Sunday, November 4, 2018

Can you believe it's November already? 
I'm in denial and refuse to be convinced that it really is! 

I've been pretty much non-stop this summer and I just want a chance to sit down
enjoy it a little. I really should take a page out of my husband's book and figure out how 
to sit and not feel guilty about all the things still left to do. He calls the 
hammock his office furniture😊
This setting below is more my style as far as a place to relax goes!

~my daughter found this wonderful iron crib for me at a garage sale years ago~

I love the work in the garden, it's just everything else that needs done that makes me feel
like I should be moving all the time. You all know by now that I live 60 miles from any real
shopping, so it's really time consuming for me to be a consumer 😃 My little town's grocery store 
closed 2 years ago and wow, has that made me keep on my toes to see how the gallon of milk in the frig is holding up.

This past March snippets of my garden were featured in Daphne's Diary and I would
love to thank them for including me in this really lovely issue!

The peonies did well in the garden this spring even in spite of the fact that I had to move 20 plus
plants the previous summer. They were not doing well in the beds where they were 
because of the overhead sprinkling and some were in too much shade to bloom well.
They should be back to blooming abundantly by this coming spring!

The three photos below is of a favorite of mine called Raspberry Sundae. I really have
to get another one or two of these.

Love that they have a bit of yellow among those frilly petals

Nothing beats a rusty wheelbarrow with a bucket of peonies

My favorite tall lilies blooming here in the photo below stand shoulder high on me.
I'm 5'1" so I guess that doesn't make them all that tall does it?😆

......and then were roses!


I will miss summer for sure, but it really has been a beautiful Autumn here and I hope to be back soon with some Fall foliage from the garden.

~Hugs from here~ 


  1. Hi beautiful June. Your gardens are always so pretty. I think your peonies are as beautiful as any rose. Your flowers all look like they have had plenty of love. Winter is coming and I am not ready for it. Well I never am, as I am not a winter person. I already miss the flowers here. I may have to start buying them from the grocery florist. LOL. Hope all of you are well and enjoying life. Blessings to all, xoxo, Susie
    p.s. Don't forget to hug Landon for me. :)

  2. Hey, stranger ~ you have been much missed! Gorgeous pix, as always ~
    Hope all is well ~

  3. So nice to see you here, I know I can catch you on IG but I so seldom use. Too much else to do for me to add one more social media gadget. Posting on blog 2-3 times a month seems hard these days. Anyhoot happy fall and your garden as always is incredible.

  4. June...I've always thought that you had the prettiest peonies I've ever seen, but I'm now convinced this is only rivaled by your talent in styling. Seriously, you should be styling flowers, and old cribs...wheel barrows!! You've got it girl!

    Now, I was wondering what sort of lilies those were, the tall pink ones. And by the way, I'm so much taller than you, by a half inch. :). I hope you get a zillion magical blooms next year after moving around those peonies!

    Love ya,


  5. I just love your garden and all the flowers.
    I must own Raspberry Sunday.

    Lot of hugs from me
    Nice fall


  6. How wonderful to see a post from you, June. I LOVE that raspberry peony. I don't think I ever saw one before. Peonies are one of my favorites and I can't wait to get a place of our own again to be able to do some gardening. It is good for the soul. I am like you- I have a hard time relaxing when I know there is stuff to be done...not a hammock in sight for me!

    Have a wonderful week and give a Nanahug to your Landon Angel. xo Diana

  7. Oh so beautiful photos, have the most lovely flowers! Congratulations on the feature...a great magazine! Happy day to you! xo

  8. Oh June I am swooning over your beautiful pictures today on your post. Welcome back by the way. I have missed seeing your pretty blog posts. I love the peony's in that chippy rusted pot holder. What a great piece. Have a wonderful new week.

  9. I just love the photos you post of your garden - so lovely. Yesterday I cut back all of my peonies and many other plants as I slowly put my garden to sleep for winter. The work is tedious and backbreaking, but your photos of peonies and roses remind me of why I garden.

  10. June, what a delight to hear from you. Your photos are so beautiful and the subjects are too. Hope you are having a good fall so far and will look forward to seeing your Christmas this year..Happy Monday..Judy

  11. Oh my! Such beauty! Love those tall lilies and of course everything else. I just can't imagine having this in my back yard!

