Saturday, May 21, 2016

a little bit of springtime

I'm back to share the same crabapple trees I  showed in my last post when 
they were in the bud stage. 
I thought you might like to see them right after the buds open and then again 
after they have aged a few days on the tree.

As you can see, the blooms open up to a lovely pink.

Once the blooms age they turn this beautiful soft pink.

Below are the blooms of the Canada Red Chokecherry trees. Almost impossible to photograph
on the tree because the limbs are so wimpy that even with the very slightest breeze they move
and never seem to stop.
You can see them in the in the foreground of the fifth photo from the top.

I love the sweet violets that grow in the spring. 

Grape Hyacinths are one of my all time favorite spring flowers.

 I feel so bad for my neglected blog, but life has been happening around 
here at warp speed.
I hope to get back to share some of the amazing lilacs that are blooming right now
and in spite of the rain, have been holding up beautifully.
To all of you who read this blog, I thank you with all my heart that you are here, 
and soon I will be able to get around to see you all again.
 sending a hug to you all!!! 


  1. Hi my dear friend, I love the blossoms picking up the pillow color in the back ground. You have so many wonderful flowering trees. Our trees have all leafed out now. It's been rainy and chilly...but finally things are looking like spring. I loved the little flower displays around your house. Hope all is well . Hugs to you and your family, especially Landon. xoxo, Susie

  2. These are gorgeous photos today. Love the crabapple with the turquoise ladder. So pretty. All of the pictures are so springy. We're having intense thunderstorms here at the moment so I love the sunshine in your pictures.

  3. I was just thinking of you after looking at a weather radar map ~ looks like you are getting about as much rain as we are!
    Stay dry!

    Gorgeous blossoms no matter what their age ~

  4. I have crab apple tress...but you have CRAB APPLE TREES! Oh my gosh, they are so beautiful.

  5. Hello June...
    Your sweet blue ladder is amazing against the blooms! Thank you for sharing such beautiful photos of your garden & home... I am imagining that I am sitting with you on your iron bench while I admire your blossoms... dreamy post my Dear...

    Love from our home to yours...

  6. your blooms are intoxicatingly beautiful! Some day I am going to come and wander through your gardens...good therapy I think.

  7. Hi June,
    The photos are amazing!!! Your garden is beautiful already.

    Hope you have a great season in the garden.


  8. Absolutely breathtakingly beautiful. How do you ever leave your yard?

  9. June

    It's all so pretty - your pictures look so romantic. This is my favourite time of the year, everything is budding and blooming.
    I went with my granddaughter to try and pick lilacs in our area yesterday. Sadly so many of the spots along the lake line or top of creek area's have had the lilac tree's removed. I need to trudge a bit further to get to them.

  10. Dear June, You photos are so so beautiful. And of course You tree is wonderful. Best wishes from Estonia.

  11. Hi June,

    You have shared such beautiful photos and Spring looks amazing there.
    I just want to sit on your pretty chair and take in all the beauty of the blossoms.
    Also love your sweet violets.
    Lovely to see a post from you dear friend and needed that on a grey old day here.
    Sending hugs

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  13. Such a beautiful sight for you , all that pretty pink blossom , fingers crossed the rain keeps off for you, my one straggly ageing apple tree had blossom for a few days then we had heavy rain and wind , so it's all gone.
    Beautiful photos, I hope you can find time to sit on your lovely seat and take in all of natures beauty.

  14. Once again another beauty filled post. I love those crabapple blooms!!!!!

    Have a lovely Sunday and a wonderful week ~ FlowerLady

  15. Thank you for sharing these beautiful photos. ♡

  16. I have a Pinterest board names Take a Tiny Vacation and Visit This with your blog as one of the very few I have posted to this board. I get your automatic email updates so I don't miss a day of the beauty and hard work represented in your amazing pictures, but I also keep the Pinboard so I can stop by and visit when I need a break from "life". The short visit always renews and refreshes my attitude. Thanks so much for taking the time to post on your gorgeous blog when you could be out in the garden enjoying it. I appreciate you so much.

  17. All so pretty as usual!! Don't worry we all love you and will be here whenever you squeeze us in with your beautiful pics. My lilac blooms are all gone and peonies are in full bloom. Lilac were gone way to soon, miss there fragrances already. Enjoy your busy life and look at all the memories you are creating!! Love Ya, Sista June!!

  18. All so pretty as usual!! Don't worry we all love you and will be here whenever you squeeze us in with your beautiful pics. My lilac blooms are all gone and peonies are in full bloom. Lilac were gone way to soon, miss there fragrances already. Enjoy your busy life and look at all the memories you are creating!! Love Ya, Sista June!!

