Thursday, November 3, 2016

an autumn wreath and some lovely color in the garden

A couple of weeks ago, I decided I had put off redoing my old wreath long
enough and went out to the garden and cut some of the hydrangeas.
I always reuse my old straw wreath forms and this time I glued the fresh hydrangeas
to the form and let it dry naturally.
I usually make my wreaths out of dried ones because I usually make them in the winter
after the garden is all put to bed, but we had a few days of rain so I was able to take the
time to enjoy putting it together.
The photos were taken after it had dried.

It was so much easier using the hydrangeas fresh and will make sure I do it every time.
Dried hydrangeas shatter easily and leave quite the mess. This was 
pretty no fuss, and it only took me a short time to make.

The hydrangeas I used for this are the Limelight, and while they go through many
stages of color, I am glad I waited to make it while they were in this stage.

really love these colors!

I wanted to share one of my favorite places in the garden and the autumn hues 
that this area had colored up before we had a wild windstorm 
that has left most the trees in the garden bare.
So glad I was able to get several photos of the whole garden this fall, because 
the colors were beautiful this year. 

This birdbath was made by a friend of ours who made it from
discs from his disc (a farm implement that breaks up the earth
after plowing)

I love this birdbath!
 It is large enough for the birds to get a good bath in, and tall
enough that the cats don't jump or climb up it!

This area of the garden was planned to make a special place for the grandchildren.
It's secluded because of the hedge of redtwig dogwood, diablo ninebark, and ashleaf 
spirea I planted on one side, and on the other is a large berm planted with shrubs,
perennials, roses and trees.
It created a little allee for them to play in and not be seen.

A place to create their own little world in.

I have to say that it is my favorite space too!

Whenever I work on this side of the garden bed, I kind of feel like a kid again myself :)))

I love the redleaf rose in the fall! I think this has got to be one of my favorite
shrubs in the garden.
This one along the allee is huge and turns the loveliest color.

Then there's the Hallward Silver spirea with it's yellowing leaves
that then change to a beautiful rusty red.

A little shot of the laceleaf elderberry branch.

Hope to return soon with a few more pics of the Autumn garden.
But for now, I wish you all a wonderful start to your November!


  1. Oh my gosh, your hydrangea autumn wreath is just beautiful!

    I loved seeing your place in it's fall glory. Thanks for sharing ~ FlowerLady

  2. Beautiful photos. Wonderful autumn garden. :)

  3. That wreath is GORGEMOUS!!! Our 2 old river birches have shed almost all their leaves... it was 34* out this morning!! Time to start bringing in the ceramic pots ~
    Have a wonderful November!

  4. I LOVE your beautiful hydrangea wreath!!!
    So pretty on the mirror and frames!
    The soft colours are perfect!
    And yes, I remember to made a hydrangea wreath of fresh flowers, it's easier!

    Happy November!

  5. I'm speechless again- and that's difficult for anyone to do!
    Such perfection!

  6. June, I love your hydrangea wreath, the colors are so pretty!! I've never seen anything like the handmade birdbath before, it's beautiful! I loved the garden tour of all your gorgeous Fall trees too. Thank you for all the inspiration!! ♥
    Hugs, Jody

  7. Beautiful. Each photo is a work of art.

  8. Such breathtaking beauty. Your wreathe is so lovely and that mirror is gorgeous. I would love to take a walk there. So much goodness and wonders of nature to enjoy. We just planted two of the Black Lace Elderberry bushes this summer. They are so pretty and the birds will be so happy.

    Thank you and have a wonderful weekend.
    Tamara xo

  9. I am always awed by the loveliness in your photos, June...and your wreath is BEAUTIFUL!

  10. Yes the wreath is gorgeous. I love hydrangeas, dried and made into a wreath is so creative. The Fall pics are all so pretty!

  11. It's all so beautiful! A secret garden nook.. I love the feeling too, my inner child is always thrilled to be hidden in some little corner :-)

  12. I forgot to mention what perfection your wreath is! After seeing your last one I plan to do one every year.... where does the time go??
    Hugs :-)

  13. Oh, June, your pictures are stunning.

    And your wreath is absolutely gorgeous.

    Happy November to you, sweet lady!

    Hugs. ♥

  14. What a stunning beautiful hydrangera wreth. The colors are so lovely. It must be heaven for your grandchilds to come and visit You, in that beautiful spot, in your garden. I would be just like a child again myself, if I was there.
    Really love your blog and fantastic pictures.
    Wish You a very lovely weekend.

    Love Lone

  15. Your fall garden looks so beautiful and I enjoyed the walk, dear June. That rusty birdbath is right along my alley. Your hydrangea wreath is absolutely gorgeous!!! I just love these colors.
    Have a wonderful weekend and stay warm!
    Hugs to you,

  16. Your wreath is breathtaking! What a good idea to make the wreath with live hydrangea!

  17. Oh June .... your hydrangeas look so beautiful and the colours ....... so pretty. I picked a few of mine and then went out to pick more but they had gone over .... never mind, there's always next year !!!!!!
    .... and your garden in Autumn looks as beautiful as it does in Spring and Summer ...... I love it all and I love that arched frame with the hydrangea wreath.... it reminds me of the wedding venue that we went to last month. Sending love from chilly England. XXXX

  18. I've been following your blog for several months....will leave a note today to say how much I adore your wreath, and your pretty autumn colors in your yard. It looks many lovely colors, and draping soft branches. Your decorating and delicate touch are amazing! Have a lovely weekend!

