Friday, March 13, 2015

lace all over the place

Some of the things I have been working on this winter meant getting
into part of my stash of laces.
I love it when I can get them out of the jars and have them all in
front of me to see which ones to use in whatever little creation I am
working on at the time. 
and right now, it's hearts----again----
I love making these, just love it!!!!
and of course, whenever I get out the laces I have to get photos of them
I love collecting lace and that's the first thing I look for when I go to flea markets
and vintage shops
I'm never in a big hurry to put this pretty mess away
and because I am showing laces today, I thought I would not only show the laces in the studio, 
but share a few I have in the house as well

A crochet tablecloth I use as a throw that my daughter and I found at an estate sale last summer

and a few favorite laces hanging in the bedroom 

These are mostly vintage collars and shawls that I have collected, 
and I have a few hanging in the studio as well.
I'm pretty sure the lace will continue to be all over the place for awhile yet
as spring is coming very early to us this year and I cramming to get
the winter projects done.
So I'm off to make more hearts!!!


Row homes and Cobblestones said...

Your hearts are feminine and speak softly of the beauty your heart expresses. I have many lace pieces from table toppers to dollies, Some ecru some remain white and bright, some with stains. Left treasures from my Grandmother, Mother and Aunts. One I would like to use Rit to dye it a charcoal to layer onto a pristine White. The one I want to dye is stained and I can't get those stains out. Oh yes it is Spring and touches of ancestors beautiful lace and crocheted pieces fill my memory with beloved moments.
June I can't even express how much your new post has made rememberences flow and creativity stir.
Thank you for this lovely post.

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

oohing and ahhing! I love your sweet hearts....

Vicky said...

Oh June, what an absolutely beautiful treasure!I love it all - it´s so beautiful.
Have a nice weekend!!

Katherine said...


Everything you make is so soft and pretty. But these hearts are so romantic.
I especially like things made with the soft handkerchief cotton.



Pondside said...

I couldn't believe it when I saw the beautiful collection of lace. Just last night I had been looking at mine and thinking 'it's time to let all of this go'. It was a reaction to continued downsizing and my sweet husband's inability to let anything go. When faced with 'stuff' I don't have such a hard time. Now that I've looked at your lace again I'm sure that I can find a space in my sewing room to keep mine. There are still lacey projects in my future!

bobbie said...

SO beautiful ~ they are the first things I look for too!

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

Your hearts are beautiful, June, and no wonder with all that gorgeous lace! I usually just hit it lucky if I find some lace like this. Usually I wind up buying mine from places like Hobby Lobby or Joann's. I am hoping that maybe some of the community yard sales where the residents are older will have some lace on offer this year. There are a couple that I like to try to get to in May.

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

This post is pure beauty, all of your wonderful laces and the sweet hearts!

Junkchiccottage said...

So beautiful June. I love lace in any form too. Love the crochet table cloth for a throw. That is so pretty. Love looking through your beautiful pics today. Have a great week end.

La Vie Quotidienne said...

I am a lace lover too, I don't really collect it, but I love making it. Your hearts are wonderful, they must be a delight to make. Beautiful post, as always.

The French Bear said...

Beautiful lace and pretty trims, love the heart!!!!
I'm slowly getting back to my blogging so of course I had to stop by and " hello".

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

June, I love your hearts. Your stash of lace makes me so envious. I love just looking at it and stashing it away then bringing it out and loving it all over again! Keep making those pretty hearts.


Julie Marie said...

Oh June, your lace is all so beautiful!... I love vintage lace as well, and pick it up also whenever I can... your collection is fabulous!... and I love all of your lacy things in your home... your little hearts are so pretty, and I cherish the one you sent to me... I cannot believe it has been an entire year since I met you and Ember on your way to Vintage Whites!... Jeni and Elle from Madeleine L'Amour where I took you are going tomorrow again!... much love to you, xoxo... Julie Marie PS Spring is arriving here early too and I am loving it!...

Sandi said...

Your lace is so beautiful June. I too have quite a stash of lace and am always on the lookout for more. :)

Seawashed said...

I can never have too much lace. Your Hearts are so so delicate. I wish you had a liitle etsy shop! This post looks like a feature from Jeanne d Arc Living. Beautiful.

NanaDiana said...

I LOVE ago when I had AOL as my carrier that was my "name"...I love second name was I Love Beauty and I had to dump that one because I got all kinds of "secret if I WAS a beauty....and what kind of LOVE I gave out....I Love Lace was much

YOu have many gorgeous pieces of lace there, June. Lucky girl to be playing with all that stuff!

