Thursday, June 9, 2016

my lilacs 2016

I have been putting this post off now for over a week because I knew
how difficult it would be to narrow down which photos
I wanted to share most.
I take zillions of pictures of the lilacs, and I think it's because
I want to hold onto them a little longer than they last in the garden.
I have ten lilacs bushes planted here in the garden and I
love each one for different reasons.
In the photo below you will see three different varieties.
The one on the bush is Charles Joly, the bluish one in the birdbath is
President Lincoln and the white one is Avalanche.

(if you read here and would like to weigh in on the size of my photos I would love
to hear your opinion. If me using the original size is too overwhelming I would like to know)

The lilacs on the chair are Charles Joly and the one on the bush behind is Sensation.


Avalanche (below) is the most gorgeous and the most fragrant of the French white lilacs 
I have found yet.
I worked at a plant nursery several years ago and I would walk up and down the rows of lilacs that 
we stocked (which were many)  and this lilac was such a stand out that I knew I had to have it.

It is stunning on and off of the bush!

Sensation is next with it's white margins on the bloom.
 It looks totally different in bright sun as it does
in afternoon sun. 
You will see the difference in the following photos.

This is more true to it's color in the bouquet below and when it is brought in from
the harsh sunlight.
It also wilts faster in a vase than some of my others.
I think the little curly petals look pretty!
In the photo below is a sensation bloom and the lilac in the
background is Glory.
I love all the different colors of lilacs in this row of five. 

Sensation sure lives up to it's name.
The downside to this lilac is that the scent is just not there.
It has a very faint scent as lilacs go, so it's lucky it's so darn pretty!


This lilac is Beauty of Moscow and I LOVE this lilac!
It's bloom is beautiful and it's scent is yummy.

The scent of Beauty of Moscow is not as
overwhelming as the Avalanche, but still wonderful!

I really love this bloom!

In this tray I have Beauty of  Moscow, Sensation and Charles Joly.

Love this little enamel cup of lilacs
Beauty of Moscow and Charles Joly

if I had to pick just one lilac to have in my garden
(and thank goodness I don't have to choose)
President Lincoln would win hands down!
The reason is the color of this bloom.
I don't know what there is about it, 
but I just love this blue-ish lavender bloom. 
I also love that it is loose and the bloom arches down so beautifully.

President Lincoln is very much like the President Grevy lilac.

On the sunny side of the bush, it's packed with blooms, and on the shady
side under one of the crabapple trees they are smaller but still pretty.

The last lilac I will share in this post is Charles Joly.
What a gorgeous guy he is!!! And the scent will totally
make you loopy if out around it too long : )))).
Seriously! It's extremely strong.
It's a little different than the white Avalanche, but just as strong.

The bloom is jam-packed with florets and there is no way to see the
stems on it.
I am crazy over this lilac!
I also have the Glory lilac right next to it and I can see very little difference
in the bloom other than the florets on the Glory are larger and maybe a teeny bit
magenta, yet open to the same color as Charles Joly.

Just so hard not to love this one the most!
I didn't get photos this year of the other varieties I have here in this garden.
a couple of years ago I shared a photo of all my lilac blooms and labeled them.
I mixed up the Charles Joly with a dark purple Lilac that was un-named when I got it.
I've been trying to locate the pic again so I can correct it so I'm not mis-leading anyone
who maybe trying to find just the lilac they want.

But, you would be a winner with any one of these !


  1. Your pictures are such eye candies again, June. I've always loved lilacs and my nose would like to dive right into the screen to smell those wonderful scents. :) You have such pretty varieties growing in your beautiful garden. They are all gorgeous. These tiny blossoms make me happy. Thank you for the treat! Have a great weekend, my friend!
    Hugs to you,

  2. Your lilacs and photography are so beautiful! I've never researched all the different types of lilacs and enjoyed the brief education. I love lilacs and wish they would bloom all season. Thanks for sharing.

  3. WOW, WOW, WOW!!!! I love them all. Sigh.

    Your photos are wonderful as always and I thank you for taking the time to write up your lovely posts every time.

    Love and hugs ~ FlowerLady

  4. Oh, your lilacs are absolutely gorgeous - just wish I could breathe in their wonderful scent!!! I am planning on adding more lilacs to my garden but was undecided as to which ones to purchase. This post is just what I needed - I will definitely be adding Avalanche, Charles, Glory and President Lincoln(love the color). Thank you so much for sharing this - you have helped me so much -and your photos are the perfect size.

