Saturday, July 9, 2016

A plethora of pinks

The peonies came and went and I already miss their pretty flouncy blooms!

They are such show-offs that I can't help but give them a lot of
time in front of the camera.

They were everywhere!
I savored them, I hoarded them, I photographed them
and then finally when I had my full of them,
I sold some of them.

reflection in the mirror across the room

white peonies in the background are Duchesse de Neumours (very fragrant)
pink peonies Sarah Bernhardt (my favorite pink)

I can't remember the name of this pink peony, but it is a lovely one too,
a little deeper pink than Sarah

I need to look up the name of this one.
I love that it has this hint of yellow in the outer petals.

a pink that's blooming now in the garden is this pretty Strawberry foxglove
I love this foxglove, because it is perennial and not biannual.
The biannual don't work out here because I seem to always
pull up the new seedlings when doing my first weeding and
so I never see them again.

I also have an apricot and a yellow variety of the perennial foxglove.

My little grandson made this birdhouse for me as a cub scout project
and I love it!  I noticed while taking this photo that it has residents this year.
Last year. no birds--could it have been the paint fumes???,
because Ellis (the carpenter) and Maddie (the carpenter's cousin)
used a whole quart of white paint on it : ) of course most of it was on them
and the ground))
It's my favorite birdhouse in the garden!

Out by the pasture fence we have a rose growing that I planted
a few years ago called John Davis (one of the hardy Canadian roses).
I LOVE this rose!
The perfect pink, and I love it's rambling nature.
It grows along the pole fence between the clothesline and pasture.

The old gate hanging here came from an elderly man's front walk that used to live here
in town and when he passed away, a friend who had been care taking his place
asked if I wanted the old gate before everything was torn down.
Of course I did!
I love these old gates.

Thanks to everyone who reads here!
Blogging is such a joy for me and the people I've connected with
are truly a gift!


  1. All of your photos are so pretty! I still haven't found any peonies at Lowe's or Home Depot so I may have to order some online to be delivered in the fall. Can you come up my way and help me plan out a garden half as beautiful as yours?


  2. Those peonies are candy for the eyes! I adore each one of them. The blooming time is so short every year, I always want them to last longer. All of your photos are pretty today, I love the gate and the roses. Thank you for sharing the beauty with us all. I think it's very needed this week especially.

  3. Oh June I so wish I could have bought a bouquet of your beautiful peonies! What lovely photos of your home and garden. The birdhouse is so special and made by two special people in your life..what a treasure!
    We are back in Saskatchewan for a month awaiting the arrival of our grandson who is not ready to make his entrance into the exciting! He will make it six grandchildren and one great grandson (six months). I am feeling old!
    Have a wonderful Sunday and I look forward to your next garden post!

  4. Your gorgeous peonies are only rivaled by the sweet backdrops and styling you have with so many pretty and rustic pieces. Gosh, I love that old gate! I recently saw an old crib wire frame painted blue and used on a wall as a trellis. many unique ideas in Blogland. Still, you are the best of the best in creating wonderful displays and vignettes for your flowers. Love your indoor pics, is that your living room? So pretty.

    I love foxglove, I was able to grow it one season at the lake and then it didn't come up again. I think it was more that we can't tend to plants as much when we aren't there all the time. I love the pretty color of yours.

    Thanks for the garden tour. We go back awhile, June, and I never tire of them!! :)


  5. Dear June,

    Rightly so, your beautiful peonies can show off for us - you are the Queen of Gardening and it is always a delight to come over and visit your place. Thank you for sharing some pretty things today. Love the foxgloves too, aren't they a wonderful flower.
    Sweet that your grandson made that gorgeous bird house and that you have a little family residing there.
    Enjoy your summer dear friend
    Sending hugs

  6. Thank You, June! Visiting Your blog is good for soul. Gives peace and make all inside cleaner. Have a beautiful summer!

  7. Ah.... those peonies....they are so very beautiful. I imagine that I can smell them. The peonies did very well this year up here. Everyone commented on it. Mine were no exception. Your photos are exquisite and they bring back the intense pleasure that this flower gives me.

  8. Hello dear June,

    It's wonderfull to be here again and enjoy your beautiful garden. The peonies look so amazing and you have so many in your garden. I don't grow them in my garden but I always buy them almost every week, I love them. I also do love your pretty birdhouse made by your grandson.
    I hope to visit your lovely blog more. We have had a difficult time with one of our children but it seems to go better and better every day, so I hope to be on my blog again.
    Wishing you a lovely day, hugs Ingridxxx.

  9. Beautiful peonies, I love them. You have nice garden. :)

  10. June, when I see that you have posted I know that I'm in for a treat and I'm never disappointed. Your flowers, your styling and your photography are always spot on. Thank you for another wonderful post with lots of gorgeous photos. I love your beautiful peonies in all their pretty shades of white and pink. The foxgloves are so lovely as well. What a sweet grandson you have who built this fabulous bird house for you. He knows you well.
    Have a wonderful Sunday! :)
    Hugs to you,

  11. Oh my goodness, two beauties in this post, actually four. Peonies, roses, that wonderful old gate and that sweet bird house. I love them all.

