Do you ever wonder why we sometimes long for Spring when we are amid Winter, and
why we wish for Autumn when the Summer is hot and long?
Human nature I think.
Always wanting what we can't have.
Never looking for the gift in the present.
I have never enjoyed a Winter as much as I have this one.
I found myself wondering why that was,
and have come to the conclusion that is has a great deal to do with all of you
whose blogs I love to visit.
whose blogs I love to visit.
I have come to discover that I get strength from you.
I love the attitude of so many of you.
I find more contentment in the Winter because so many of you are content.
I couldn't have said this before.
I was a 'winter whiner'.
Have you ever noticed that those who live in the very northern countries
make an art form out of enduring Winter well?
I never hear them complain that Winter has been too long
or that they have too much snow.
So this year I decided to take a page from your book.
I'll be honest though, Winter has never done it for me.
I'm a sun loving person and the lack of light that this season brings affects me.
I usually just put up with Winter, but not this year.
This year I made a conscience choice to love it.
I planned out many activities to busy myself with and to fill my days
with things that I love to do, but because of the garden,
don't always have the opportunity to accomplish in any other season.
Dale loves this time of year because he enjoys Winter sports and he also
uses this time to work with his horses.
I posted a winter cattle drive he went on in January on my garden blog.
Some of the things I have been doing to stay content this season are:
lots of sewing projects
some re-dos, un-dos-and over-dos
rearranging the living room and studio (over and over : )
taking Landon on drives around the valley to see the Winter landscape
spending time with my daughters
entertaining friends
leafing through beautiful books and magazines
researching new plant stock for the garden
and of course, making long lists for Dale : )
From reading your blogs I know that you do the same and
stay more content in whatever season you find hard to endure.
Some of you have long hot Summers that just sap the strength
out of a body, and many of you, like me have long cold Winters
that can have an adverse affect on our moods because of lack of light.
I've decided to keep myself busy by making Winter the season of
instead of the season of pouting, and stomping my feet because I want WARM!

Now I am beginning to realize that I need another month of Winter
to do more of these things.
Now that's something I never thought I would hear myself say.
I love the attitude of so many of you.
I find more contentment in the Winter because so many of you are content.
I couldn't have said this before.
I was a 'winter whiner'.
Have you ever noticed that those who live in the very northern countries
make an art form out of enduring Winter well?
I never hear them complain that Winter has been too long
or that they have too much snow.
So this year I decided to take a page from your book.
I'll be honest though, Winter has never done it for me.
I'm a sun loving person and the lack of light that this season brings affects me.
I usually just put up with Winter, but not this year.
This year I made a conscience choice to love it.
I planned out many activities to busy myself with and to fill my days
with things that I love to do, but because of the garden,
don't always have the opportunity to accomplish in any other season.
Dale loves this time of year because he enjoys Winter sports and he also
uses this time to work with his horses.
I posted a winter cattle drive he went on in January on my garden blog.
Some of the things I have been doing to stay content this season are:
lots of sewing projects
some re-dos, un-dos-and over-dos
rearranging the living room and studio (over and over : )
taking Landon on drives around the valley to see the Winter landscape
spending time with my daughters
entertaining friends
leafing through beautiful books and magazines
researching new plant stock for the garden
and of course, making long lists for Dale : )
From reading your blogs I know that you do the same and
stay more content in whatever season you find hard to endure.
Some of you have long hot Summers that just sap the strength
out of a body, and many of you, like me have long cold Winters
that can have an adverse affect on our moods because of lack of light.
I've decided to keep myself busy by making Winter the season of
instead of the season of pouting, and stomping my feet because I want WARM!
Now I am beginning to realize that I need another month of Winter
to do more of these things.
Now that's something I never thought I would hear myself say.
If I had a garden as lovely as yours, I would always long for those spring/summer blooms.
Winter, to me, always seems so barren and depressing. I too love the sunlight and being surrounded by green grass, budding trees, fresh vegetables....
Wow my dearest June, these flowers make me dream of summer.....!!!!sooo beautiful! hugh Anja
How funny, I was thinking last week that this has been one of the best winters here. It may have something to do with the non snow we got, or having a job makes my weeks go by faster. I also think having projects to keep me busy help. Glad this winter has been a good one for you too. Thank you for your kind comments when I was not feeling well. I am doing much better and I even managed to help the Mr. put the floor in the basement.