  12. June, are all those gorgeous flowers really from your garden? They are simply out of this world. I've not seen a post from you in so long, I had,(please forgive me),almost forgotten about you! I think I'm suffering from a serious case of garden envy!

  13. I’m always thrilled to see your lovely photos. I have one peony plant that gets great sunlight. It is 2 years in the ground. I had 2 plants but my yard guy cut them back last year. I’m lucky the survivor decided it needed to bloom in my yard. We don’t get the water like you do, but that little bush got watered this summer. I think it got about 2’ high is all. Maybe next year I’ll have blooms.

  14. So excited to see a Blog post from you June... I can not even imagine the work it takes to keep your beautiful gardens looking so lovely!
    Take care of yourself and enjoy some downtime this Fall & Winter...

  15. Hi dear June. I was so happy to see all your beautiful photo's again. Yes it is November and I also can't believe it. Just the otther day it was New Year to my feeling.LOL. Today is my husbands birthday and he got 84. I can't believe it and as you might probably know I got 80 in April.Can't believe that either.But I can feel it sometimes LOL
    Hugs from Riet,

  16. Hi June - so happy to see a post from you - one of the best photographers in blogdom, you!

    Thank you for the beauty - I only got a few blooms from the peony this year - trees have grown too much and it's not getting enough sunlight- meant to give my daughter it for replanting and forgot - it was so danged hot this summer I let my garden really become neglected. I don't do heat and humidity so well.

    Our autumn has pretty much been non-stop rain, but today is partly cloudy and warmer and windy and gorgeous. Just returned from casting my votes.

    I wish you well, take care. I am looking forward to seeing some of your autumn pics. ♥

  17. Wow your garden and flowers are so beautiful. Really stunning pictures, and your peonies are amazing. Thank You for a fantastic Tour
    Have a lovely Day


  18. Hello, June! I loved reading your lovely feature in Daphne's Diary. It's my favorite magazine! Nice to see you blogging again. It's hard for me to blog because Instagram is so much easier! I hope you and your sweet family has a wonderful, blessed Thanksgiving. Such a pretty post. We're having thunder and lightning here today, and it is so dark outside. Your post has lifted my spirits!

    Ricki Jill

  19. The flowers are gorgeous June.
    Wishing you a joyful Thanksgiving with the promise of splendour from across the way...
    Susan x

  20. I didn't realize it had been almost a year. So excited to see your email and couldn't wait to open up the beauty inside. There is a strange compulsion that many people have to squeeze their cute babies, shove in our mouths great big handfuls of popcorn, punch our pillows before we get a good fit, and my never to be fulfilled dream of smashing my face into a bowl of your pastel, scrumptious peonies just to feel the cool beauty and soft caress of the tender petals surrounding me then gulping in great lungfuls of the fresh peony scent. I imagine I could stay in the bowl for quite sometime before coming up for normal air. Next best thing is to see the gorgeous pictures you gift us. Thank you so much for continuing your blog. I really appreciate you and all your hard garden work.

  21. Very, very beautiful flowers, June. Do we ever want them to go, no. We've had a lovely, long fall but it's never long enough. Rest. You need it. Diane

  22. I was so happy to see you comment on my blog because I thought that maybe you had added a new post...I quickly came here and voila! what beauty was awaiting me. Your garden looks so beautiful, and I am so envious of your lovely peonies, how I wish they would grow them here, it would seem I have to enjoy them vicariously through you. Thank you.

  23. I just LOVE your Peonies!! They are magnificent. Oh how hard you must work in your garden June.
    Hugs Jane

  24. Hello dearest June,
    I just wanted to stop over and say HELLO! I hope you and your family are fine!
    Best wishe to you
    and hugs from Austria,

  25. I was so glad to be able and visit you again, but I see that you're not blogging anymore, alas!
    After so much time, I can write a comment to an amzing post of yours, those posts I’ve never forgotten!
    I’ve been away from the web since the reseraches and the drafting of the history essay I wrote for an Italian publisher about the Habsburgs took up all the time I had.
    I’ve finally come back... but I've lost you, my dearest friend...
    Hoping you and yours are doing well,
    I'm sending blessings on your weekend
    Dany at ‘My little old world’


You all bless my life with your sweet words,
and I appreciate you taking the time to leave them.