  5. These are so beautiful June! How lucky you are to be surrounded with so much beauty and sweet fragrance. I'm not sure how well lilacs grow around here, I don't remember seeing any in the neighboring homes and gardens. We're zone 7. I so enjoy your gorgeous photos. If only there was such thing as smell-a-vision. lol

  6. Well, geez louise, I didn't know there were so many varieties of lilacs. Your garden and your home must smell divine when they are all in bloom. Wowza! So here's my lilac story: I live a VERY dry state (Arizona) and at a very high altitude (7,000 ft.) and my lilac bushes seldom bloom because we get a freeze just as they are starting. And then there is the fact that my lilac bushes came from one little transplant and the bushes keep spreading all over the front yard. I think I need to plant some little plants in the back and side yard of my property just to get some green out there. I had a few lilac blooms on the main/first plant but I forgot to get out there with the sheers to cut some to bring in the house, at least for a little while.

    BTW - I love the large images in this blog post. Your images are always so delightful to view. Thank you for the photo heavy post and the education on the different varieties of lilacs.

    Happy summer,

  7. What a gorgeous post, June! I love the pretty colors of your lilacs. Lilacs are my youngest daughter's favorite flowers, and they really aren't grown here in Alabama. I ordered a couple of bunches for her HS graduation dinner. Thanks for sharing the beauty in your garden!

    Have a lovely, peaceful weekend!

    Ricki Jill

  8. Oh June every photo is a delightful capture of beauty. LIlacs I love and you President Lincoln - breathtaking!
    Enjoy your weekend,

  9. The lilacs were heavenly up here this year. Everyone comments that it was an exceptional year for the blooms. I have three large and old white lilacs at this New-Old Cottage. They are heavily scented - gorgeous. I have bought two new plants, one mauve and one purple, and both are also scented. There is just nothing like the sensation of standing under a lilac and taking in that wonderful perfume! Your photos are, as always, lovely. I like the bigger format for blossoms.

  10. They are truly amazing all, dear June. So very beautiful , and I love my lilacs here, too, even I only have 2 different ones. Only thing which is a minus, is the short flowering periode ,and all the dried flowers, on the trees /bushes after , looking so sad, when it was filled with stunning flowers before!!
    Thank you for showing your gorgeous garden again !!
    Hugs from Dorthe

  11. What a stunning post, my adorable friend, you truly filled my heart with all the lilacs coming from your wonderful garden, but I have to admit that the one I do prefer is the Beauty of Moscow, I haven't a white lilac here and I'd love to, and I think it to be the most charming I've ever seen, actually it is at the top of my 'wish list' for years ... probably it has arrived the moment to plant it ... next Autumn !

    Hope you had a lovely week, I'm sending my dearest love while wishing you a most joyful eekend ever,
    with utmost gratitude


  12. Oh my, I want to snuggle in each and every photo and enjoy the fragrance!! My lilacs are past bloom and I so miss them. We need to meet at the Hulda Klager Lilac Gardens in WA some year. Yep, put it on your bucket list!!! I just can't get enough of Lilacs!! You really could have posted more pics in my book, love, love is all I can say! Enjoy your day sweet Sista!!!

  13. Hi June, oh, your lilacs are so beautiful. Each one is so different in it's own way. I could not choose, it's like my grans all so different yet beautiful. I like the large size of the pictures, it really puts the lilacs up close and the colors are so beautiful. I think I can smell them from here. lol I would love to have you share them at SYC Thursday. Have a beautiful weekend. xx Jo

  14. Stunning is the only word! I can't imagine having such gorgeous variety outside my door. Your photos and styling is breathtaking too. So lovely that you share.

  15. A lovely post with lovely flowers June, just amazing pictures!
    Always so nice visiting your blog...
    Have a happy weekend, take care!
    Love, Titti

  16. Your lilacs are so beautiful. This was a great year for them, too. Beautiful pictures, June. Diane

  17. I feel like I can smell the beauty and fragrance through your stunning photos June---LOVE!

  18. How I would love to go for a walk around your garden when the lilacs are in bloom!!
    Beautiful pix, and the size is just right.

    Hugs from Eagle ~

  19. I am stunned by the beauty of your lilacs. I do love lilacs. Your arranging of them is absolutely gorgeous. Thank you for sharing this feast for the eyes today.

  20. I can not make a choice between all these wonderful lilacs, I love them all. It must be wonderful in your garden, dear June.

    Don't worry about me...sometimes I have difficult times but I still enjoy the little things in my life, my friends, my garden. I am still able to feel happiness. Today is much difficult because it's our weddingday...that gives mixed feelings. So I love the support of my daughters and so many people around me.

