Yes, it is finally really fall here.
In fact, today it snowed a little bit just to let us know it could.
The warm weather stayed on forever and some days in October we even used
our air conditioner because it got so warm in the house.
Not today!
I have the wood stove burning and outside there is a skiff of snow on the grass
and on the trees and shrubs because most still have their leaves.
I did get a few photos of the fall colors in the garden the other day and
I will share some later in this post.
but first---
I wanted to share more photos of the late garden roses on our front porch,
as I did a little staging on the old garden table and in the swing.
I took these in late September or early October.
I really like the color of the architectural piece from an old column
with the Morden Blush and one of my late blooming garden phlox.
I wish I could have seen the house that this piece came from because
the color seems so unlikely for a house.I guess it could be from a place of business
or something else entirely.
It has to be original because it has flaked
off in many places and there isn't any paint beneath it.

The Morden Blush rose in the fall is much prettier than summer and keeps it's color longer
than in hot weather. I love this rose ! ! !
now for the early autumn colors here
Don't you just wish you could bottle this Autumn light
so you could enjoy it anytime you want ? ? ?
Nothing as beautiful as the slant of light that fall brings with it.
The hydrangeas have turned for another year and after the snow today,
they will be done for, but I will remember how pretty they were.
the roses are covered in hips this year
I really do need to get serious and get the leaves raked before the
snow comes and means it.
I'm pretty sure it's only teasing us today, so I think I have time
to still get out there.
When the trees decide it's time to let loose of the leaves,
I'll be a busy girl.
Some of you may know that Idaho (especially the area in which I live)
has been in a serious drought and we will take all
the moisture we can get,
even if it means I don't get all my fall chores done : ))
I hope wherever you live in the world, that you are loving
the season you are in and because I feel so grateful
to live in a place where we do have four distinct seasons, I have
worked hard to overcome my dislike for winter.
I think I'm doing pretty good at embracing it.
It may never be my favorite,
but I will embrace!
Your photos are gorgeous as always, dear June. The soft pink roses are really pretty and I love the phlox as well. I see the hammock in the background of one hydrangea picture. Hopefully you were able to spend some time in it relaxing, when the weather was still warm enough. Raking the leaves in your huge garden must be quite a task.
Our fall has crisp mornings but it warms up during the day which is nice. I enjoy this season very much.
Have a great rest of the week :) !
Oh June, how you photograph beauty! It floors me how stunning every single one of your photos are - and I am so blessed to have you share them with us. My oh my, it's just WOW.
Funny, I like winter - it is very long and very wet and COLD and grey and dismal - but I prefer cold over the stifling heat of summer......but really dislike both, haha. THIS autumn has been the prettiest one I have ever lived in, and it is dreamy and amazing. Our fall colors have been stunning and I wish it would never end - it's PERFECT right now.
Thank you for your lovely photos and inspiration to learn how to do it too. I am so impatient I may never learn, but sure glad YOU have! : - ) Hugs and prayers. ♥
Your photos are utterly breathtaking! What a great pleasure it must be to take them. It is certainly a great pleasure from this end. That architectural piece is amazing. I'm glad that you are getting a bit of the moisture you need. A wood stove sounds so cozy and satisfying. I want to make this winter a joy as well. Thanks so much for all of your good inspiration!
Hi June. Everything is just simply beautiful. I'm sure I've said this to you before, but it just is. I agree about living where there are distinct seasons although you wouldn't have known it in No. California this year. Fall is a beautiful time and one of my favorite seasons. I love winter just so long and then it needs to hurry and be done with..Happy Tuesday..Judy
merci pour ces très belles photos qui m'apportent joie et bonne humeur pour la journée
bises de France
Dearest June, your garden is a paradise of endless beauty and for one more time, you yield some gorgeous photos of this outdoor space.I particularly love those bold and beautiful hydrangeas which look really stunning and become even more beautiful when they fade!I can't take my eyes off them!
Beautiful as always June! I love autumn, I even love winter when I'm looking out from my window where I'm warm and dry! Snow is so beautiful, like glistening diamonds on a sunny day. Driving in it.... not so much.
I hope that you and yours are well and living life to it's fullest! I miss being able to visit my friends in blogland, but am glad that I checked mine and saw your feed come up on my sidebar. You are an inspiration to all with your beautiful garden and gorgeous photos! t.xoxo
Oh dear June ~ you are a photographer extraordinaire. Looking at each rose photo I just kept repeating oh oh oh. I love that beautiful old architectural piece and your enamel ware pitcher. It's all so lovely and wonderful.
