The countdown to Thanksgiving has started at my house. Since the family will be traveling over the river and through the woods to our house this Thursday, and I will be roasting the traditional bird who gave up his life to help us celebrate this wonderful day, I won't be posting white Wednesday, but because this is the week of Thanksgiving I knew that this post would be about 'some' of the things that I am most thankful for in my life. One of these thankful things is the friends that I have made in this journey of keeping an on line journal.

Today I went to the post office to pick up my mail and in my box was one of those awesome little cards that lets you know that you have a package. It was this beautiful cuff and ornament from a sweet friend that I have made through this wonderful blogging experience.
Judy at
Tapestries of Nature was one of the first women to come to my blog and leave me a comment. Of course I wanted to visit her blog and make a friend. So I went and the rest is history. I was enamored by the beautiful art that she created. Then of course, there was the fact that she was going to be leaving for England to spend a few months there. This has always been a dream of mine. A dream that will not likely ever become a reality. So I was happy to just sit here across the pond and wait for her to come home and tell me all about it on her blog.

Judy's talent at creating beautiful things is really a gift. When I saw these lovely cuffs made from snippets left over from her creating, I fell in love with them. She wrote me and told me that she would love to make one for me. I loved the ones that she shared in a post on her blog, but when I saw it in person I was blown away. This cuff is exquisite. She had asked me what word that I would like it to say and it didn't take me long to decide that I would like it to say one of my favorite three letter words...JOY. I can wear it through the holidays and all year long. I hope you can see the beautiful details in these photos I've taken of it. Look at the back of this darling thing. It's beautiful too!

This gorgeous ornament was a complete surprise. Judy makes these with vintage buttons and seam binding. This will definitely find a home in MY home year 'round as well. It's way too lovely to put in a box with other holiday decor.

She put in this little receipt from Dec. 1912 in with the gifts. Doesn't it just give you chills to hold in your hands something that was held by someone so long ago. It does me! I love it! This is what makes my husband call me a '
moony woman'. This, and a lot of other stuff I say and do. Thank you Judy, from the bottom of my heart! Your friendship is a gift.

Thinking about all the things I'm thankful for is always good therapy for me. Of course I am thankful for my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, my family, good health, our home, and our friends, but there are so many things that I take for granted in my life that make it what it is. When I wake up in the morning I have a routine that I go through everyday. I don't vary from it much, it is a part of who I am. I am thankful for this makes me feel grounded and secure. I was thinking about this the other day when I was thinking about what I might be able to do for those this year who are less fortunate in life than me. Those who don't have a routine. Those who don't have a comfortable place to lay their head each night. Those who can't give their children the basic creature comforts that I enjoy and sometimes take for granted. Those whose physical and/or mental health have failed them. Am I doing enough to help my fellowman? Are my prayers for them enough? Is the little bit that I am able to give enough to make a difference? I don't know...but what I do know is that I am thankful for the little bit that I am able to do, for the empathy and love that I feel for them even though I don't know them. I want the muscles around my mouth to be strengthened by the act of smiling. I want to overcome shyness and have the courage to make eye contact with everyone I pass in my daily round so that they know that they are important to me. I want my words to uplift and encourage. Some days I fail miserably at all of these, but I'm thankful that some days I don't. This Thanksgiving I want to be thankful for not only what I have, but I want to be thankful that maybe I have helped someone to have something to be thankful for as well.
I hope that all of you dear friends have a wonderful and joyous Thanksgiving!
Your words did exactly what you hoped they would...
I'm uplifted.
I'm encouraged...
So Thankful.
Love to you, friend.
That is a wonderful story and I am thankful that you can be thankful for so many things.
Happy Thanksgiving my friend.
Happy Thanksgiving to you :)
What a wonderful post, it's great you have so many things to be thankful for.
I love the cuff Judy made for you, it's so wonderful!
It's great to have so many things to be thankful for. You have made a great post about it.
Happy thanksgiving to you.
greetings Marja
Dear June, what a lovely post!!! Your friend Judy is really a very talented woman and I can understand you are thankful for this friendship!
