Sunday, October 23, 2016

the last garden bouquet of 2016

I wanted to post the last rose bouquet I picked from the garden just before
the rainy weather came the middle of this month.
I think I picked it on about the tenth of October and then the rains
came soon after.
I've always said that I love the roses of Fall the best.
The colors are richer in the fall and they last on the bush so much longer
than in the heat of summer.

I also love that they bloom about the time my phlox is finishing up their bloom 
cycle, because this particular rose looks beautiful with my later blooming phlox.

This rose is Morden Blush and is one of my very, very favorites!
I have 8 of them in the garden and am nursing 5 little seedlings along to plant somewhere
next spring. I find these popping up everywhere in my beds and I imagine 
it's because the birds drop their hips here and there in the fall.

Morden Blush is one of the easiest and hardiest roses to grow here in zone 3/4.

I'm in love with this pitcher that my sweet neighbor Sarah gave me!!! 
It's the perfect color to pair this rose with.

I know, I know....
I overdid it a little with the pictures!...
but these photos have to get me through the long winter----because
it will be awhile before I have roses from the garden on my table again :))))

You already know that I'm the same way with peonies.
You will definitely be seeing more peony, lilac, and rose posts 
from me through the winter months just to have something to post about!


  1. Hi June, I think you always have the best roses and peonies. I love how thick it is with petals. You are right, looks so good with the phlox and in the pitcher. I am thinking we will all be praying for spring this winter. The weather predictors are saying a wetter year for us...I think that means snow. Oh no, I am not loving that. :):) Hope all is well there. Blessings to you and your families. xoxo, Susie
    p.s. please give Landon a big hug from me.

  2. Beyond stunning. Absolutely beautiful - and yes, we need it to carry us through our long winters so yay yay yay. Looking forward to it all! Hugs. ♥

  3. Oh so lovely!!! Your blog is pure wonder and beauty.

  4. Can I come over next spring and drool all over your gardens till next fall?!?! I promise I'll help you in the garden!!


  5. We have that in common, a love for the roses of fall. Yesterday I saw a Rugosa in full bloom. It was the loveliest surprise. On the Island we often have roses right through Christmas, though this year my bushes semester to be finished rather early.
    Beautiful bouquets!

  6. As always, a stunning respite for the eyes and the soul:).



  7. I could look at your photos all day-so love them!

  8. That is a sweet bouquet June! I love the vase your friend gifted is a perfect colour in your home.
    We head to Arizona the end of the month so the flowers and plants we will be enjoying over the winter are going to be allot different from the ones around our home on the Island.
    Have a wonderful week ahead my friend!

  9. The flowers are beautiful and I love that turqoise pitcher. Your pictures are stunning as always, my friend!
    I hope the rain will stop and you get some nice days before the winter comes.
    Have a wonderful week, dear June!
    Hugs to you,

  10. Hi dear June. I am saying it over and over again. You have the most beautiful flowers and the most beautiful pictures. You are so gifted.
    Thank you for coming to my quiltblog. I am so glad you like my quilts.It is such nice hobby and I love it. Hope to see you there again :)))
    Hugs from Riet

  11. So soft and beautiful colours in sweet peas and roses!
    I just love these pics!

    Have a lovely autumn week!

  12. Dear June!
    There are never enough photos to show the beauty of your roses. And only you have the wonderful smell in your house.
    I was so sad when I heard that the new owner of my old house destroyed all my wonderful roses.... I was crying a lot I must say but I know that YOU understand my pain.
    Old roses are such a treasure and you always make so beautiful bouquets.
    The time is short to see them bloom in your garden but you have so much place to have a lot of them dear June!!!!!!!
    Enjoy it and I enjoy always your dreamy photos.
    Hope you and your family are fine!!!!!
    I wish you a beautiful week June!
    With love,

  13. You can NEVER overdo it with posting your beautiful photos, no matter what flower you are featuring.

    Have a lovely week ~ FlowerLady

  14. Gorgeous June!! Phlox is my hubby's very favorite garden flower. I'm not even sure how many we've tried to grow over the years, the rabbits always eat them. I know we have one still hanging on right now, it's white. Your home is so charming! xo

  15. Your roses are lovely in the pretty blue container! And you're correct: Fall roses are the *best*
    Thanks for sharing the beauty of your home and garden with us. Your posts always seem so peaceful!

    Ricki Jill

  16. The purple phlox really do compliment the softer pink roses and make them stand out. Love the pictures since that is the only flower garden I have left - yours. LOL. It always brings a smile and nice memory of when I gardened. Thank you ever so much.

