Friday, September 29, 2017


Remember me????
I have a lot of excuses about why I dropped off the edge of Blogland,
but not one of them is very good,
so I'll just say that I felt like doing a post today 😍💕
Thank you to all who have messaged me to see if everything was fine.
It is!
Every time I would think about doing a post, I would just go blank.
I had a lot of pics to share, but no words to go with them, so I would just go
post them on Instagram instead.
Today, I decided these pics are getting so old that I had better share them before
another months rolls by.

I thought this little teacup full of apple blossoms and lily of the valley was a good opener.

Then the lilacs bloomed

...and peonies

I have to share a couple of photos of the crabapples in bloom.
I wait and wait for them to bloom and fill the air with their scent.

This next crabapple tree is Snowdrift.
Pure white blossoms totally cover this tree ever year.
The scent of them is absolutely amazing!
I think when it's in the bud stage it looks like it's covered in bubble gum😍

the weeping Red Jade


I love the little Ballerina roses

a few of the summer roses

If you've made it all the way to the end of this very picture laden post,
then thank you very much! I
I have so much more to share, but must save it for another day.

I've missed you  all so much and hoping that all my wonderful friends
are well and safe from the devastating storms and quakes of late.


  1. Of course we still remember you and I've been missing you and your lovely photos here!!
    So beautiful photos as always!!

    Have a wonderful weekend and autumn time!

  2. June, You always have the prettiest pictures of flowers grown in your own gardens. I loved seeing them all. I have thought of you often. I knew that many bloggers were doing Instagram , instead of blogging. I have missed you. Please give your sweet angel , Landon a hug from me. Blessings to all, xoxo, Susie

  3. Welcome back. I was gone for awhile too and came back to start a new blog. We are in Fall right now and I do miss my lilacs and peonies. Love all your pictures.

  4. Hello back to you my friend. I totally get where you have been. As busy as life has become for me its easier to chose Instagram or Facebook. I don't have to be a story teller and most of the time my story like yours is I don't have one. lol You will be my forever blogging friend! We go way back don't we and my experience with you has always been a delight. Hugs. Becky

  5. Oh June so great to see your post today. Ahhhhh crushing over your beautiful pictures. So happy to be able to say Hello.
    Happy Friday and Happy Weekend.

  6. You have been missed!i Loverly to hear from you ~

  7. I`m so glad to see a post from you again, June. I hope you will continiue blogging. I follow you on instagram, but I still miss your beautiful blog.
    Wish you a wonderful weekend.
    Hugs from here

  8. You know, June---you don't need to write a word on your blog when you have pictures like you do. They are all just glorious. I am so envious of gardens and flowers like that. I still don't know where I am going to land (moving next Spring) or what I will have for gardens and/or flowers.

    Have a wonderful weekend and, as always, a Nana hug for Landon. (hope I spelled his name right)...xo Diana

  9. I have misssed you! And your beautiful photography. I completely understand taking a little break in blogging - I have done a bit of that myself. But it is so nice to have you back and in such a spectacular way. Hope to see you sooner next time.

  10. June

    So glad you are bogging again! Beautiful pics!


  11. I'm so happy to see you post, June. I totally understand the time restraints, and that feeling of, "What will I say?" Your pics are always such a treat. I'd love to take a real walk around your garden. Every flower and tree is precious, I particularly love the weeping Red Jade. I love weeping anything-except a weeping Jane. We have a weeping Pussy Willow at the lake, and a weeping we don't know what. Hmmmm...

    Your photos are professional quality. Your styling belongs in the finest magazine. No kidding!!!

    Instagram is so fun, but I love a good blog post-like this.

    Jane x

  12. Lovely pictures, and you have posed the flowers, books, etc., so sweetly. I hope your son is doing well. I don't comment often but your son's story has always tugged at my heart.

  13. My dear June
    Wow,all these beautiful pictures are stunning and that garden of yours must be so beautiful.I am glad I can see them on instagram , it is such a treat.
    Have a good weekend my friend. Hugs from Riet.

  14. All so beautiful! Thank you for sharing them.

  15. It's wonderful to see a blog post from you, dear June. Just yesterday I thought of you and was wondering if you gave up blogging. It's such a treat to see your gorgeous flower and tree pictures. Thank you for sharing them here!
    Have a wonderful weekend!
    Hugs and love,

  16. Wonderful to see a post from you in my mailbox. Your photos are absolutely amazing and your gardens are beautiful. Every time I get frustrated with my own roses & gardens, I look at your gorgeous photos and they encourage me to just deal with the maintenance so that I also can have lovely bouquets in my home.

  17. Oh my goodness, what a beautiful post which makes my heart beat faster, all inspiring me to keep working on my little place.

    So good to see you back.

    Love & hugs ~ FlowerLady

  18. There she is! Yes, you have been missed! As usual beautiful, beautiful pictures. Boy do I know the feeling of no words in blogland. I have been so bad about posting but yet I don't miss a day reading my favorite blogs. Looking forward to more beautiful flower pics! Welcome back sister!!

  19. The only thing that could top those gorgeous pictures is if they had been in my backyard. WAIT, your words that you are OK did top the pictures, they were the only words needed. Thank you so much for posting these pictures - my outside is hot, humid, and hurricane worn - your pics are much needed reality of the goodness of nature.