Your garden pictures are so! What kind of camera do you use? I'm in the market for one...Thanks!
Such beautiful pictures June greeting us with the promise of Spring.
You really want another month of Winter... perhaps I can send some of ours.
Susan x
Well,we don't have winter here and I have never liked winters, but I am
living proof of your theory, that we long for what we don't have-now I look forward to cold days and nights.
Lovely post and SUPER photos !
Big hugs Dear June !
Hi dear June. Such wise words and you did good to think what happened in your mind every year. I don't mind winter it is just that I hate those long dark days. The days are too short for me. I need light to do things.The nicer the weather the more I do. Oh well, we all have our faults. :)))))
HUgs from Riet
Ahhhh you bless me!!
Love your spirit..a gentle soul you are xo
I love your garden beauties..every one of them.
You bring a smile to my face and heart just by being you...
Deborah xoxoxoxo
I just love seeing all your garden beauties, they are all gorgeous. So glad you enjoyed winter this year and love your perspective on winter, I am already wishing I had gotten lots more done. Hope you have a great rest of the week and weekend. Take care.
June, You are the flower queen. I love all the pictures. My mom loved lilacs. I brought some starts from her old bushes...they have buds starting. Yikes, hope it's not too early.xoxo, Susie(She Junks)
June: Oh, your garden hurts my heart, it is so beautiful. What a joy to see it now when we really need it. I am a little lower in winter. I like snow better than rain. But we are complaining here in California about drought now so I hope we have some rain soon. What usually happens is it rains late in the season so that spring kind of goes by the wayside and we skip right into summer. We really should take the time to cherish all the seasons, but we are human after all...Judy at GoldCountryCottage
Hi June... so, ok, I confess, I have been a "Winter whiner"... I don't like the bitter cold we have had this year, and I am sooo anxious to get out in my gardens!... but like you, I have tried to be a little better about my "whining" by making my wish~list of plants I want to put in my gardens this year, going back over my garden journal to see how things did last year, poking around in the muddy still some snow~covered covered gardens to see what is popping up (bleeding hearts breaking ground today!)... and catching up on lots of books and magazines... by the way, your features in Romantic Home were just beautiful!... I need to have you sign mine!... plus, I decided rather than call it "winter whining" I will just call it "Spring dreaming"... xoxo Julie Marie
Such delightful thoughts, June. I'm happy you making friends with the season. I love winter. It's fresh and sparkly, and full of surprises. I also love your lilacs. They melt my heart.
Your photos always make me want to be a better gardener! o.k. and take much better pictures!
That is just how I enjoy my winter, finding time to do projects that I have had on my list for a long time :)
Thank you as always for the sweetest comment, I put the fb msg. in the post so everyone could see his heart is beautiful too.
your garden is breathtaking!
I am so encouraged by your comments!
We here of the grey & sunless skies! just have to push threw and as you say get er done! or we would be in a perpetual state of nothingness! There is always something to encourage us ...the green the rain brings!
I don't know how I have missed a few of your entrys but I love your heart shaped pillows! I have made a few for friends ..but I must say yours look so sweet all piled up waiting for their new homes!
Hope this finds you well & enjoying your newest season!
Living in AZ the past 16 years....I can honestly say, I miss winter. There is a cleansing, a crispness...about winter. I miss it. But Spring is wonderful too!
Oh I cannot wait for the spring now I think Iv had enough of winter not that we have had a bad winter but its time now for sunshine and flowers in the garden,yours all look lovely.Love Jill xx
Dearest June,
It won't be too long for you to have your lilacs back again. And talking about making the winter into productivity, I find it too short even... Not that I like it but we all need other things getting done too. Love to you and enjoy your weekend.
June snow is falling today but I am snug as a bug in a rug as they say. My son Jonathan and a friend are here.They came to work on the outside of the house but alas weather did not permit, so I put them to work making shelves for several projects and texturing the upstairs hallway - Yea- a few projects getting done though not the big outside one they were coming for.
