necessary shopping, although a couple of bags may not have fallen under that category.
I usually make this trip about four times a month and
the drive is long, but gives me time to think.
As I drove today I saw cows with newborn calves at their sides and
mama ewes with their new little lambs.
They were jumping and frolicking and
I could have watched them all day.
Dale watches Landon when I go so I have no worries at all and can
pretty much fly through my list of things to get and do while there.
On the way there I think, and on the way home I sing (loudly)
to the radio.
I think of the best posts to write---but never do,
I think about to-do lists, my life and how blessed I am.
Love these outings and actually happy I live so far away from civilization :)
a little birdcage found at Joanne's fabrics

I also wanted to share some photos I took at the little shack in the woods last summer
when I was getting it ready for a couple of friends to come and have a little picnic.

We have this rickety park bench there that I hope keeps standing for a few more years
because I love how it looks among the aspens.
Makes me want to go see how the little shack made it through the winter.
and the bench!
I hope you all enjoy this last week of February!
Stunning, and ty ty ty - I sooooo needed to see some beautiful outdoors and peonies and think of GREEN in a very cold long white winter.....
So pretty and makes me long for spring! We are hoping to buy a house way out of town and I want to plant some many flowers. I will have to get some tips and a list from you when that time comes...fingers crossed!
These pretty pictures are so cheery and refreshing! You certainly picked the right time of year to save them for show. Thanks for sharing!
So beautiful ~ As always, your peonies make me drool!
Your ride sounds a lot like mine often are June. Cows always make me smile. Such amazing creatures.
Your photos are always beautiful and stunning.. Oh how I miss my peonies and my garden. The ground is frozen with no sign of spring near so thank you for bringing a little sunshine and beauty to my day.
What a lovely view of summer colour that was, June!
You know what......I crank up the radio and sing loudly when I drive too! It is soooo good for the soul - a bit cathartic, I think. I can just imagine all the good thinking and planning that gets done on those long rides.
Thank you so much for your note - I appreciated it so much!
I so enjoy reading your posts!
Love the bird cage. I have the same one with a little pink Christmas tree in it. HUGS Rita
What a pretty little birdcage you found, June! I love it. I have a small one, too, and I just love it even with nothing in it. Such a pretty park bench! I hope it did make it through the winter for you.
I always like your photos because they are sharp, crisp and clean..I wish I can take pictures like that..I wonder if it is your camera..would you mind telling us what camera and lens you use..and if you edit your photos..thank you
I didn't realize you lived so far out, June. How wonderful. When I was a kid we lived on a farm on top of a mountain. It was a one hour bus ride each way every day of school life. I never minded. I usually did my homework on the bus.
I love driving and I do my best thinking as I drive. I don't even turn the radio on sometimes but it is sometimes the only silence in my day-just the road hum and me.
Your photos are as beautiful as always. I have that same bench under our trees and it is in disreputable shape. I would not dare sit on it anymore but it sure looks lovely under the trees. I like the white paint on yours- I may have to do that because it really does make the age darkened wood pop.
Hope you had a wonderful day today. Love to you and hugs to Landon-the angel boy on earth---xo Diana
Such loveliness <3
Such pretty photos. Love the worn outdoor bench and chair...and those hydrangeas....sigh...
Lovely birdcage. I love trips like that all by yourself. Have a wonderful week. Can't wait to see all your garden photos this spring.
This is so beautiful, June. Makes me long for summer and warmth. I have a bench like yours under one of our apple trees...always makes me happy just looking at it, just as yours did! Thanks for sharing!
It's funny how a little road trip can be so relaxing. I get my most creative thoughts when driving, it can be very relaxing, rather like a form of meditation.
Beautiful photos!
So beautiful. Makes me want Spring and Summer to arrive. So over this bitter cold. Your pics are always so cheerful.
did you have a winter this year? It's just so springy here, trees and flowers are budding and the tulips are expected to bloom next week. Did you drive that far when we met you? I'm sure it is a beautiful drive, at least I thought so. take care lovie.
Dear June
I can imagine your singing is a sweet as the angels. ; )
Me singing days in the car are few and far between the past years as my Sweetie seems to be in the car with me lol.
Your beautiful photos are so perfect to get everyone in the mood for spring. The images of your pink blooms & iron garden bench are so romantic and dreamy!
Have a wonderful week my friend...
I agree that you are blessed - living far away from civilization... Me too :)
Photos are amazing... hello from Serbia!
Thanks for all these dreamy flowers ...
Here it's still winter ...
I wish you a happy week dear June!
With love,
i love road tripping with the windows down and the radio up:) your pictures brighten my world on this dreary morning:)
June it is such a special time when we are alone and our Heavenly Father shows us the beauty that he has given us. I'm so glad you have those times. They help us regroup. Hugs, Jo
Dear June.