    Every time I visit your blog I come away refreshed and inspired.

    Love and hugs to you ~ FlowerLady

  12. I could look at these photos all day long - your garden is absolutely beautiful, and the photos you take of it are amazing. Your previous lilac post and now this peony post has me green with envy - mine both did not do so well this year, and what did bloom was gone so quickly due to heavy rains. Thank you for sharing, it gives me hope for what next years garden might look like.

  13. Your peonies are spectacular, June! It's such a treat to tour your gorgeous gardens this time of much beauty. And, of course, your lovely and charming home is the perfect backdrop for cuttings inside.
    Mary Alice

  14. Hello dear June,
    your garden must be so very big an area , with all the flowers and bushes you can find place for. Amazing they are your peonies, and such adorable colors .
    I also love the foxgloves and have a lot on my ground.
    But we sold this hugs area, of ours, house and outer buildings ,-all , and am moving to a
    much smaller town garden ,but almost equal house . It is situated in the biggest town here on the island. (14.000 inhabitants -so still very small) . We will have no sea, in our back garden any more, which is sad, but this will soon be too much for us to keep nice, so better move, while we can still have a new life !!
    I hope to take with me some few smaller flowers, from here, to the new place. We have the key on August 15.
    Sending you and your gorgeous garden, hugs and kisses.

  15. Love the gate. Love the peonies. Love all the pink. Thank you so much for posting. I think I'm going to buy 2 peony tubers from a woman here in town who orders them online. I missed them this season when she had them to sell. She grows so many veggies and flowers in her front yard. And her last name is McDonald. A beautiful Christian woman. And around here, peonies are hardy plants and that's what I need. And then one of the seasons, I'll be able to post my own photos of peonies from my front yard.
    Blessings, Marrianna

  16. Your photos just make my heart happy. SO very beautiful! Peonies here were 8.50 a stem at the florist. Sometimes half that at the grocery if you can find them. But you can't. I have loved foxglove since fairy tale days. But your blog is like a wonderfully illustrated fairy tale! So glad that you share!

  17. I so love pink!!! The pink peonies in the pretty pink floral pitcher is my favorite. What a lovely way to start my Sunday!

  18. Oh Miss Pinkalicious!!!! We both know our love affair with Peonies!!! Can't get enough, so I keep planting more! I had a gorgeous yellow one bloom for the first time. Very pretty but, I so love my pink ones. Again a lovely post just like you!! Some day I hope the miles close and we can share a cup of tea.

    Much love,

  19. June your flowers are beautiful as always. Peonies are one of my favorite flowers. I love that I can see dandelions in your yard, natures flower. Have a wonderful weekend. Alaina

  20. Spectacular and stunning June! LOVE LOVE LOVE your photos! Miss you in our group on IG!

  21. Hey, neighbor! Gorgeous flowers and great pix, as always!

  22. Goodness, those peonies are so gorgeous! All of the colors around you just so amazing. It's very hot here now, and everything is drab with nothing in bloom. Seeing true green and such beautiful blooms truly is a sight for sore eyes.

  23. Wow, your flowers are always so breathtaking! It must be absolute heaven to spend a summer day in your garden:) How darling your little birdhouse is and LOL at them using sooooo much paint on it! I'm sure your grandson's thrilled to hear it has a little bird family living in it now!

    It's always a treat visiting your blog June, seeing all the beauty you're surrounded in makes me swoon!!! Hugs!

  24. How beautiful June. The peonies are pure pink perfection...
    I've not been to visit for awhile but I must tell you your header is delightful... serene and delicate.
    One can tell your passion for the enchantment of your garden. A site worthy of a Monet painting.
    Take care...
    Susan x

  25. Sencillamente, ¡precioso!
    Un saludo

  26. So beautiful June. What a life that surrounds you with so much fragerant romance, not to mention the rustic aged in the blending
    Of your garden. That sweet scout birdhouse project your grandson made for you must have really joyed your heart, and just think how much beauty it will take on years to come.
    Love your bits of reflection of your home, I leave you inspired by your grace and beauty.


  27. Your photos are a delight. Your air looks light and crisp much different from down here where the humidity is so heavy and hot. The gate is wonderful.

  28. ohhhh I love love love peonies ! And I only just discovered that the white ones smell so lovely extra bonus ! not surprise the bird house is your favourite cute ! have a nice week....
    Gail x

  29. Envy, envy, envy June !!!!!! I adore peonies but can't grow them in my garden for some reason ..... and yours seem to grow like weeds !!!!!!! They are unbelievably beautiful. I also LOVE your little birdhouse, made even better because your grandson made it .... I love that. Your garden must give you SO much pleasure ..... it has been giving me pleasure ever since I found your blog, probably about 8 years ago now !!!! .... more photographs please !! XXXX

  30. Your photos always make me happy, your garden with all her flowers looks like a paradise. Be sure I always appreciate it to read your post and to admire your photos! It's wonderful!