I have to confess I still would love Spring to come sooner then it does here in Colorado but like you this year winter has indeed been more content. I picked up crocheting again, did several crafts and the company of blogging friends have been a great blessing.
Oh I found a place that sells oriental poppy seed so bought 1/2 dozen different varieties. I am hoping I can get them started. I wanted plants but every place I could find them out were sold out so thought I would try the seeds.
I do so love your pretty garden pictures-
bee blessed
I am one of those people that endures winter. I moved to the Midwest from Florida many years ago and I have never come to like the cold weather...although I do enjoy a bit of the downtime it gives me. xo Diana
Oh June,
Your flower garden is heavenly!!!~ I wish more than anything that I had a garden.
I just purchased some beautiful Sweetpeas from the market yesterday, so it has brightened and cheered up my home and I love it!
Hope you have a lovely weekend.
June, your flowers....your photos...your taste, all so GORGEOUS!!! I'm so glad you've had a better winter than in the past too. You have got to create some greeting cards with your floral photographs, they are just so wonderful! Sending you hugs and love, Dawn
I'm sooooooo looking forward to paying in the dirt.
It will be a while yet here though, we are expecting a blizzard tomorrow.
Hi June!
I was so excited to see that you had posted! I was needing a dose of beauty and your garden my sweet friend always does this for me! I was thinking you were on your long journey to see Season glad you found the time to post before will give everyone something beautiful to view when the weather gets us down! I must admit I too am a Winter Whiner but this season has been such a blessing...very little poor weather...lots of sunshine...all that was missing were the flowers and now...we have at your place!
Love you bunches!
Hugs and blessings
Oh June your blog made me smile. Having grown up in Africa in a very hot climate where the changes of season are not quite so noticeable, returning at a 'great' age to live in a damp cold climate has meant a lot of adjustments. I have kept busy 'creating' this winter. The weather is becoming a little kinder, my garden is starting to show signs of spring and I am starting to plan plantings. Winter is a great opportunity to catch up with reading, nothing better on a cold day than curling up with a cup of tea and a good book!
I grew up in Minnesota, but have now lived a good portion of my adult life in Orlando......I'm not complaining now LOL!!!
We barely had a winter here in North Carolina, and it is already spring, the daffs started blooming in January, which i don't ever remember seeing. I used to get depressed even at the thought of winter, but not so much this year, i don't know why.
And, ohhhhhh, how you seduce us with your flower photos. My goodness... you are such an artist with your garden...
June, we had no winter to write home about in NC as Cindy said. Today we hit the golf course and even got sunburned! Tomorrow is another warm day and the chery blossoms and 'dils are is lovely!
Your garden is lovely.What beautiful photos of it.I can smell those lilacs and roses now.And I wish it were summer her too.We are in the middle of a snow storm.Looks like we may get nine inches of snow.I guess winter is in no hurry to leave.And spring is taking her time.
Hello Dear Friend
Living in the Canadian Prairies I am so used to extremely cold long winters. This winter has been like a dream come true for me.. we have next to no snow and have been having + temperatures for months. By February I usually need a few Spa Days to keep me going as I feel like a flower that needs the sunlight but this year is totally different. I am very happy you are getting things completed you have wanted to work on.
I can't wait to see your garden again in all its Spring glory. It won't be long now...
Take care!
Oh I do strive for productivity as you have obtained. I have ironed a ton of vintage lines and repaired some along the way {all hand sewing for me}. I have many, many plans in my head that if one tenth came to fruition I would be afraid of myself. I do know I would love winter images of yours.
Lovely post June. Just relax and enjoy each day, soon you'll be busy enough with that gorgeous garden.
I love winter, not because I like to be out in the cold but because I like to be in from it. After working for most of my life it's so delicious to not even go outside AT ALL all day sometimes! My art studio awaits me. Diane
oh your photos make me long even more for the sweet sunshine and fragrant posies of summer!
You are so right dear June! There was something special about this winter...I to viewed it differently than any others. I suffer from winter blues yet this one has journeyed along my life without stirring up my spirit too much. And I love your pictures!
How lovely are your garden pictures and so needed right now as we are expecting a bad snow storm tonight!