In Austria we don't celebrate Thanksgiving (what a pitty!) but I am thankful, too, for a lot of things in my life!
A wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving! Love, Traude
Good Morning Dear Sweet June!
Yours is the first post I am reading on this early Sunday morning. Sitting here with my sleeping kitties on each side and my husband listening to gospel music. Reading your post makes me feel thankful that I I have the ability to sit down at my computer and read such inspirational words.
I feel uplifted and blessed. Thank you so much for reminding me of all the many things that we should be thankful for.
I wish you and your family a wonderful Thanksgiving and may God be with them as them as they travel to your home.
Beautifully said June! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!!
The cuff and ornament are both wonderful!!
Hello June, the cuff and button ornament are beautiful... I too get chills and goosebumps over all of the old things like your old receipt... when I become the owner of these things, I feel a closeness with their previous owners that cannot be explained, other than love... your post is absolutely beautiful... I am thankful for so many of the same things, and you put it all perfectly into words... I know you do all of these things you said you want to do to help others every day of your life... I can sense you are always kind and giving... and bring smiles to so many of us... love to you, Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, and as always, doggie kisses TT... Bisous... Julie Marie
Happy Thanksgiving to you too June! Have a wonderful time with your family.
I love that cuff and thos button ornies are so darn adorable....and yes...i get the same feeling when I hold something old!
Have a wonderful week!
What a lovely post you've created today, sugar! I, also, want to uplift and encourage. And while reading scriptures the other day with hubs I realized I wasn't doing enough "service" and am going to rectify that. We all need to help each other or we have no heart. Thank you for reminding us of that today, sweet little chick.
The cuff is lovely. I think I'll go visit that chick.
Buongiorno Sweet June,
Happy Holiday to you and Famiglia. Don't eat too much! I love Judy's art work, I will stop by her blog and say hi. I will see you next week. Ciao Rita mammabellarte
Aaw June, your words are uplifting! I wish you the best for the upcomg holiday with friends and family~
I don't know what we're doing yet, but, whatever we do, I will be sure to be thankful and give praise. There are many, many people out there without even the basic neccessities~
What lovely thoughts for this blustery chilly morning! A challenge to be do more...have a great week of preparing and celebrating with your family! I'm sure enjoying getting to *know* you better...OK, enough rambling.
Oh What a beautiful friend you have June! I will have to go check her out! I LOVE LOVE LOVE what she sent you!!!! I love that style so much. The ornament is such a GOOD idea!!! How darn cute can you get?? LOVE it!!
both the words and the gifts...just beautiful:)
A visit to your blog always manages to bring a smile to my face and warmth to my heart....thank you!
judy, judy,judy..I mean June, June, June, not posting for White Wed.??? but..but...I love visting you, to see all your white beauties :)
That being said...what beautiful gifts your friend sent you, I will visit her blog next today :)
June I just wanted to tell you that I adored this made my heart smile and inspired me to do a "What I am thankful for post".
& I am even promising it won't be a long assed post lol...I can hear you wondering if my fingers are crossed behind my back :) But really dear friend...your post made me think, made me appreciate and be ever so thankful for many things! I hope you have an amazing Thanksgiving filled with the love and laughter of a home filled with family & good friends...ALSO...Thank you for making me laugh and cry with your comments that you leave me...oh if only we could share a cup of hot coco and chat and laugh in person :) Besos, Rose
Dear June, I wish you a happy thanksgiving! And your words are so wonderful!
I wish you a nice week!
June, your post is truly uplifting today...just beautiful. You are so right about the wonderful blogging friends we make here...I'm amazed and so blessed to have met so many wonderful days are brighter because of them. Your friend has bestowed you with such love and are so loved by your followers and we all admire you so.
God bless you, dear June...have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Dearest June,
What a beautiful post! I'm so grateful for you! Blessings this Thanksgiving Holiday and Always,
Hi June, this ornament is so beautiful, you did a great job making photos! Thanks for letting me taste a sip of the true spirit of Thanksgiving. You inspire me!