Hope you have had a wonderful month so far...and, as always, hugs to your sweet Landon! xo Diana

Jacqueline~Cabin and Cottage said...

Well, you take the same beautiful photos of lace as you do of flowers! Just breathtaking. I especially love that photo of both with the wreath. Dreamy.

Victorian1885 said...

Oh June you have me wishing I was home so I could go through my collection as well... I love vintage lace so much!
Your sweet little hearts are just perfect!
Enjoy and let your creative juices flow... we all love seeing what you you are creating!

sarah said...

Such beauty! <3

Diane said...

The idea of using the lace tablecloth as a throw is brilliant. Your laces and hearts are so pretty - I love laces, too. I get mine out for a project and then all of a sudden I become a hoarder. It's hard to use them up. This is a beautiful post, June. Diane

Bumpkin Hill said...

They are so very pretty! I have a collection of lace I like to use as collars for my Bears when I am able to make them. Spring is starting to arrive here too wih the daffodils coming out in my garden and birds busy nesting. Have a lovely weekend, Catherine x

Ulla said...

❀soooo beautiful my june!
with so much heart is every single post...i love it to be here...! have a nice weekend my dear!
many lovely greetings from germany, olga.

Betty said...

Your laces are so pretty and I love your hearts. I collect hearts of all kinds. I love to make crafts, but have not mastered crochet. Your crochet throw is so lovely.

angie said...

june, so sweet pictures !!! a beautiful weekend wishes angie from Germany

Lin from A {tiny} Cottage In The Woods said...

Your collection of lace is so beautiful, June, and I know how much you must enjoy creating lovely things with them. Love the soft colors in the photos ~ Happy Spring, dear friend!

Bente said...

Sooo pretty, June. I love the lace hanging with the wreath. Gorgeous.
Have a great weekend.
Hugs from here

Burlap Luxe said...

Hi June, you look like pages of Victorica Magazine here.
I love the photo of your lace hanging from the coat rack hooks. I use to have a lot of lace pieces, table toppers, runners, table cloths, and pillow cases. I am keeping my eyes open for table cloths from the thrift shops, fleas, and yard sales, I want to make some moppy dust ruffles for beds and top the bedding like know that country romantic prairie, but With a twist of French to it. I had been watching Magnolia Peal you tubes and I love the old lace look that is used in her home settings.

Well June, I am on a roll here, in my last post I used a square table topper as a lamp shade cover and inperson the shade looks really romantic in my daughters room.

See you soon, and all the wonderful romance you create.
Beautiful weekend to you and yours.


My name is Riet said...

Hi dear June. I love your little hearts and I am proud to say that I have one that you gave me the other year. It is hanging on my cabinet door so I can see it every time .It is so pretty. I love all your laces . I have some too but I don't really do as much as you do with it. Beautiful how you put it to work in your rooms.
Have a wonderful weekend dear friend.
hug from Riet

Catherine said...

You hâve à beautiful collection of lace! I love lace myself.

LeeAnn at Mrs Black's said...

I am so jealous! What a wonderful collection of lace. I adore that crochet tablecloth too. Just beautiful.

Anne's Attic - Design said...

Oh June your laces are so beautiful! Your post today just made my heart sing. I'm sure it is the feminine touch. You have inspired me dear friend. Have a beautiful weekend. Hugs, Jo

Ivy and Elephants said...

YUM! I look lace, so delicate and romantic! Beautiful all spread out, your hearts are fabulous!

HWIT BLOGG said... lovely and romantic!
Beautiful post too!
Warm hug,

Mari Mora said...

Unas fotos llenas de romanticísmo. los corazones son bellísimos.
Un saludo

Deborah said...

Pure loveliness June!
Oh my I do love hearts, and it is breath taking to feast my eyes upon these treasures you've created.
The lace is just so beautiful!
Thank you for sharing this beauty with every glance of it!
Blessings dear friend xo

All my heart,
Deborah xoxoxo

The Blue Farmhouse said...

Very the hearts!

Villa König said...

So wonderful! Everything you make ist amazing. I enjoy your blog so much. Hugs Yvonne

lemapiblog said...

Liebe June,
ich liebe Spitze über alles, auch gehäkelte.
Liebst Andrea

Madelief said...

What a beautiful collection of lace you have June. The hearts you made of it look really sweet. Love the little details on it.

Wishing you a happy new week!