Oh June I never think of you as a whiner at all, winter or not. You know I don't mind winter at all actually I love it. Maybe it's the quiet that is brings. There is a beauty that I just can't get enough of. I'm glad you're starting to embarrass the season.
Now I want to see a little snow before Spring and I will truly be happy.
I'm longing for Spring and Summer so I can live through you for your amazing gardens! sigh!
I'm a winter whiner too, but through blogging I've found more contentment as well. It's funny that you find inspiration in others, because I can't think of anything more inspiring than a visit to your blog and seeing your beautiful flowers!!!
Kat :)
Hi June,
Such a lovely way to be content no matter what the Season is.
Glad that you have had a good time over the winter with your beautiful flowers, spending time with your lovely family and sewing and crafting.
Sending hugs and I look forward to seeing photos of your Spring garden again.
I'm not a "winter" person either. I love working outside, and enjoy being on the water in warm weather. Last winter I was diagnosed with uterine cancer. It changed my whole mind set. It doesn't matter what season it is. I'm just happy to have more time with my family. I might not like the cold weather, but I can always wear a coat. I've learned to see the beauty in a snow storm. Freshness in the spring rain. Crispness in a late fall evening. And all of the blessings that summer brings.
It's all good.
Thank you for a great post.
Gorgeous photos June! I can't even say that we have really had winter so I am not complaining this year at all...yet! :) Ask me when we get the first big snow of the season and I might feel different. LOL
June I am sitting here speechless over these gorgeous pic's of your gardens. Wow is all I can say everytime I come over here.
This is a post I should read and reread to remind myself that I should not whine about being winter either. Actually we have been lucky this winter with less freezes than usual.
So I am happy but I don't think I am asking for another month like you. lol
I bought some Hydrangeas over the weekend and of course I thought of you when I was buying them. I thought how I wish you were here to tell me where to plant them in my yard so they would thrive.
If I could just have one little section that looked near as pretty as yours I would dance even in the winter. haha
Love ya
I love your attitude!
What a thrill it was to find the magazine featuring you! I wanted to shout out in the store "I know her"...or "I read her"...or "She's a blog friend"...but in the end I just bought it and smiled!
I have always felt so sad putting my garden to bed in the fall. Two years ago we sold our house and haven't found a new place yet - ha, it makes it sound like I'm living in a tent. The hardest part of being in a house that isn't 'ours' is that I don't have 'my garden'. I miss it SO much.
I bring flowers in to the house all year, but in the winter I find myself tucking little vases of blooms in many places throughout the house. Let's just say that there is a lot of bloom buying going on while I'm in the house shopping mode.
And like you, I've been distracting myself with other projects - I've refinished the same dresser three times in just over a year.
Thank you for sharing the beauty of your garden - it is stunning.
Dear June,
The reason that I love living in the UK is the very fact that we have four seasons. I love frosty/snowy days, log fires and candlelight in the Winter.....the appearance of new shoots and buds in the Spring.....the long hot days of Summer and that beautiful time in Autumn when the leaves put on a glorious show. It's probably because you love your garden so much that Winter isn't your favourite time of year. You live in such a beautiful part of the world....the scenery that you show us is stunning and I should think that it takes on a different quality depending on the season.
I think that you are beating yourself up unfairly too. You have a heart of gold and I can't imagine you pouting and stomping EVER !!!! ....and, from your recent posts, you have been busier than all of us put together !!