Happy Thanksgiving for you and your family for each and every day!
Gorgeous surprise!! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Janna
Thank you for the beautiful post. I always enjoy visiting and viewing your gorgeous photos and reading your insightful posts. Enjoy this wonderful holiday with all of your family.
June, I am not sure I visit any blog that gets MORE comments per post than you do...and you deserve it..your posts are so heartfelt and lovely.~
You have a faithful following.~
What stuck me most about your post today is that I too often stuggle with how to help others...because being partially disabled, I can't get out on my own and just "do" things like I use to. ~~
LIKE yourself however, I have an abundance of EMPATHY for people and their trials ans sorrows. ~As I have lived many of them myself.
I wish you the most enjoyable Thanksgiving this year...with your family...99% of my family will be down here for the Thanksgiving celebration that is being held at our daughter's house this year.
We will be MOST anxious to see them all..some we have not seen in almost a year.
beautiful inside and out! Happy Thanksgiving!!! yay!
what a truly lovely gift from your friend June...and a beautiful post!!! i am shy too, so i can really relate to what you said about that...that is what is so great about blogging to me...i can say all the things here that i might be too nervous to say in person...
Hi June:
I got goose bumps and tears in my eyes reading your heartfelt post!!!
I wrote today about giving up my droll words and only thinking of the positive and here I read yours and it is so POSITIVE!!!
The cuff your friend made you is beautiful!!! And yes, touching old books, papers, fabrics etc makes me feel grateful that I can touch something from long ago. I am Thankful and Grateful and you gave me credence to my new attitude : )
Thank you Friend
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your Family
This a sweet and beautiful post, June. It also helps me to remember some of the things I'm thankful for. One of them being routine, being grounded, very good thought. I'm wishing a Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family and loved ones. Blessings.
P. S. You must be a joy to be around.
Beautiful words from a beautiful soul...I wonder about some of the same things.
Counting my blessings,
Very beautiful.... and your blog is so charming.... I host a meme every Monday called "Show Off Your Cottage Monday", and would totally love you would participate..... come see! We share a lot of the same interests, and is so nice meeting you!
Loved your post today.
I agree.. blog friends are amazing.. and I am amazed and blessed daily/weekly from them. The ornament is so lovely..
Great things to be Thankful for. I agree with it all!
Happy Thanksgiving with your family! XO
June, thank you for the lovely nudge to thankfulness. I know exactly what you mean regarding wanting the muscles of your mouth to be sore from smiling! It is my goal too and, like you, many a day finds me falling quite short. Happily,each morning offers me a new opportunity to try yet again to do as Lowell Fillmore recommended...
"Remember to smile...
Remember to say a good word...
Remember to remember to...
think of good things."
Blessing and good thoughts from...
Dear June, this post has really given me a wonderful start to my day. Your words are so beautiful and ring so true! Your gifts are lovely and you are certainly deserving of those wonderful treasures. Blessings to you for a wonderful week. :) Tammy
Dear June,
What a touching and insightful post... You have such a wonderful way of expressing your thoughts...
I hope you have a really nice Thanksgiving!
I love your post as much as I love your gorgeous cuff. Thank you and I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
June your beauty as a person and your kind and loving spirit always come through in your posts...and it really draws a person in! I feel blessed to know you thru this little world of blogging and it is a joy to come to your wonderful blog! Blessings to you and your family!!
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Oh, and Judy is sooooo talented...I feel quite lucky to be close enough to her to visit her shop and catch up with her at the flea market!
:) T
Beautiful! My visits here with you are always uplifting and filled with such gorgeous images ♥
Wishing you a Blessed Thanksgiving.
Oh June, the cuff and button ornament is wonderful and the receipt that came with it was such a lovely accompaniment.
I wish you and your family a wonderful Thanksgiving. We don't celebrate Thanksgiving in the U.K. but I am so thankful for everything that I have. XXXX
Dear June
It was a joy to read your very lovely uplifting post and you have certainly helped strengthen my smile muscles!!
