Monday, August 29, 2016

up the creek to the shack in the woods...

Hello friends!
Before we take the drive to the shack (aka: Juniebird House)
I wanted to share a couple arrangements of flowers from my garden.
The garden has struggled a little this year from aphids and spider mites
so I haven't had a lot of flower photos to share with you,
but fall is on the way and the garden always makes a little comeback, so I'm
hoping to have a few to share later.

I haven't had anything much going on that has been blog-worthy so there's been
a lot of silence from me all summer.

2014 and 2015 were very rough years with our sweet boy Landon.
(for those who haven't read here before, Landon was born with Angelman Syndrome)
We were so worried about him and we had some decisions to make concerning
his seizure medications. He was always sick and having so many seizures
a day that it was affecting every aspect of our lives.
We changed neurologists to one that was
closer and she talked to us about adjusting his meds and adding a new
drug to the many he was already taking. Adding yet another drug to the several
he was on for his condition was hard decision for us. We worried if it would help
or make things even worse than they were.
The seizure med he is on and has been through most of his life was not
doing the job anymore. Being on it for so many years had caused his
platelet count to become seriously low at 56 and a suppressed immune system,
so a decision had to be made and quick.
We made the change and the past seven months have been so much better.
We are hoping that his immune system and platelet count will continue to improve
and our sweet Landon won't catch as many viruses.
When he gets sick, he gets real sick!
I really wanted to explain why the blog has suffered and why I haven't
been good at keeping up with any of you.
I find Instagram to be so much easier to post just one pic every other day or so,
but I still love blogging too, just have had no time to do it.
I haven't been keeping up with
so many things around here, and now I have a lot of hope that
things are going to be great.

An Annabelle hydrangea bloom and a few deep blue scabiosa.

do you remember that I have this little shack in the woods on some property
we have in the mountains?
I have posted about it here before, and one other time. I didn't bother
looking up the link for that one because the photos are horrible quality. It's a difficult little
place to photograph because of it's teeny size and poor lighting.

I liked the way I had it decorated, but I was in for a change since
it was decorated in neutrals the same as my home.
I felt like a little more color to the decor was in order for the little shack!
It is painted barn red on the outside so it stands out better in the winter
with all the snow we get up here.
First I painted the walls a bright white
so the colors would really pop, and then kept most of the yard sale
furniture I already had up there. I don't decorate up there with
anything 'cool' because this is miles from town and anyone could
break in and take anything they wanted.
My husband brought the bed home
from the landfill years ago when they still allowed people to do that, and
everything else is yard sale and thrift store stuff. Things have come and gone
and made their way into my house or studio and now I have left the space a little less
cluttered than it has been in the past.

I haven't put any curtains up yet and still looking for some that will work here and let
me have a little privacy when I come to stay.
I have only stayed here overnight once this year, and my husband and
Landon were in the camper nearby. 
I didn't like the fact that the windows were bare and always felt like someone 
was looking in. It could have been one of our horses ( I think I already told that story 
in one of the posts I wrote about the shack)
but I still still didn't want someone or something watching me sleep, so
I pulled that little curtain I have hanging by the bed and played solitaire on my phone
until I fell asleep.

Thank you to all that follow and read here! 
sending hugs to all of you!


  1. I'm so glad to read your post today and hear that your sweet boy is doing better. I adore your "shack" and would love to have one like it to live in full time. I'm ready to simplify my life and live in something much smaller. I hope you visit more often, but if your real life needs you more, I'm sure we'll all understand.

  2. Hello dear June. I`m so glad to hear that your son feels better.
    Your shack looks fantastic. Love the colors. You are so good to make it perfect even if it`s with colors or whites.
    Hugs from here

  3. So nice to see a post from you dear June. I'm glad the new meds are helping Landon. May he continue to do better. Family comes first before blogging, and please know that you are loved and prayed for.

    I love your little shack! It is so sweet, so you! I love that shelf unit hanging on the wall. What a dear piece that is! Thank you for sharing.

    Love, hugs and continued prayers ~ FlowerLady

  4. Oh June, first of all and most importantly, I am so sorry to hear that Landon has been having a tough time ....... I cannot imagine how difficult it all must be for Landon and for you and your family. But, it sound's as if you have sorted his medication .... that must be a relief for you all.
    You have done a wonderful job on your ' shack ' and how lovely to have somewhere that you can decorate a little differently from your main home....... such a change to add some colour !!!!!
    I always have dried hydrangeas in our home and am just throwing last years out and have brought in some of my limelight.
    ...... and, don't worry about not blogging .... real life is far more important ! I am such a sporadic blogger !!
    Lot's of love to you all and I wish Landon well. XXXX

  5. Thanks to God your son has better himself. The house in the mountains is so romantic. Love regards.

  6. I adore your little sanctuary, June, that you have decorated so beautifully. You never need to apologize for blog neglect, but it's always a special treat to see a new post. So thankful Landon is doing better and trust this new medication will continue to have a positive affect.
    Mary Alice

  7. Such relief to find a better working medicine for your son. I thank God each night for those in the medical field that contribute to health. Your bouquets are delicious! Love the sweet peas (I think) but have never grown any. Your little cottage is the coolest "get away" ever. I would be thrilled to come inside and visit with that fat, white rabbit. You can take garage sale and thrift shop finds to a whole new level to create this beautiful retreat - so welcoming. Must feel like a comfy hug when you come inside. Thank you so much for your post. I'm on the Gulf side of Florida and sitting here wondering when this storm will make up it's mind and live directly in the center of the "cone" so hurry up and come and go you nameless mystery storm! Your blog post was welcome relief from the weather channel.