It is very warm and humid down here in s.e. FL. It just doesn't feel like autumn at all. I'm really ready for cooler temps.
Thank you for taking the time to take your lovely photos. They are always a joy to see.
Love, hugs and prayers ~ FlowerLady
Good Morning
Your pictures are breathtaking*** the roses are so pretty and the fall hydrandea's are my favorite. We have 4 seasons where I live also and I live every single one of them. Enjoy this gorgeous Fall day and have fun raking :)
Winter is also not my favorite seasons, but I think by myself I don't have to make a problem about it. Every season has beautiful things, when we want to see them. Your pictures are amazing, dear June...your garden is always a good place to be. Enjoy it (also during cold winter days ;-)).
Sending hugs, Ingrid
That garden piece almost steals the show - the color is amazing. The close up picture of your roses gave me the same feeling as when I get to smash-face-kiss my granddaughter! (and she laughs) I want to stick my face into the cushioned middle of the light pink rose and just inhale. What pleasure your flowers must give you since they bring happiness to me just sitting in my recliner with my laptop, over a thousand miles away. Thank you for posting. I so appreciate your pictures and words.
As usual beautiful!!! Fall is sure winding down, we got our first frost this morning! I wonder when the sun rises what has survived? I'm not ready for all the Fall colors to be gone. I've so struggled with blogging problems that this may not even reach you. Enjoy the upcoming holidays, I sure miss our little scribble conversations!!! Sista June
I tuoi fiori sono bellissimi!Hanno la luce tenue dell'autunno!Buon mese di Novembre,Rosetta
Swoon! I want to just live in your pictures!
June you always leave me sighing with bliss with your lovely blooms. I want to come hang out in your garden! (Dreamy sigh) ❤️
Your autumn garden is nearly rivaling your summer garden. Glorious colour! I know what you mean about the autumn light. This week I'm working in the Fraser Valley, surrounded by snowy peaks. When I leave the institutions at about 4 the light is magical - no other word, although 'other-worldly' might be one.
Thank you so much for your lovely comment on my blog. It meant a lot to me on the day I read it.
I hope that this winter brings you enough snow. The drought is such a worry and much depends on what we can save from winter's precipitation. Fingers crossed!
Your garden photos are always pure delight! I did not have luck with Morden Blush this year - although the japanese beetles and blackspot really loved her. Your blooms are gorgeous! I have been slowly putting my garden to sleep with only the cutting back of peonies, catmint and leaf raking left to be done. Love the styling of your photos - you have a wonderful eye for creating beautiful compositions.
June, You are a sweetheart. I want to like winter...but it seems the older I get the less I do care for it. Maybe it's all the shoveling. I must say, you always have the most beautiful flowers. Glad you are enjoying your fall. We are having record nice here. :) This Thursday evening rain may come in and the temps will be near normal or cooler afterwards. I am hoping we have no snow till official winter or after. LOL. Blessings and hugs for all , xoxo,Susie
As always, your flowers are lovely. I don't have a flower garden and the wildflower have dried up already. We are having a light snow this morning so I'm staying in to be safe and not take a chance on sliding in the slush - it's too warm to freeze over on the streets, yet. In Northern Arizona, we have had our share of drought and are enjoying any moisture Mother Nature deems we need. Rumor has it that Flagstaff will have a snowy winter this year. One can only hope.
Your photography and staging are so inspiring. I like to pin some of your photos to one of my Pinterest boards - STAGING IDEAS.
Happy Fall!
Marrianna in Northern Arizona
Absolutely stunning pics June! I want to jump in the screen and come and relax in your garden with all its beauty:)
I had no idea Idaho was experiencing a drought! I hope you get some rain. I know So Cal's going through the same thing but they're supposed to have a pretty wet winter.
I too think it's so important to work at appreciating wherever we are and focusing on the positives. We definitely don't get four seasons here and I find myself longing for that at times but I snap myself out of it and remind myself how lucky and blessed I am:)
Enjoy dear June and thank you for sharing your gorgeous world with us...xoxoxo
Hi dear June. Your photo's are a dream, the most beautiful I ever saw. What an artist you are. I love your roses and the color is to die for.
We have an exceptional warm fall here, sunny days and mid temperatures. I don;t need a cold winter at al. This is great.