Beautiful images of your stunning garden as always June and, just remember that Spring is just around the corner ! Much love. XXXX
Wow your amazing photos make me dream of summer! Your garden is so beautiful!!!! I enjoy every time of a year, in winter I can do so many projects inside, in summer I love to spent the time outside. I think it is good to make always the best of what you have or which time of a year we have. Like your wrote you have still a month to do all what you love to do and spring is just a step behind the corner :-))) Wish you all the best, lots of love Yvonne
My darling June,
at least you have the talent to take a GREAT PHOTO so that when you DO LONG for spring in the midst of winter, you can enjoy it!!! LOVE EVERY PHOTO HERE, but that one of the zinc bucket with the lavender? OH how fabulous. THANK YOU....Anita
Well said June. I have always hated winter too. The only time I liked, maybe even loved it, was when I learned how to ski about 10 years ago. Those few years of skiing, well ~ we never had enough snow, it was never cold enough for the snow to last and winter just wasn't long enough. Those were new feelings for me and I loved loving winter. I never got very good at skiing, so gave it up in my mid 50's before I broke something, but for those three years, winter was wonderful. Now, I do what you do. I see it as a reprieve from all the extra work and projects that warm weather brings. I must admit, I haven't gotten hardly any of my winter projects done or even started and here it's almost March and soon I'll be outside again. Oh well, thankfully we have lots of rainy days, so maybe there is still hope I'll get that couch recovered, the bathroom finished, and the furniture painted yet. But ~ probably not, or at least not all of it.
Hi dear June,
thank you so much for sharing your gorgeous photos with us.
I'm not a winter person but I get things done during that time:)Right now I'm renovating my room.
Have a lovely weekend.
June, I am going to MAKE my husband sit down and read this! It's PROOF that you CAN make yourself love winter! I tell him all the time that it's silly to hate more than 1/4 of the time you have on earth, but he's not buying it. If he doesn't buy it from you, at least he'll get to see your beautiful photos.
I'm glad you've enjoyed the season. It sounds like it's been productive.
We get 8 months of winter here, and I LOVE it. A time to read, play with arts & crafts, and most of all - rest! :)
As always, LOVE your photos, June!
Dearest June, I so understand what you say, and even I live here up high North in Denmark, I can also have dayes, where I feel such a longing for spring. And I know many people here, whom also have those winter-depressions because of no light!
That said maybe you are right that we accept the fact, that winter is a sure quarterpart of the seasons here, and accepted as a part of life, that we deal with and live with without much complayning.
Your photoes are so beautiful June, and can surely make mee long for spring aswell,- How wonderful , that you have not been depressed this year my friend.
HUGS, and wishes for a beautiful week-end.
Dear June,
I've so much enjoyed reading your post. I bumped into a quote by Henry David Thoreau earlier today 'It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see' and it is so true. What you have achieved my dear is being able to see something beautiful in what other people may hate. I'm a winter whiner myself, to use your words, although I must admit our winters are rather short and somewhat mild. We hardly ever get - temperatures and snow is scarce where I live. I bet you wouldn't even call it winter...
We had a few inches of snow this year and it all turned into a nightmare. I'm already longing for Spring!
Have a nice weekend!
Oh Man.....I am still a winter whiner I think. It would do me well to Get Out of that Mood.
At least this winter was a lot easier for me then last year...Last year I thought I'd die (ok, I am a bit of a drama queen), but it was COLD COLD, long, stormy and we had just lost Matthew.
It just felt like Death all around me.
But this year has not been as cold nor have we had much snow (much to the chagrin of the farmers)
yet today, we are in a bit of a blizzard.
My house is so teeny June, that after a season of winter, I kinda feel like I've been in Solitary Confinement (except for hubby of course)
am I whining???
so I guess I have my work cut out for me. I miss my kids the most in the winter too.
I do get a lot of reading done though.
I could totally SMELL the lilacs and sweet peas as I looked at those beautiful pictures.
I HOPE I have better luck with sweet peas this year.
Congrats on embracing Winter!!!!
Have a great day.
Always, Queenie
You've warmed my heart and soul with this post June, from your beautiful pictures to your beautiful words, thank you!
Happy Weekend!
Guilty as charged! You know me well enough by now to know that I am a "Winter Whiner" too! Okay, you've inspired me to change that June! I really enjoyed this post. It made me realize to not rush things and just accept the warmer weather when it gets here! ~Stacy~, your friend from just a little bit further south than you! xo
Beautiful pictures of all your hard handiwork! That involves alot of gardening which we love the end results!!! I was just looking through the pictures on my camera card and thinking...soon...we will be mowing and tilling again!
O sweeeetest June, you are such a clever girl! There is a proverb:
Learn to love what you can't change, then you life easier.