I really concider it rather dangerous to visit your blog!Really!My eyes are popping out,my heart is going crazy,I have a hard time breathing and it takes all my strangt to stay put on my chair!
Everything is so beautiful!
OMG these pictures,how is it even possible - you are a true magician and artist with your camera,of course having such beautiful surroundings doesn´t hurt!
And I love to read about your drive,and your thoughts.I love it on the road too - pure therapy!
I love how you are thinking,you have a healthy mind and I love that.Those little,yet still BIG things in life to cherish moments and see newborns fourlegged are a blessing.To see life that is!!!!
Althougjh it is early morning here in Norway I already have crossed my fingers that I´ll dream about your pictures when I go to sleep tonight!
Bless you!
Tovehugs :)
Unas fotos preciosas.
Eres una gran artista de la fotografía.
Un saludo
Beautiful! I love flowers and green and I'm waiting for spring here in Poland.
You are so blessed to live out in the country away from hectic/crazy city/suburb life. There used to be a lot of cows around here but the land was bought and developed, now filled with housing and shopping/business complexes.
Your bench is lovely, and it looks like you could always put in new slats of wood if these give way.
Your blooms and vignettes are so lovely to see once again. Your blog is one of sweet inspiration to me.
Thank you ~ FlowerLady
Beautiful pictures. Having all of this snow makes me so impatient for spring. I understand the long ride. I never complain about my ride to and from work, it is my time alone that no one can interrupt. Have a wonderful week. Alaina
I always say my driving time is my thinking time! Lovely photos as usual, gives me even more Spring Fever! We've been having low sixties and I've got all my roses pruned. I have a bouquet of daffodils in the house and YES, peonies are poking there heads out of the ground!!! We have had such a mild winter. Great big hugs to you this week, enjoy your trips, but above all be safe!!
Your day away sounds magical! I love driving through our country side. We live on the edge of town and just up the road are cows and horses...and an occasional linger smell of the dairy, too.
Gorgeous photos! I could stay here all day!
Your pictures are always so peaceful. I am sure you use a much better camera than I, but you definately have an eye. Love them!
June, I too find driving therapeutic especially when its a little longer than average ride. I can think, listen to teaching tapes, hear music. Love those times!
it looks like spring where you are and as always so very beautiful!
Your gardens look so makes me long for summer again.
Have a wonderful week my friend.
Hugs and warm smiles xoxo
All my heart,
Deborah xo
Hi June. The birdcage is so cute. As always, I love your photos. The pictures from outside, is beautiful. Love the blue bench.
Have a great rest of the week.
Hugs from here
Hello Sweet June,
You always have the most beautiful, inspiring, peaceful, yet simple pictures, speaks to my makes me think I'm really spoiled with two Lowes and two Home Depots 5-10 mins. away ..... I WILL NEVER complain that I need to run to any of them again ...... hahahaha ....... although a drive sounds wonderful IF I was seeing what you see :):) Blessings and love to you sweet one ....
ps ...... when did you get tat sweet birdhouse at Joannes, recently?! If so, off and running there xoxo ~Tanza~
Amazing photos! You made my day... thank you ♥ Alexandra
Hi dear June, it is always a pleasure to visit your wonderful blog. Everytime I am totally impressed by your wonderful photos! Thanks for sharing! Hugs Yvonne
Beautiful pictures, I love the roses colour. I also live in the country and here, the weather is mostly rain for this week.i am glad I had a break, when visiting my son in Dubai 30 degrees for two weeks, good for the health during the winter.
I always love reading your post June...your wonderful pictures make me so happy! It's just to far away to make the same trip like yours, but I am sure it would give me the same feelings.
Sending you hugs from Holland!
That little birdcage is so sweet!
Thank you June for all the beauty shared here today, Spring seems like it will never arrive here!
Such yummy photos!!!!!
Mary Alice
love june, what beautiful pictures !!! I love the flowers and the old park bench !!! I wish them all the love and hope I can soon read from them again !!! love all of angie from Germany
A ride alone is so refreshing for your spirit. Do you make the drive when the road is bad? Your last summer pictures are beautiful - the peonies are just lovely. hugs, Diane
B E A U T I F U L!! I think I would feel very much at home there. Just gorgeous. Thank you for sharing.
Oh June,
I ponder and think while I am driving, and also raise the volumn on the stereo as well :)
You couldn't write a bad post if you tried. Every visit is whitend with beauty, and romance.
It was nice to hear that you could take some time for yourself to shop and think and inspire yourself with sweet roadside beauty.
My daughter and I stop, and play on the other side of the fence with the farmers goats, sheep, horses and even geese sometimes. It's so cute to bah, bah at them and watch them come to the fence for attention and a look at who we are.