Have a nice day my dear
Hugs from Riet
Dear June, a beautiful good by to your autumn ,and your beautiful flowering garden for this year.
How wonderful you display your stunning roses , and phlox `es , they are both the beautiful flowers, and in such lovely colours, I love the photo with your roses in the chair !!
Can`t imagine you have already has the first snow, there, here it is grey and foggy, but not so cold ,as to have snow ,yet.
Yes I have heard about the terrible summer without rain in your area, and so hope for you and everyone, it will soon start raining and snowing to fill all the empty wells, and ponds !
Happy November dear June.
So pretty ~
Did you get the wind there yesterday that we got? Wow!! We had little mini leaf tornados all over the place! And the river birch out front is completely nekkid now ~
Enjoy the season!
Hi dear June. Your roses are still gorgeous. Love to see your garden in this season too. The autumn colors are fantastic here also. Wish it stayed like this until the spring. (smile)
Hugs from here
Your pictures are so pretty. The one thing I hate about winter coming is that the garden is so bare. I have finished moving some plants around and hoping they come up great in their new spots next year. We are having some warm temps right now, but this weekend more like late fall will be here.
My goodness sweet June, your flowers...photographs, simply everything is so gorgeous!!! It was so good to visit you here again, I always love it ~ I hope you are doing so very good angel, hugs and love, Dawn
June I just always swoon over your gorgeous garden flowers. So pretty.
June- You take the most amazing and beautiful pictures. I wish I had 1/3 your talent when it comes to composition and lighting. You make everything just lovely-soft and perfect---even if the subject is not 100% perfect.
I, too, have always snubbed my nose at winter- it is my least favorite season but I do try to embrace it as best I can. I wish I enjoyed snow like some people do--but, alas, I am a southern girl stuck in a northern girl body. lol
I hope you have a wonderful month..and, as always, a big ol' Nana hug for your dear Landon! xo Diana
Hi June, you pictures are so breath taking. Autumn is such a breath of fresh air. So glad that you showed these and hopefully you will get rain soon. Hugs, Jo
It is really insane how back and forth the weather can be. We've had the furnace on, switched to warm sheets and blankets - and then the temps climbed again. I just keep raking the leaves with various layers of dress/undress going on.
The roses are gorgeous and the hydrangea tipping into soft jewel shades are always so pretty. I love seeing all the beauties from your garden.
I always get excited when I see you have a new post because I know I am in for a treat. So beautiful. The rose is gorgeous...but if it doesn't like heat it would not do well here. I will just have to enjoy your photos of yours. I don't have any phlox but I do have fall blooming asters and they are quite nice right now.
Qué maravilla de fotos, eres una gran fotógrafa.
Un saludo
You truly are an artist with your camera, June. You manage to capture the very soul of the flowers, and your garden. Thank you for always inspiring me with your words and images. xo Lidy
June I know whenever I stop by for a visit I will be graced by your artistry of flowers. I feel relaxed and serene by the beauty of nature you nurture and grow.
Ha! Dearest June, it's a good idea to bottle the autumn light!!! :o)
I love the light and the colors of fall, too - and I can understand why you love this rose, especially in autumn! And your old column is really a very decorative treasure with some
mysteries... ;o)
Hope you enjoy the colder-&-wetter-getting days, too, my dear!
Lots of hugs from Austria (where we had also snow in the mountains, but now it's - relatively - warm and sunny here....
Lovely photo's of your garden June! Imagine having snow already :-) The morden blush rose looks exceptionally beautiful. I will keep it in mind for my own garden.
Have a lovely weekend! Hope the sun will return soon!
Madelief x
Of course I'd love to bottle the first days of Fall, with their colours, their shades and their perfumes ... i do love all the seasons of the year because I think that God has given to Nature some gift to present to us in every time of the year, but definitely the one I do prefer is Autumn, I like it even a little more than Spring.
Gorgeous as usual your post, your pictures are so amazing, my darling June, they're a joy for my heart and my soul, bless you !
I wish you a most beautiful end of the week, my precious friend, sending dear love and big hugs,
Lovely post, June...I always look forward to each and every one!
Snow? Egad! I guess I shouldn't be surprised, our weather in Illinois is just as wonky. I pray you get some rain...or even more snow, as you need it.
The roses and hydrangeas are so beautiful. I grew phlox for the first time this summer and was so grateful for the long, healthy blooms and ease. I want to plant more, I'll do some research.