That's what you've done! :o)
But because you need warmth, too I send lots of warm Küschelbüschel (=xox) to you - and some pretty flowers:
hugs, Traude
My dearest June.. I loveeeeeeeeeeeee your blog.. and I love your photos.. and I love your lovely comments on my blog.. you are so beautiful..
Kisses and many hugs.. Susi
Hi June!
Such lovely images of your garden, your photography is amazing my friend which goes hand in hand with your garden... it enables you to enjoy it all winter long! One reason I love blogging besides such precious friends as yourself, is the excuse to take tons of pictures and file them on my computer...using only the better for the blog.
It is so true what you said about winter, I never minded winter when I lived in Minnesota and there the winter is longer but it is cold and bright. Here in Chicago it isn't as cold but it is so cloudy. This winter however has been beautiful! I only wish it was like this every year.
Blessings my friend
So beautiful thoughts June... here at our end Winters are not so tough like normally you have, but I love the changes in weather over all... I believe God has made so contrasting everything that we become thankful to every coming new thing, we become tired of winter and waiting for spring/ summer than we want something different and long for winter for the pleasures of that particular season, God made good and bad that because we should be thankful of every good thing after understanding the bad ones....
So I think winter is good to understand the true beauty of Spring and we should always be thankful to God for every beauty in our life ...
And the beauty and good things can better be understand after something harsh and bad...
Hope you like to have tea with me at
With love
just trying to make me jealous, aren't you??!! it was in the 80's this week...sheesh! febraury, schmebruary! ;}
m ^..^
Hi June, I guess I need to stop Pouting & whining.... Winter here has been so light, hardly any Snow, but the Gloomy days are what is getting to My Spirit! Thank God, I have a beautiful blog like your's to go too, Pretty photos of Flowers... Now I am also Not a Hot weather gal, so Spring & Fall are My Favorites, but I will take a cue from you & go and get Productive~ Thanks for the idea.... Take care
hallo my dear american friend!
soooooooo glad that you will join my give away of my flower necklace!!!
your blog is soooooooooo beautiful with lovely pictures of flowers and from your garden, feels like im in heaven!
warm hug lotten
Hi June,
It is always such a JOY to come visit your blog whenever you have a post up! Your images and constant inspiration with words never cease to brighten my day. In fact, you are the one that inspires me! I one day hope to have a garden even half as beautiful as yours. I'm still learning - so I look to your beauty as my inspiration. Hope you continue to enjoy the winter. Spring is fast approaching and your sunlight will be here faster than you know!
I can see why you can't wait for have such an amazing garden,June. I've been an admirer ever since I started blogging.
Can't wait to see what you have to share this year:-)
Hi June
What a treat to see pictures of your garden, I love flowers and have a cottage garden, with lots of old fashioned bourbon roses, sweet peas, lupins, foxgloves,peonies but the sight of your lilacs is so beautiful I have a large lilac at the side of my cottage and to me they are the first sign of summer.
Here in Ireland it is emerald green due to the buckets of rain we get, so I will swap with you for a few of those long hot summer days!
Best wishes
Oh, I hear you, June! I have a love/hate relationship with winter. This winter was much more tolerable however. Less snow. More sun! Yay! But I'm still a winter-whiner and pining away for springtime. I want my garden back....! lol! Oh, and I continue to be in awe of your garden, June. Just totally breathtaking!!!
xoxo laurie
June, your beautiful garden photos makes me long even more for spring.....I have become very patient through our long winters and fill those days with so many things of interest to me. This winter has been so mild in Ontario and I have really loved it, but wonder how it will effect my garden blooms. Time will tell. I so enjoy thr colour in your gorgeous garden. N.xo
Hi June,
Great perspective...Always see the good side of things. There is always a pro and con to everything...It's what you decided to focus on that'll determine contentment or dissatisfaction. Love that beautiful garden of yours.
Much love,
Just found your blog from Romantic Homes - I'm your newest follower! Linda
I love the flowers they are so beautiful : )I can not wait for my flowers to start blooming.
You have the most beautiful blog-I love it! And I am drooling over your gardens!!
I feel the same as you, June. The winter months are the ones I struggle the most with. It rains here incessantly sometimes and that can make it really hard. This winter has been a dream with less rain and more sun. You're an inspiration dear, June. These photos are spectacular.
