Do you ever wonder why we sometimes long for Spring when we are amid Winter, and
why we wish for Autumn when the Summer is hot and long?
Human nature I think.
Always wanting what we can't have.
Never looking for the gift in the present.
I have never enjoyed a Winter as much as I have this one.
I found myself wondering why that was,
and have come to the conclusion that is has a great deal to do with all of you
whose blogs I love to visit.
whose blogs I love to visit.
I have come to discover that I get strength from you.
I love the attitude of so many of you.
I find more contentment in the Winter because so many of you are content.
I couldn't have said this before.
I was a 'winter whiner'.
Have you ever noticed that those who live in the very northern countries
make an art form out of enduring Winter well?
I never hear them complain that Winter has been too long
or that they have too much snow.
So this year I decided to take a page from your book.
I'll be honest though, Winter has never done it for me.
I'm a sun loving person and the lack of light that this season brings affects me.
I usually just put up with Winter, but not this year.
This year I made a conscience choice to love it.
I planned out many activities to busy myself with and to fill my days
with things that I love to do, but because of the garden,
don't always have the opportunity to accomplish in any other season.
Dale loves this time of year because he enjoys Winter sports and he also
uses this time to work with his horses.
I posted a winter cattle drive he went on in January on my garden blog.
Some of the things I have been doing to stay content this season are:
lots of sewing projects
some re-dos, un-dos-and over-dos
rearranging the living room and studio (over and over : )
taking Landon on drives around the valley to see the Winter landscape
spending time with my daughters
entertaining friends
leafing through beautiful books and magazines
researching new plant stock for the garden
and of course, making long lists for Dale : )
From reading your blogs I know that you do the same and
stay more content in whatever season you find hard to endure.
Some of you have long hot Summers that just sap the strength
out of a body, and many of you, like me have long cold Winters
that can have an adverse affect on our moods because of lack of light.
I've decided to keep myself busy by making Winter the season of
instead of the season of pouting, and stomping my feet because I want WARM!

Now I am beginning to realize that I need another month of Winter
to do more of these things.
Now that's something I never thought I would hear myself say.
I love the attitude of so many of you.
I find more contentment in the Winter because so many of you are content.
I couldn't have said this before.
I was a 'winter whiner'.
Have you ever noticed that those who live in the very northern countries
make an art form out of enduring Winter well?
I never hear them complain that Winter has been too long
or that they have too much snow.
So this year I decided to take a page from your book.
I'll be honest though, Winter has never done it for me.
I'm a sun loving person and the lack of light that this season brings affects me.
I usually just put up with Winter, but not this year.
This year I made a conscience choice to love it.
I planned out many activities to busy myself with and to fill my days
with things that I love to do, but because of the garden,
don't always have the opportunity to accomplish in any other season.
Dale loves this time of year because he enjoys Winter sports and he also
uses this time to work with his horses.
I posted a winter cattle drive he went on in January on my garden blog.
Some of the things I have been doing to stay content this season are:
lots of sewing projects
some re-dos, un-dos-and over-dos
rearranging the living room and studio (over and over : )
taking Landon on drives around the valley to see the Winter landscape
spending time with my daughters
entertaining friends
leafing through beautiful books and magazines
researching new plant stock for the garden
and of course, making long lists for Dale : )
From reading your blogs I know that you do the same and
stay more content in whatever season you find hard to endure.
Some of you have long hot Summers that just sap the strength
out of a body, and many of you, like me have long cold Winters
that can have an adverse affect on our moods because of lack of light.
I've decided to keep myself busy by making Winter the season of
instead of the season of pouting, and stomping my feet because I want WARM!
Now I am beginning to realize that I need another month of Winter
to do more of these things.
Now that's something I never thought I would hear myself say.