    Wish you a wonderful weekend and be sure that I appreciate your warm and lovely words in your latest comment.

    Sending so many hugs,


  21. I Love lilacs!!!
    And your photos!!
    So many beautiful lilacs you have!
    Have a lovely weekend!

  22. June, it must be wonderful to be surrounded by such beauty! Your lilacs are amazing and I enjoy your beautiful photos! Thanks so much for sharing such loveliness!
    I hope you have a wonderful summer.


  23. There is really nothing I can say because I am so overwhelmed with how beautiful this all is...the lilacs and your stunning photography. I love the size of the photos and would really like to know what you did to be able to include them. It makes for a much more impressive photo display. Lovely, lovely, lovely.

  24. Breathtaking. June I do hope that one day you will publish a garden book of your very own gardens. Your photography is the best of all the blogs. Maybe it could ge a seasons Garden book with photos of your garden in each season. How simple in beauty that would be.

    By the oldest son Luke is in Boise this weekend with his girlfriend for her cousins wedding. He has not bern to Idaho since he was 7 yrs old so he was excited to go again.

  25. So pretty June. I've always found lilacs romantic - very Victorian. The white nestled in the blue and white dish is so beautiful.


  26. Wow, June, you have many different lilacs, and I just love them all. I love them too and I can almost smell them here.
    Hugs from here

  27. How beautiful to pop in here today and see so many gorgeous lilac blooms, your photos are truly stunning.(l love the large pics by the way:-) l had no idea there were so MANY varieties of lilac and each one so lovely in it's own unique way. Your garden must heaven SCENT hehe...The white and pale pink one sitting on the chair is especially pretty to me.

  28. I'm always sad when lilacs' season is over... So much prettiness and so little time... Here in France we had such a rainy weather that they didn't stay a long time here in my tiny Parisian garden. And it is the same for my ancient roses...

  29. Love your photos June! I have been doing a major pruning job on one side of my yard, cutting out all the overgrown honeysuckle trees and replanting. The front part of this side will have a privet hedge, and the back part of this side I am planting all lilacs. I have already put in 9 new plants and have 2 more to go once I complete the pruning. Seeing your beautiful photos confirms I did the right thing to plant lilacs instead of putting up a 6 foot fence. Trying to find a way to keep my chickens from hopping the fence and have some privacy too. It will be a few years before this new, more manageable hedge will give me both privacy and keep the girls in, but I am so excited by seeing your photos of all that I have to look forward to. I just hope mine are as pretty as yours. Seems like the colder climates grow the prettiest flowers as if nature is rewarding you for your harsh winters. Have a happy summer. It is already very hot here, which means lots of watering to keep the new shrubs happy.

  30. They look breathtakingly beautiful June. I can almost smell them on the other side of the world :-)

    Have a lovely day!

    Madelief x

  31. Tes fleurs et ton jardin sont magnifiques !le lilas est ma fleur préférée (avec la pivoine)merci pour ces belles photos...bises de France

  32. Oh I love seeing a new post in my feed from your beautiful Blog! I love all of the different colours but I am really enjoying the white lilacs...never seen any like them in my travels.. Take care and enjoy your lovely garden!


  33. Absolutely love this -- thank you for posting! Lilacs don't grow where I live now and I miss them so much. You're feeding my soul with this post.

  34. I loved looking at all the photos and variations of these gorgeous lilacs. I have a lilac bush just outside my kitchen window. That is my sign of spring when I can open my kitchen window and inhale the lovely fragrance. So pretty....

  35. OH my! It is all so beautiful...I am sad I have to wait until next year to have them blooming again! My favorite...the white lilacs in the blue and white bowl...gorgeous! Thank you for sharing, June!

  36. I can certainly understand why you would want to take so many photos of these lilacs - they are spectacular! Each one is prettier than the next. I can't even imagine the delicious fragrance in your house and garden from these beautiful blooms.

  37. Oh your photos are always so gorgeous! Love them all!


  38. so beautiful
    I like them all
    wonderful fotos


  39. Thank you for sharing those photos dear June! It was a feast for my soul! Lilacs are very popular in Poland and my Mom loved them dearly, so I grew up surrounded by lilacs all over the house. Here in Florida we have something that resembles lilacs but it's not the same, I guess it is too hot here and spring time is so short....
    So thank you again...It was a pleasure see those magnificent flowers!
    Sending smiles from here !

  40. Hi here! Oh gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous lilac time again, fabulous!!

    Hugs to you my dear friend over there,
    Jane x


You all bless my life with your sweet words,
and I appreciate you taking the time to leave them.