thank you for sharing such beauty with us.



  51. I love it all, but the delicate, dried bleeding hearts particularly touched me. Exquisite photos. Thank you, June.

  52. I love your progressive shots of the tree budding and then flowering. I do that too. It's so fascinating to watch every day. It just takes a moment to notice the delicious beauty all around us. So much fun!


You all bless my life with your sweet words,
and I appreciate you taking the time to leave them.