  19. As always, June, your photos are lovely. I love the education abut using the hydrangeas before they are dried. The play area for the grands looks wonderful. Thank you so much for sharing your garden with us. The leaves are turning and falling where I live. Time to get things cleaned up before the snow starts.
    Many blessings,

  20. Thanks for sharing your beautiful garden, every season is a joy, isn't it? Your wreath is a delight and perfectly placed. Enjoy the rest of the fall there. Diane

  21. I love the pretty yellow leaves and the birdbath in your garden. So, so pretty! And your wreath's colors are stunning. I love how you have in hanging on the mirror and frames!

  22. June, I love when a garden looks as good during the autumn as it does during it's growing season. The play area is adorable. I love the arch frame with the oval inside. So clever. Your wreath is beautiful. Blessings to all,and plenty of hugs for Landon, xoxo, Susie

  23. The birdbath is a delight and being so shallow is an excellent one for the birds to use. I do love the wreath - so fat and full, probably due to using the blooms fresh. It almost seems artificial since it looks perfect! But the frame hanging behind it is gorgeous and I can't even describe the beauty of that window/door. WOW, WOW! I'm so thankful that I discovered your blog a few years ago so that I'm treated to such beautiful sights - better than a box of chocolates!

  24. That wreath is gorgeous, June. Just beautiful. Your pictures show how great a garden can look even when it is not blooming and full of summer color. Love it- xo Diana

  25. Your beautiful posts always make my day. The wreath is beyond lovely, it is probably the prettiest wreath I have ever seen...and the fall garden. Wow!

  26. Dear June,

    So lovely to see a new post, and to see your beautiful hydrangea wreath - the colours are so very pretty. Love the birdbath in your garden and the gorgeous Autumn leaves.
    Happy November to you and wishing you a great weekend

  27. Cette pluie de feuilles est magique, je suis sous le charme et tes photos donnent envie de partir en balade dans la foret ! Cette couronne est somptueuse, elle va doucement se faner mais rester si belle dans le décor !

  28. Your autumn wreath is just beautiful, I love the combination of colours. Autumn is not my favourite season (because winter is coming after fall ;-)), but your pictures of the garden are wonderful.

    Wish you a lovely weekend! Hugs, Ingrid

  29. June, your Autumn garden is beautiful! Oh my, I love your wreath! I made one a few years ago after my Limelights had turned to brown and when they were dried. I hear you about making a mess. :) I have it in my craft room and love it, but now I must make one when they are in this color stage, (Next Year) Stunning!!

  30. June, you are a life saver. I try to dry the hydrangeas every year, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't (more often than not). I never thought to make a wreath before they were dried. Your's is great and beautiful proof that it will work. I have some hanging onto my bushes now that are a pretty rust color, but they didn't do well this year so was just going to let them die on the vine.. Your spot in the garden is just beautiful. I'm sure there are alot of spots in your garden just like that..Happy Sunday..Judy

  31. Dear June!
    Your garden was a dream with all these leaves in different colors ..
    And I love this birdbath's so lovely and really big!
    Your wreath is great with the little flowers of the hydrangea.
    Your hydrangea has very small flowers the wreath is more elegant ...than my wreaths with "normal" hydrangeas.
    Hope you are fine ...
    I wish you a happy November.
    Here it has the first snow in this fall ...I find it very early this year.
    With love,

  32. You're enjoying such a wonderful Autumn, darling, cherished June, thank you for sharing your always stunning images with us !

    Hope your November bring much joy to you, I'm sending blessings on your day, today, and on your new week just begun, may it be filled with gladness and wonder


    Xx Dany

  33. June your garden is just as beautiful in the Autumn as Spring & Summer!! What a lovely idea for a bird bath... your grandchildren are very lucky to have such a wonderful place to play and explore!
    We are all settled back in Arizona and looking forward to a great Winter.
    Love from our home to yours...

  34. Dear June,
    you have a very beautiful Autumn garden. It is a good idea to take photos while the colors are so wonderful. I should do the same, because I always took pictures of our garden in summertime. If you want to have a glance to our garden, you will find them in "Unser persönliches Spiel mit dem Gedächtnis" on my blog.
    I think to place the hydrangea wreath in front of the mirror, is exactly the right place for it . It looks perfekt.
    I send you greetings from germany and hope you will have a nice day.

  35. Such a gorgeous wreath ! and lovely autumn garden ! enjoy your week ...Gail x

  36. Oh I can smell the fragrance of Fall, your images are absolutely stunning June!!!

  37. How I love your wreath and the beautiful colors of your hydrangeas. For the moment I didn't got the chance to keep these most delightful colors !! Your garden is just a marvel. Love.
    Xoxo from Paris in the sun to-day
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  38. The wreath is gorgeous and I am swooning over all your beautiful pics in this post. Happy New Week.

  39. it´s so beautiful in your garden

    also the hydrangea wreath is wonderful

    greetings from germany

  40. Beautiful so beautiful my lovely friend!!!!!!

  41. Merry Christmas to you and your family, June. ♥

    (And I too love that bird-bath and your garden photos, as always.)

  42. I hope you and yours had a very MERRY CHRISTMAS and are looking forward to a very HAPPY NEW YEAR. May we display your header on our new site directory? As it is now, the site title (linked back to its home page) is listed, and we think displaying the header will attract more attention. In any event, we hope you will come by and see what is going on at

  43. Hi JunE!
    So very beautiful...the wreath is perfect.
    I have that same hydrangea growing so beautifully in my backyard.
    I love the colours!
    I would love to try making a wreath with mine as well.
    So many gorgeous beauties to gaze upon and be thankful for in your surroundings.
    What a blessing.
    So nice to pop by for a visit with you.
    Hugs and smiles

    All my heart,
    Deborah xo

  44. Rediscovering this post, this romantic wreath has the colours of spring - Love it!


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and I appreciate you taking the time to leave them.