Thank you so much Suze for making my day by your sweet note.
sending hugs...
June, I can't imagine you ever having a dull-drum day ... I only picture you flitting thru every season as the beginning of another new joy to enjoy.
You know, of course, that I love each season ... every single day of each season just makes me love the moment. Snow I adore ...
Glad to see you have focused on making yourself enjoy winter ... if you didn't see my post a day or so ago about Holland, come read it, you'll enjoy it more now ... chuckle!
Have a beautiful day, sweet friend ~
Hugs & love,
was für wunder wunder wunderschööööne Bilder.)))
Hab Sehnsucht nach dem Frühling und Sommer!!!!
Liebste Grüsse
June, I just have to congratulate you on the photo spread in Romantic Homes. It is Fabulous... and a whole page to your credit. Your photos are so awesome.... soooooo Awesome!!! ^.^)
you are so cute...I really think most of us complain about winter being too long when it keeps snowing and snowing...that is exactly what it has done here in the last few days...oh well...I know Spring is coming soon. Hugs to you dear one.
Hi, June,
I am not much of a winter person either. But, like you, I am trying to learn to be content with each new day, whatever that day may bring. I have so much to be thankful for including your friendship. Your garden must look a lot like what heaven looks like! Enjoy your upcoming weekend, dear friend~ Vicki
Hi June, your garden photos are absolutely glorious! We've had dusty weather since Tuesday so there's been no walking and everything is a bit dreary, dray and blah. But since home sweet home is my favorite place to be, it's a-o-k with me. I have plenty indoor activities to keep me busy and happy. Happy hands, happy heart. Wishing you a wonderful weekend. Tammy
I just love you June.
Your beautiful words today have been profound for me today.
Your beautiful garden photos.. eye candy. So grateful for my visit here today.
Very grateful.
Hi June,
I love your blog and how it makes me feel inspired by all your photos and what you write in your journal. This year I hope to write more and laugh with your Angels... Love,
Hello June! Living in Southern California, we don't get much in the way of winter...I jump up and down with excitement when we have a rainy grey day. It gives me an excuse to stay indoors, drink tea and be cozy. The relentless sun makes me feel like I should be constantly active, which I'm not:)
It is true though, it's human nature that, no matter what we always complain about the weather!!!
Thank you for sharing all your gorgeous pictures with us, I always enjoy them and your beautiful words also!
I love your attitude, June! Making lemonade when winter gives you lemons!
Fabulous garden photos. They'd cheer anyone up today...and mid U.S. needs lots of cheer this week.
what a beautiful post & gorgeous garden shots! :) chris
Hi June,
Your beautiful garden photos are a little bit of heaven! I think we get so much love from blogging that it chases the blues right away! I saw you in Romantic Homes and was excited as could be. Big hugs to you and thanks for always having the sweetest comments.
My friend,
You know how I feel about your glorious gardens, right? I am coming here to comment head bowed. I am so behind on blogging and commenting. Facebook has stolen all my time lately with my 2 (yes 2) pages. I want to congratulate you on your press in Romantic Homes. So deserved my friend. I am waiting for a full spread of your beautiful home and gardens. Seriously, what is the mag world waiting for? Hope Spring is coming your way soon.
June, like you, I'm
in the long cold winter
camp {and short, humid
summers!}, but also
like you, have come to
embrace the winter as
a time of renewal, before
the gardens demand the
extra time that I might
have. Love your beautiful
pics as well as your lovely
xx Suzanne
What a lovely garden you have. Such stunning pictures. Truly an inspiration. I would love to have a garden like this.
I too love the sun and the longer lighter days of summer. It's almost here!!!
Can't wait to see more.
Your flowers are so beautiful : )
I love buckskin horses,My sister who is grown up and married has a buckskin Quarter horse.
I love the pictures of your horses, my favorites are Sunny and Knightly.
I have always wanted to be a horse trainer and I think it is so cool that your husband trains and sells horses.
I hope you have a great week : )
I like your garden so much. Thanks for allot this beautiful picture. all flower is so wonderful.
Gorgeous photos. i wish it would warm up here. can you belive its snowing again! At least its not sticking!
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