Madelief x

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

Thanks for dropping by my blog and leaving a nice comment. I often think of gals that collect lace when I see it at our antique barn, my stash is very small and used for cards I make.
So happy to see in your previous post that you like a couple of our Canadian shrub roses. I use lady's mantle around the base of some of my roses as a frilly petticoat! :-)

Muggensteekjes said...

Your collection is so romantic and beautiful dear June. And the sweet little hearts you are making are just so pretty. Love the one with the little flowers. I really should look in the vintage store for some lace too.
Hugs, Ingrid.

Debra Howard said...

Such beautiful lace! What fun it looks like to play with them.

Susan EvelynAndRose said...

Pretty, pretty laces June! I have been a terrible blogger and intend to catch up this spring. I'm getting so much inspiration here from you. Just love your hearts and that crochet throw is gorgeous. Enjoy your early spring!

primrosesattic said...

I love all your lace. so pretty.
Your heart with the tiny roses is beautiful.

Debbie said...

I understand how you feel about lace, June. I also seek it out at the markets.
My stash is getting low. I can't wait for the shows, and markets to open for the summer months.
I cannot make a decent heart! Yours are all so lovely. I notice you sew the seams on the outside....maybe I should try that next time.
Your photos are so dreamy. Love coming over here!
Your wreath is beautiful, too! It's obvious you are passionate about your craft.

Julia said...

Que romàntico me ha encantado.Con la llegada de la primavera apetece rodearse de naturaleza y porqué no introducirla en casa,
Combinando exuberante vegetación y flores con piezas desgastadas de madera, texturas metálicas zinc,
cobre y vidrio para crear un efecto rústico.y tonos naturales con motivos botánicos seguro que
conseguirás traer la primavera a tu casa.

culturafemenina said...

Ohh dear is a beautiful mess,,Creativity come is all forma. Love your blog. It feels so relaxing to read trough it.

suziqu's thread works said...

Hello sweet June,
Well I have just come to lace heaven visiting here today! I can hardly think of anything more I would rather see (except for roses that is hehe!).So coming to your blog really lifts my spirits and my own heart especially when I see your gorgeous little heart creations here.
It must be one of the most precious things to create don't you think?
We would have so much to compare - hearts, vintage laces and roses if only we could! I too have a large crocheted table cloth thrown over our lounge also!

You know I work with vintage laces almost daily and still I never tire of their beauty!

Lace blessings to you my dear friend and much love,

roughterrain crane said...

Every picture is full of sweet hearts. I have never imagined that laces can make a room so lovely with happiness.

Robin Johnson said...

Your lace collection is impressive as are the hearts you make. I find myself being drawn to lace more and more lately. Funny really since it's something that I use to avoid at all cost! LOL.

Susan Shull said...

Beautiful as usual!

zielenie said...

Beautifoul! Greetings from Poland

Jennifer said...

I can see why you like making the hearts and working with lace. They are so soft and feminine. I love, love the rose and hydrangea wreath you made. For years I wasn't a fan of peachy-pinks, but now I think I am a convert!

HWIT BLOGG said...

What a beautiful post and lace is always lace...lovely!
Have a happy weekend, take care!

Rostrose said...

Dearest June,
your collection of laces is a real treasure! And the crochet tablecloth is one of the prettiest I've ever seen!
Your sweet hearts fit perfect to your lovely style, my dear - beautiful & romantic!
Sending lots of hugs,

toves sammensurium said...

Dear June - lace never ever looked so good!
You truly are a magician!!!
Lovely in every way!
Tovehugs :)

Half-heard in the Stillness said...

Hello dear June Oooh! that little heart is sooo lovely!! I love all your lace. Am just wondering if that lace throw was that gorgeous shade when you bought it, or did you dye it? It's very lovely. I always love your photos of your home.

Sending hugs,
Jane x

Sylvia said...

Dear June,

everything is looking so soft and pretty and most of all I love it together with this beautiful rosewreath! Sooo beautiful!
Hugs Sylvia

vitadrömmarobusigabarn said...

LOve youre pictures
Have a beautiful day!!!

Różana Pracownia Wandy said...

Podziwiam piękne i delikatne koronki - serduszka skradły moje serce - pozdrawiam serdecznie i życzę spokojnych Świąt Wielkanocnych oraz samych cudownych i słonecznych dni.

Anonymous said...

incredibly beautiful your work, love it. Happy day from Spain

Sweet Cottage Dreams said...

June, what a beautiful collection of lace. We share the same heartfelt allure of these old pieces. I adore your hearts! So beautiful, like you!


Mila said...

I love all the pastels and yellow accents! Hope you had a wonderful Easter :)

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