Thank you for the link to Judy - she is incredibly talented, and you are welcome to come to England any time my friend!
A very Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.
Jeanne x
Such a beautiful heart you have! I loved all of your wonderful words today. Thank you for sharing your thankfulness for it has brought to mind that I need to be so much more thankful for what God has blessed me with! I think sometimes a kind smile is the best present we can give another. I loved your lovely cuff and charming ornament. They are both perfect for you. I am wishing for you and your family the happiest of Thanksgivings! Much love to you! Vicki
So so lovely..and special. I love bloggers they really are the best people in the world...I think we should run the country...wouldn't the world be a better place? Happy Thanksgiving my American Friend.
Happy Thanksgiving, June!
Good morning the favourite June,
so a great present. With so much love to the detail made.
How nicely one finds such people in the bloggerland.
Completely lots of love,
Thank you so much for all your wonderful words and sharing your feelings, dear June!!!!! And the gift from your friend Judy is sooo lovely!!!!
Have a very nice week, full of wonderful moments,
Hugs Jade
Mushy in deed, saying all those things that are in my head by don't seem to find their way into my fingers on the keypad.
What a beautiful gift you rec'd and I know you will smile everytime you look down and see J*O*Y!
Hope your week is full of fun and that your bird is perfect.
As the wind blows down here in Texas I can almost hear you laughing with angels. May His riches blessings cover your family this season of L*O*V*E ;-)
Good morning sweet June, sorry I couldn´t come before to see this so pretty post, I thank you so much for the wonderful thoughts you have shared... they mean a lot to me, thank you.
It´s so good to know that a big family reunion is happening at Thanksgiving. Love and blessings to you and all your family.
Muchos cariños and lots of hugs
María Cecilia
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving June! Your post was beautiful. Take care, Martha
Hi my Special Friend...just wanted to let you know you won my me your address at
How cool! A 1912 receipt! does give me chills! SO glad I saw you on Blue bird notes today! Seems another package will be arriving soon! I will be back!
I just discovered your blog via Bluebird Notes. Congratulations on winning her giveaway!
Your blog is so beautiful and romantic.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving,
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Coming back to visit your lovely blog!
Mama Holli
Only God knows how encouraged I am by your loving post. Your words always soothe me, lift me, heal me. I am thanking God for many things this Thanksgiving and your sweet blog is one of them.
May He bless you with all good things as only He can.
In Grace,
Hi June,
What a lovely post.I am thankful that I found your blog awhile back and have enjoyed getting to know you.
I hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Hello dear June,
thank you for your sweet words and sorry for not translating my last post. My husband and I have got the flu (luckely the fever is gone now)and our daughter woke up this morning also with a fever.I don't know the english words of all the symptoms so no translations.Hope you have a wonderful thanksgiving with your family. I am also thankful to know you June and hope to visit you here for a long time, you are a dear friend.
Dear hugs, Ingrid.
What a beautiful gift from your friend. I linked across from Bluebird Notes and just wanted to say that I love your uplifting blog!
Beautil words.
Beautiful presents!
Happy turkey day!
Stopped by from bluebirdnotes; wanted to say congratulations on winning and wow, what a lovely gift you got sent! xx
June, your post is so beautifully written that it gave me goose bumps!! I too have some times thought those things, and I believe this time of year and especially Thanksgiving makes us all stop for a minute and consider what we DO have and stop wondering why we don't have some things. I so often make eye contact with others along the way, especially the elderly, just to let them know that they are noticed, and even tho many people no longer greet me along the way or want to look up to make eye contact, I make sure I say "good day". It was how things used to be when I first moved here and one of the things that I feel in love with about Germany. Time has changed that, but I keep with that tradition. I smile all the time, maybe some times too much. But life is too short to go thru even one day where I have not let my whole face crinkle with a smile. My mood is not always sunny, but my face smiles none the less. From the way you write and things that you say, I just know that you are a smiley person too!! As for that house of yours soon filling up with the family, I will think of you and how blessed you are to have those gals coming your way with their adorable children. Enjoy the chaos, it only makes us enjoy the quiet that much more later on! Wishing YOU dear friend and your family a blessed and wonderful and very HAPPY THANKSGIVING. I am thankful for your friendship. hugs from afar, Debby
This post is lovely and perfect for the Thanksgiving celebrations! The cuff from your friend is beautiful too! Happy Thanksgiving!
oh my goodness June, I have tears in my eyes. What a beautiful and thoughtful post. You are so right. I often think those same thoughts about how I just want to DO better... but most days I fail miserably too. You have said it all so well and your words have touched so many... and that is a gift in of itself.