  17. Beautiful, beautiful, June...and you never have too many photos.
    It's always bittersweet seeing the last blooms...xo

  18. Dear June,
    your flowers always makes joy and happy time, when visiting you. This bouquet is amazing. Here all roses are now gone, and winter is close, it must be wonderful for you, to still, be able collecting some flowers, from other plants.
    Hugs, Dorthe

  19. Hi June, your flowers are so beautiful with that lovely blue vase. Taking lots of pics is a good thing then you have them when the snow is on the ground and you're feeling homesick for Spring. I do love the seasons though but winter has seemed to come a little too early this year. I'm looking out the window and watching big snowflakes hit the ground. I'm sure they won't last long though. I can still see my lovely pink roses blooming. I did love to see the snow on the roses. Just like the old song. Have a lovely Halloween week. xx Jo

  20. Beautiful! The roses and phlox are a great combination. And yes, pleas share more of your flowers over the winter, it will a great pick-me-up for those of us freezing!!


  21. Oh sweet June I am so thrilled that you shared these images with us so we too can share in all their beauty. It brings tears to my eyes right now viewing these and remembering the rose beauty we left behind seven months ago so thank you sweetie for these and I just love Morden Blush and can easily see why it is your favourite. Will you be able to dry this one so you can keep it through some of the Winter?

    We have planted one single rose here called "Cecile Brunner" with its delicate little pink bud and always looks magical in a posie but it is only a bush unlike the usual climber but it is now budding up and looks perfect in amongst the salvias and lavenders. How lucky are we on a large scale or a tiny scale to share this beauty!

    Sending much love to you ♥♥♥

  22. How gorgeous the flowers look in the vibrant turquoise jug. At this time of year the petals look like they might drop any minute, they are so delicate. I love bringing the last of the season flowers in and drying them for the winter. Reluctantly I put the garden to bed for the winter and planted bulbs in the garden, dreaming of spring already.
    You have so many pretty varieties of flowers. I love the way you've layered the garden ensuring that you always have beautiful flowers showcasing throughout the season - it is truly an art (one that many of us aspire to achieving in our gardens). And I love that you share it with us.


  23. Amazingly beautiful. We need these pictures to get us through the dark winter months to come. Thank you.

  24. I am very glad to know that you will kindly show us fabulous flowers though the weather is getting colder.

  25. So pretty June .... I can see why you love that rose so much. I have just planted a similar one called Blush Noisette. It's a clmber. I've planted it on the wall opposite our kitchen window but, I don't know how well it will do as it doesn't get much sun but I wanted something pretty to look at from the kitchen window !!!! It arrived with a few last blooms on it and the fragrance was AMAZING ! I will just have to keep my fingers crossed that it will do OK there. ... all I can do is give it a go !!
    Our St Swithuns rose has so many more buds on it but, I'm not sure if they will come to anything now as it's getting much colder.
    I shall look forward to more images of your roses and peonies .... they will keep us all going during the winter months and give us something to look forward to.
    Sending love from the UK. XXXX

  26. What gorgeous roses, June. You can never have too many pictures. I just love to look at them.
    Hugs from here

  27. You can never overdo it with pictures of your roses and flowers, June. They are all just gorgeous. I sigh every time I come here and hope to have roses of my own again someday. Thank you for sharing a bit of your heaven on earth with us. Hugs for Landon from a Nana- xo Diana

  28. Oh I love your pictures. They give me a feeling of summer, while the weather outside is cloudiness.
    The colour of the roses is very nice and it's a good idea to put them into this pitcher. You should show it to your neighbour. She would be proud :-)
    I'm happy that I found your blog and I will come back to read.
    I send many greetings from germany

  29. It always makes me happy to open your blog and to read your words. And your pictures are the best gift...they are all so beautiful. When it's cold and dark outside, I will use your pictures to get some sunshine during the days ;-).

    Sending big hugs from here,


  30. June,
    Every vignette is a painting waiting to happen. I love how you style everything and your arrangements are magnificent. Lovely. Karen

  31. Dear June!
    Thanks for your kind visits on my little blog and thanks for your answer due to the water problem in your area.
    It's really magique how wonderful your roses are though you must give them water in the summer.
    You said that there are no such beautiful old buildings in the USA but my friend you live in such a beautiful landscape with space and a lot of land. You can live free in this wonderful country and I looooove old farmhouses. If I had the chance I would be glad to live near to you but in the American Country/French Style ...hi hi ...
    Hope you and your family are well June?!
    Happy rest of the week!
    Next Monday there will come snow here ... Time to put my plants like olive trees in the house.
    With love,


You all bless my life with your sweet words,
and I appreciate you taking the time to leave them.