  20. Wonderful to have so many beautiful photos from you! I love your garden colors. The shots with the white backgrounds are especially stunning. You describe just how blogging has been for me lately too. But your lovelies are certainly worth waiting for! Hope you are enjoying fall.

  21. So lovely to see your post today June... I love following you on Instagram but do love seeing your Blog posts showing up in my feed.
    I totally understand...I have not posted on my Blog for almost a year.
    Have a wonderful weekend my Blogging friend...
    Sending love & hugs from Vancouver Island

  22. So very pretty. Thanks so much for sharing.

  23. Dear June: I was so happy to see your post pop up into my in-box today. It is like a vacation to me whenever I can see what is happening around your beautiful home and garden through your photography. There is nothing like it and, in fact, my husband was sitting with me and I showed him Grace Gardens. He was so impressed! You always make me feel like all is right with the world..Have a wonderful weekend..xxoJudy

  24. Oh, please turn back the clock! I'm not READY for autumn and cold and winter - your pics remind me of how fast the time flies.

    June, it is a blessing to visit your blog - so glad you're "back," even if just for a moment. I was worried about you. Prayers and hugs to you.

    And please please please allow your lovely photos to be pinned - they're so heavenly! ♥♥♥

  25. Oh always have the most wonderful photos, June! It is so fun to see them in a large size on the blog...thanks so much for sharing them! So nice to see you here! xoxo my friend!

  26. Hello June, your pictures are so beautiful. I love your roses, your appeltrees in bloom...
    Wishing you a lovely sunday,

  27. Thank you for sharing. All your pictures are so beautiful and inspiring. Makes me appreciate natures beauty

  28. I can't tell you how happy I am to have seen this post in my inbox! I need to make sure I'm following you on Instagram because I don't recall seeing your posts on my feed.

    Of all the lovely photos in this post, the Snowdrift Crabapple is my favorite. I don't think I've ever seen anything like it! Your flowers are so pretty, and I love the tiny little roses, too!!!

    Ricki Jill

  29. Dearest June
    I’m so happy to see your wonderful and beautiful pictures again. It’s so lovely with spring and summer flowers, now everything is grey and rainy cause off the autumn
    Thank you for sharing your absolutely stunning pictures, and I’m grateful to have you back
    I wish you a happy new week


  30. No idea who you are ;-)))! But like always I love it to enjoy all your wonderful pictures and your post!

    Sending you big hugs,

    Xxx Ingrid

  31. I think every blogger must go through this kind of stage... I`m so happy your are back ♥ Know most of the photos from your Instagram and I love them so much! Enjoy your week, Alexandra

  32. Que de magnifiques photos !
    merci pour toute cette beauté qui fait un bien fou !
    douce journée
    bises de France

  33. Everything looks SO beautiful June ..... I don't know why it took you so long to show us !!!!!!! haha !!
    I have loved your garden from the first time I saw it about ten years ago ... you shold be as proud as punch of it. XXXX

  34. Oh June, this post is just breathtakingly beautiful! You don't really need words when you have so many gorgeous blooms to share. Really, may I just live in your garden?!? I adore every single photo, especially all of the peonies and lilacs, but that first photo of the little apple blossoms and lily of the valley, just stole my heart!

  35. Dear June,

    So happy to see you back dear friend and loved seeing your gorgeous flowers from your garden again.
    Lily of the valley and the appleblossom, gorgeous. Your photos always amaze me the way you style your pretty flowers, they need to be in a glossy magazine.
    Thanks for your kind visit and note you left.
    have a happy week

  36. Dearest June,
    I've been missing you and your wonderful blog posts so much, cherished friend !

    Sincerely grateful for all the Beauty you always share,
    I'm sending hugs and ever much love to you

    XOXO Dany

  37. Dearest June,
    I am happy about your life sign. Your photos are like a beautiful "journey through the year 2017". Thank you very much for your dear words to my Scotland post! Maybe you'll visit the land of your ancestors one day. It is beautiful there, even if the weather is often very rough. On my first trip to Scotland in 1988 (?) we had rain on 19 of 21 days ...
    Hugs from here,
    Traude (just returned from warm Spain and happy about the pretty autumn-days here...)

  38. Please be back:) I miss your lovely post and beautiful pictures...
    Lots of love from Titti

  39. My dear June,
    Thank you for your loving visit to my blog, it was lovely to hear from you. And thank you ,I`m fine, and enjoy my new life inside the biggest town here on the island, to where we moved one year ago . Not the same beautiful nature right outside my door and windows, but 15 minutes walk and we are there, on the coast line.
    I can see your garden is still the same heaven on earth, with all the amazing blooming trees, and bushes. Your stunning roses, and lilacs .
    Thank you for inviting us inside once again.
    I also hope you are feeling well, and enjoying your life, my dear friend.
    I send you love, and best wishes , my sweet.
    Hugs, Dorthe

  40. I also fell off the map and have just started blogging again! Your yard is stunning. We have so much shade that not even the grass grows! Enjoy what is left of fall!

  41. Beautiful as always June....
    Sounds like I'm not the only one to disappear...just posted for the first time tonight in 4 years!!!
    So great to reconnect...

  42. Your photos are so dreamy and beautiful.


You all bless my life with your sweet words,
and I appreciate you taking the time to leave them.