I love that your husband calls you a moony woman... hehehahah!!!
LOVE the cuff... what a thoughtful gift from your friend!
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family!!! xoxo Heather
Good Morning June,
I just wanted to let you know that I am thankful that a couple of weeks ago you dropped by and introduced yourself. I am really inspired following your posts-just got caught up this morning-and enjoy my every visit here. Not only are all the beautiful touches you add around your home wonderful, but I always take something valuable from what you write. May your Thanksgiving be a wonderful gather of those you hold dear.
Good day Junebug! Your post is very inspiring and I needed to read to maintain my walk with God. I pray that you and your family have a most blessed and fun filled holiday! I too am very much a routine person. It comes I think with raising an autistic child. Everything is routine & smiles. Smiles is the greatest gift we give one another. It cost nothing and the bounty we receive in return is irreplaceable! Hugs. Tammy
What a blessing to read your post today. So much has been said, but I will say that you, dear June, are a "JOY" to each one of us.
Blessings to you on this day of special Thanksgiving!
Dear June,
What a beautiful post you have shared with us today.
The cuff from your friend is perfect and suits the gentle and beautiful Lady you are.
I am thankful that I have found your blog and for your friendship.
Wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Your words are truly beautiful; what an uplifting post. I wish I could express myself as eloquently as you. May you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
With love,
Sharon :-)
June, Happy Thanksgiving! As always I love reading your blog and coming away a bit happier. Thank you!
Cathy ♥
Dear June, just popped by again to wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving - not sure if I mentioned it in my earlier comment!
Jeanne xx
Happy Thanksgiving June!
Today is the first day back to blogland for me...I am so glad I stopped by your place...You are always so inspiring!
I Have missed you dear sentiments and sweet thoughts.
Just wanted to tell you that each time I stop fill my heart with great joy. whether it be words or pictures I moved sometimes to tears by your insightfulness.
I feel so blessed this Thanksgiving to count you among my friends
What a beautiful post, June!
I am thankful for many things this year, but gaining the friendship of you and so many other wonderful folks here is surely at the top of the list.
Happy Thanksgiving!
I have an award for you. Please pick it up when you get the chance~
it's always with great anticipation that I visit your blog. Your post truly touched my heart.
Dear June,
I love your beautiful and touching post. There are so many blessings to be thankful for. Amongst those blessings I count your sweet friendship. Thank you for always being so kind and sweet to me. Hope you and your family had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Wishing you a great weekend. Until next time my dear friend.
Tons of love,
Your words have touched my heart and soul and gave me shivers. You are indeed blessed.
What a wonderful post, it's great you have so many things to be thankful for.
Work From Home india
Oh Sweet and DEAR're such a gift. What a lovely message....I can't tell you how many times I've come to visit and left feeling lighter on my feet...What a sweet spirit you have blessed me many times.
Oh my....I had to catch up a little bit. As always a sit here agog...looking at your perfectly lovely cottage. You have such a flair and I love the textures of all of your beautiful whites. Your little cuff and ornament were just yummy. What a lovely gift.
Have a wonderful week sweet chickie!
Dear June,
This is such a wonderful post. Thankfulness is a true gift, I love this time of year when we are reminded to count all of our blessings.
Happy belated THANKSFUL giving!
great read. I would love to follow you on twitter. By the way, did you hear that some chinese hacker had hacked twitter yesterday again.
nice read. I would love to follow you on twitter. By the way, did anyone hear that some chinese hacker had hacked twitter yesterday again.
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