Looking forward to the one day that I see a bad post, I may fall over, could it even be possible, I don't think so.
Looking forward to what's next, and what's to come of your new projects.
So very beautiful June! How wonderful looks the whole area surrounding your home and I'm impressed of the light in your photos...Pure magic!
Have a happy day,
June, we have a long drive to our special stores too and I do the same thing as you, but what I would love to do is come sit on your rickety bench and think about my stuff there. The setting looks so tranquil and beautiful and that mirror frame is especially charming..Happy Tuesday..Judy
Oh June, you are so good in drying your beautiful roses, they always keep their colours so bright, and they look wonderful displayed in your home.
And What a welcome for your friends, to have a picknic in your summer residence- you made it so romantic and beautiful, -I`m happy for you, you had such a lovely tour, dear friend .
Dorthe ,xoxo
So beautiful...the roses, your garden...everything!
Have a great weekend.
Warmly, Titti
Your photo's always look like a dream June!
Happy to hear you and Dale had a lovely time shopping.
Enjoy the rest of the week!
Beautiful, as always! Your drive sounds wonderful as does your little spot in the world ~ I can see why you are happy to simply visit the city and then return to the bliss of the country ♥
Your mantel vignette is simply gorgeous! Your flowers are beautiful and your story is so true. Time alone to think is precious time, indeed.
Oh, those lucious peonies! That pale pink color is just beautiful. I live in walking distance to a tiny village and not too far from a super market, but everything else is quite a hike and like you, I find it the perfect time to think. Enjoy the last days of February.
I so love long drives by myself singing at the top of my lungs :) I do it sometimes with my kids in the car too which embarrasses them to no end--even though nobody else is there :) I live in a farming community so I can relate to the peacefulness of seeing the little baby animals and things in the fields as I drive by. Your photogrpahy is so beautiful--you inspire me to try and take more creative photos. Always enjoy your posts!
I did leave a comment but lately they go poof on my iPad.
I envy the bucolic setting you dwell in and the beauty you surround yourself with. An hour drive to enjoy the road, sounds like well spent quiet time. Even for us in the city a drive to Costco is 45 minutes, but oftentimes stressful because of traffic lights and crowed roads.
I scrolled up and down soaking in the beauty of your photographs. Birdcage is adorable and looks perfect in your vignette. I have a love of parks and picnic benches. Each holding energy of those who sat and pondered the majestic outdoors. I love when benches show their time and your photos of the beautiful flowers left on the bench for your weekend guests headed to your cabin were breathtaking. I know whenever I visit your latest post there will be great beauty.
ohhh, very very beutiful! i love it!
I feel the same way when we drive to the city. It's an adventure ~ a fun outing with multiple lists to complete. We've just recently added stopping to have a nice leisurely lunch too.
Beautiful photos as always, June. Always a joy to visit you in your neck of the woods.
Hi June,
Thanks for sharing so much beauty and loveliness. Your photos are always so peaceful and serene....a much needed sight after such a harsh winter. Love the pretty old bench and the little bird cage on the mantel.
And I too love driving alone and thinking about all I would love to accomplish and the many blessings in my life.
Have a wonderful week.
Hello dearest June,
doing the 60 mile trip to Lowes and back sounds really very relaxing! It's nice that you can take advantage to watch sweet young animals, to reflect on your life (and to rejoice about it) and it's nice that you're in singing-mood on the way back! If I would sing in the car, I certainly would have an engine failure soon. (I sing horrible!)
Your photos are so beautiful again! The little bird cage looks adorable and your summer garden bench is hopefully still okay: It's extremely pretty!
Have a happy start into March! Lots of hugs and enjoy the beginning of the springtime!!!
We all need to escape once in a while and shop to our heart's content, June. So healing and almost freeing, isn't it? :) Just like when I visit your beautiful blog. Your photos are like a little vacation for me.... ♥
xoxo laurie
So beautiful frames and the cute bird cage!
And lovely bunch of flowers too!
I love the light in your photos, June!
Happy spring days for you!
Beautiful June! Love that gorgeous bench and those lovely flowers.Oh I am longing for spring...hoping it will arrive soon!Beautiful photos as always <3
The little birdcage is so sweet with all it's little curly ends.
The weathered bench is a perfect spot for your lovely flowers to rest, June.
Being alone in the car is a great place to sing to your heart's content...loud, and proud!! lol
Great post.
So beautiful June. Just what I needed with all the constant snow and ice. More coming today. Makes one think maybe spring won't come, but the seasons of life turn at their own speed and are all faithful to come again. Stay warm.
June, your little slice of heaven is always a treat to see. You take such
beautiful pictures I'm always amazed!
Love your mantle, that chippy little
birdcage is so perfect with the mirrors and flowers. Can't wait to see the shack again, too.
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