    Sending many hugs,


  31. June...l absolutely loved this post and all your stunning photo's. Your peonies are beyond gorgeous and they totally deserve the "camera time":-) It's been wonderful exploring your lovely flower filled garden and yes the old time gates look amazing. I also enjoyed seeing the peonies in and around your beautiful home. Thankyou so much for sharing all this loveliness.PS Hope you have some happy tweeting from the birdhouse come Spring:-)

  32. So amazing flowers! Anytime I see beautiful flowers, I am deeply impressed with the miracle of nature.

  33. oh what pretty settings for your beautiful peonies!! Creative, I like the mirror pic, well the old gate...

  34. Such beautiful photos, June! The foxglove and peonies have such a beautiful old-fashioned feeling. LOVE.

  35. C'est magnifique et les couleurs sont si tendres que l'on se prend à rêver !

  36. I love peonies and I love pink so obviously I love this post. My peonies - Sarah Bernhardt - came and went to fast because the heat has been so intense. I can enjoy yours for a long time. God bless, Diane

  37. June I am swooning over your beautiful pictures. Peonies are one of my faves. They are so soft and pretty. Beautiful pics.

  38. My garden has not had as much attention (so far) this summer as I had hoped for. My mother passed away only weeks before our wedding, and arranging the wedding itself took most of my time. But we are back home and I'm finding comfort in the garden. It's amazing how tranquil and rewarding being in the flower beds can be.
    Things are perking up since I got back and starting talking to those sweet buds again.

    LOVE those peonies. They are quick show girls, so you are smart to play with them when they are on stage.


  39. Dearest June....
    How absolutely have SOoooo many peonies that you could sell some!!! Crikey! oh how I wish I lived near enough to buy a massive bunch from you. I've managed to have three or four bouquets from the supermarkets this year and true they were stunning, but then that's it! No more, the shops never stock enough..and they're the first flowers to be snapped up. My husband always says that the buyers are dunces, they just don't manage their buying very well. He was in retail for over 30 years.

    I'm still aching and creaking and seem to be healing extremely slowly (lots of ooh ahhs!) but the sight of those peonies and that gorgeous pink rose have really given me a boost this morning June...thank you. ( I knew you would get that lovely gate as soon as you began the story. You are that kind of kindest person!)
    And thank you for calling by and your lovely words, I can't tell you how much that meant to me. It's great that I can think of you over there...way way over there walking quietly in your garden on a lovely summer morning, bending to smell one of those roses, maybe carrying a cup of coffee along, before your begin your busy day.
    Take care my lovely friend,

    Hugs Jane x

  40. Dear June. Your peonies is absolutely beautiful. I love them. Your garden is gorgeous, June. I also love the small pink roses (forgot the name). Your photos take my breath away. So very beautiful.
    Sending a hug from here

  41. June,
    Your flowers are gorgeous! I am a peony lover--why do they have to go so quickly? I think they look so beautiful in the big tub! what a beautiful garden you have! I enjoyed these photos!

  42. Hi, June, what a delight your garden is. Thank you so much for sharing your gorgeous peonies with us. Of course, I love the foxglove and roses and everything else you have growing there. I hope you have a blessed, happy week!

  43. Dearest June,

    your photos and the atmosphere therein are beautiful again. One can feel your great love for the peonies, and you have arranged them gloriously. From perennial foxgloves I've never heard before - I have to look if I can find some of them in Austria. These might be my "rescue";-)
    The bird house of your grandson is in fact a little masterpiece - and I am pleased that it is now inhabited! :o)
    I wish you a nice restg of the summer - enjoy it!
    Hugs from Austria, Traude

  44. You have a peony paradise at your house. They are so pretty and flouncy and your photos capture their beauty.

  45. Hi June,
    I was thinking of you this morning and when I came to visit realized that I had missed this beautiful post. I always love your peony photos.
    I hope you are enjoying a lovely summer.....can't believe it is August already!

    Take care,

  46. Your garden is so beautiful! I could sit there all day admiring the beauty! Hope you had a wonderful summer!

  47. sooo beautifull

    I wish you a wonderful summer


  48. favorite. They are just beautiful June. What a perfect post for me to view as we are socked in with rain today and for the next few. A bit gray here and you know how lovely pink and gray can be when combined. So thank you for sharing your pretty pink peonies. It really cheered me up.

  49. You still inspire me. My new house will be mine in 2 1/2. Weeks. I will plant white Peonies. Love your pictures.

  50. Hello June, your photos are so beautiful, they always get me in a good mood... Like you I love peonies, I am heading off to buy a new one today! Wishing you beautiful days,

    Love, Ida

  51. I follow your blog with much love, I do love flowers too.

  52. Dear June.
    Woooooooo some beautiful pictures. I am so impressed by the beautiful peonies.
    They are so decorative and beautiful. The fragrance is a chapter for itself.
    I love peonies and have them in the garden.
    I enjoy the time when they are beautiful and can never wait for the bail out.
    Then every room in the house decorated.

    Beautiful day to you


You all bless my life with your sweet words,
and I appreciate you taking the time to leave them.