  19. Breathtakingly beautiful photo's of your garden June! It's all so pretty. Looking forward to see your lilacs.

    Happy week.

    Madelief x

  20. I have missed you, dear I am very happy to read a new post of you. The many of them. Your pictures are wonderful, I hope you will come back soon!

    Sending many hugs, Ingrid

  21. Thanks for sharing the photos of your amazing garden - we are in drought here so they are a refreshing sight. :)

  22. I love your beautiful lilacs, pinks and soft, soft blues. Life does tend to get so busy and I wonder if it was so fast paced for our grandmothers. Your garden and trees are so beautiful Diane

  23. How beautiful. I love them all.

  24. Stunning post....your blossoms are SENSATIONAL!!

  25. This is tree eye-candy at its best and the turquoise ladder makes a lovely prop, dear June. Your gorgeous pictures of these sweet pink blossoms make me smile. Your garden is such a happy place. I always enjoy my virtual visits. :)
    xo Julia

  26. As always, your photos are spectacular, June! I'm loving the ladder and sweet iron bench among the stunning tree blossoms.
    Mary Alice

  27. Sooo beautiful photos, dear June. I love to see all your gorgeous trees and flowers from your fantastic garden. Here it`s still too cold and rainy, but we are promised warmer weather soon.
    Wish you a great week
    Hugs from here

  28. Your blossoming trees are heavenly. Ours never last long. They bloom in February and then the Spring storms come and within a week the blossoms are scattered on the ground and the trees are bare again. Now as we near Summer they are full of green leaves and creating a lovely canopy over our home and gardens.

  29. Hello June,

    Your trees are incredible. To be surrounded by such spectacular natural beauty has to be a blessing. And your photos are always stunning. You certainly have a gift sweet friend.

    Life can be overwhelming sometimes. I too have little time these days for blogging. I steal a few moments whenever I can but with a full time job, family and a house to keep, it is extremely difficult.

    Thank you for visiting me. Your visits always make me happy.



  30. I saw a photo on Insta but here everything takes the "real" dimensions or almost.This blooming tree is a tresor in the garden so that your iron bench and colorful cushions radiate beneath its buds.
    Happy flowering days ahead dear June,

  31. the blossom is soooo gorgeous ! love the pots of violets...Gail x

  32. June, Love, Love, Love the crabapple! Would love to climb up that pretty blue ladder and smell their beautiful scent ♥ Thank you for always sharing your gorgeous photos, inspired always!
    Hugs, Jody

  33. Oh June ....... such beautiful photographs of your gorgeous garden. Were your ears burning yesterday ? I was talking about you to my friend over lunch !! I was telling her about your lovely garden and home and how you have so many peonies and roses !! .... and I showed her your garden and home .... she loved it !!
    Hope all's well with you and your family and that your busy life is all about seeing your family and enjoying your home and garden.
    Much love to you all. XXXX

  34. PS : I love the pots of violets too !! XXXX

  35. OH much beauty, June! Your gardens are wonderful and your photos are exquisite. I hope the summer is going well for you...I have been very unplugged myself lately too. Life is going on all around us! xoxo

  36. Dearest June,
    your crabapple tree ist wonderful in every stage of it's development and - oh yes - I love violets and grape hyacinths, too! Your photos are so pretty! I was sorry to read that your angel wasn't well during the last months - and glad that Landon is finally getting back to himself. Give some healing hugs from me to him, please!
    Sending love and best wishes to you and your family,

  37. June I am coming by to spend some time in your beautiful garden! Wish I could be there in person to take in the lovely fragrances and song bird's melody! Seems forever since I had my blog but I think of you and other sweet friends I made during that time often! God is good and we are loving the things He is doing here in Colorado in these days. That phrase from the Narnia series keeps coming back to me- "Aslan is on the move" and yippee JEsus He really is!

    Bee Blessed

  38. Your photos are, as ever, simply beautiful. Spring was good to us here in the northwest. Lilacs and peonies are just memories now, but foxglove and snapdragons and cistus have taken their places.
    We all need to take time, once in a while, to focus on the life we live every day and the people who depend on us. We'll all be here when things settle down. In the meantime I'm sending best wishes your way.

  39. What gorgeous blossoms! Love the ladder too.

  40. Just beautiful! Your blog is just amazing and full of beautiful things that make my heart sing!! Thank you for sharing it all :-)


You all bless my life with your sweet words,
and I appreciate you taking the time to leave them.