We have a leaf blower and here in the city we need only to blow them to the curb and then the big 'ol trucks come and suck them up! At the lake we are so wide open we just let them blow away.
Take care and I wish you a magical fall and a cozy holiday season! :)
Jane xxx
Yes, we've had a glorious fall. Your images are so beautiful and dreamlike and your flowers so beautiful. Ours have been gone for a while. The few days we had rain and a little snow I actually felt invigorated and enjoyed settling in for a day or two in the house. It's all good, we're so blessed. Sending much love to my practically next door neighbor. Diane
Your pictures are just stunning and beautiful, as always! It´s such a pleasure to visit your blog my friend...
Have a happy sunday!
All lovely... as usual, June.
Ah, how can I forget those early snow sprinkling in ID ;)
Love the warmth of a Nov day here in the south.
Hi June,
So sorry that I'm late for this post ..... I think that I missed it on my sidebar !!
Your roses are so amazing { even in Autumn !! } I have to say that the roses have been extra special this year, here in the UK. My St. Swithins is still giving me the odd flower even now. The hydrangeas have been lovely too. I have Limelight and Vanilla Fraise which look very similar to the ones in your photograph. I love the way that they change into so many different colours.
It is still very warm here for November but I guess that will all change soon. Like you, I love that we have very distinct seasons and, as much as I love the Summer, I couldn't live anywhere that is hot all of the time. Winter can be quite harsh { especially for you. Our Winters can be cold but nothing like yours } but, I embrace it as I love wearing coats, jackets and boots, sitting next to a roaring fire and eating comfort food !!!!!!
Have a lovely week June. Much love. XXXX
Oh June it was so beautiful to see your visit at my place today, I always take refuge in Your beauty here, and make no quite about it. I get nosey with you like saying, or asking you is that t1-11 sheeted to your walls? And loving that it was a desire of mine for years and use it often on wood cabinet projects of mine, I fact it's in the latest piece the armoire in my front room where I removed the old MDF backing ad added the aiding T1-11 for more open charm painting it a grey white :)
As for your summer photos they always make us smile and to see the greener paler shades equal to none out there. I have to tell you I have cousins in Idaho I have to see what town, would that not be crazy if you live close to each other.?
As for Winter....I don't want to add fuel to the dire of your dislike or trying to like it a bit more, but it's my favorite time of year, yes! Me the January winter baby loves winter. We so get som flurry of drifting on our desert, and the roof tops as well as the trees misted with snow and if we are fortunate enough to have a bad year we will get hit with a snow storm that will give us a couple of feet and will last about 4 days before it smelts to muddy slush. I am hoping for one of those years. It's been several years now with no real storm but we have had a blanketed mist of it glistening on the surface of our desert life here in So. Ca. The high desert right below Big Bear Mountain. And right above Palm Springs. Well, enough for now! Will see you soon, keep the fire burning I will be dreaming of some white postings from you soon.
C'est magnifique, on se croirait revenu au printemps !
You are so gifted with a camera, June. You have a fantastic eye for photography! I love this post so much. It is a beautiful sunny day here in Central Alabama, and our hydrangeas are blooming (so odd for this time of year) and our sasanqua camellias are budding and blooming. Our encore azaleas are in full bloom, too! I need to post about the garden….maybe next week if I have time. Homeschooling is keeping us so busy!
Beautiful photos. It's raining hard here in NY and it's far too warm for snow today, I'm happy to report. Like you, I enjoy every season - I find beauty in all of them.
June, Gorgeous photos of your beautiful garden!! Always love stopping by for some inspiration!! Happy weekend!
شركة تنظيف بالرياض
thank you
حراج السيارات
thank you
احلى سينما
So gorgeous, June! I am so ready to have the gardens go to sleep for the winter. I always love seeing your beautiful photos.
so much goodness here, I'm all teary and emotional just looking at your photos again.
lots of hugs, and sorry I've been gone so long.
no excuse.
love lisa.
Hi, dearest June!
I hope everything is all right with you and your family!
Wishing you the best for a wonderful Christmas-time!
Lots of hugs, Traude
Sometimes I think you live in heaven! So, so pretty.
Dear June!
Your garden is a little paradis on earth .....
Hope you and your family are fine!
I think you have already snow?!
Here it is still warm!
Sorry for being so long time not on your blog, but you know why!
I wish you a dreamy time before Christmas!
With love,
'Thinking of you today and hoping you and your family are doing well in this hectic run-up to Christmas. :)
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