  8. Oh my goodness June!!! This little She-Shed is just the cutest thing ever!!! What a wonderful little spot to have! I can relate to feeling like someone (or something) is watching you sleep, if I start dozing off on the sofa while Kyran's home he has to put a pillow up to shield my face, otherwise I can't sleep feeling like he's looking:) At night, he always falls asleep first so that's not a problem! Could you build some little shutters maybe?

    Awwww, I'm so sorry to hear your sweet boy has been having a rough time:( I hope the new regiment he's on continues to work! I agree that Instagram is much easier, much less time consuming than blogging. I still try to post on mine once in a while but not nearly as often as I used to! But I LOVE seeing your beautiful posts both here and on Instagram:) Have a wonderful day!

  9. Its almost a luxury for you to spend some moments in your little shack so I'm sure you treasure them.So sorry you have been having such trouble with your precious Landon. I will keep all of you in my prayers. God bless you. Diane

  10. I am so glad to hear your son is doing better, June. It is so hard and stressful when your child is ill. I hope the new medication will be good for all of you!
    Your little shack is so charming! The white walls bring such brightness to the place and really accent the beautiful floorboards!
    Your photos are always so lovely...and I love seeing them on Instagram, too.
    Hope you have a day filled with beauty! xoxo

  11. Dear, Darling June, I'm so glad to read that your boy is getting better !

    After this period of 'interlude' which I had to allow myself due firstable to work reasons - the Short Lets I manage here at Tenuta Geremia, the speech about the Empress of Austria I had to prepare and to perform at the conference which was held last Saturday at Madonna di Campiglio, in our Dolomiti, some works of restoration here and the family to join and follow took me far from the pc for more than a month and a half - I'm so glad to enjoy your artistry again, I've been missing you and your posts filled with such a touching Beauty so very much !

    Your shack is a dream, I'm truly speechless after watching the shots you've taken inside it, thank you once more for sharing the beauty of your heart!

    Sending blessings on the remainder of your week, may it be filled with the gladness you deserve, sweetie !

    Xx Dany

  12. Yes, I can see how this beautiful spot would fill your soul.

    I hope your son continues to find some peace with his new med. That is so hard.

    Love to you,


  13. Hello June,
    I love your white and bright room. It looks so friendly. Nice!
    Hugs, Christine

  14. You guys are always in my prayers. Your strength and faith are an inspiration to me.
    I had an idea about your windows, sent you an email
    love love love

  15. You have such a wonderful place to go to. The colors in the fabrics are just too pretty. You have filled it with color that must bring a smile each time you enter.

  16. Dear June, you and your son are in my thoughts and prayers. I really understand the tough times you go through. My mom is in the same type of position you are in with my 64 year old brother that she has taken care of all her life. She is 86 and still taking care of him. She said that she will pass on after he does, she feels that's why she is here. All mothers will receive their big rewards in heaven. But to think that this special spirits chose to come and bless our lives and teach us is truly and blessing in disguise.
    I love your sweet shack. Decorated just perfect. It is amazing that such a sweet little blessed bungalow can be out in nowhere just waiting for your visit. You are my hero. xx Jo

  17. These are good news for your son June.Hope he is doing fine now.This place is trully gorgeous, everything matches perfectly together, so peaceful and cheerful at the same time.Your site is a real oasis my friend.

  18. Dear June,
    I'm glad you have found a new medicine to help your son and your family. Thank you for sharing your news. And thank you for sharing new photos of your little cabin in the woods. It looks wonderful. I think I've said this before, but I'll say it again: I would absolutely LOVE to rent your little cottage for a short period of time. What a beautiful escape it would be for me. But in the meantime, I'll enjoy your photos.

  19. Hi June. I hope that Landon will continue to improve and feel better. It is so hard when one of your kids are sick. You must cherish your little shack, which I prefer to call the JunieBug cottage!. It looks very sweet and a place where you could re-energize when need be. Your flowers are always a delight to see..Have a wonderful week..Judy

  20. I am wondering if you have tried doTerra frankincense essential oil for your son. Do a little research online, and see how it has helped with many things neuro-related, including seizures. Wishing you all the best.

  21. Hi June,
    I was wondering how Landon was, but didn't like to ask. I am pleased to hear he is doing well so far on these new medications. Your love for your son is so precious.
    My grandson who is on the Autistic Spectrum begins kindergarten in a few weeks. He is non verbal and does not use the toilet, so there will be many challenges for them.
    I really love your little cabin, so sweet.
    My husband, daughter and I are leaving for a cruise to Alaska next week. Off to adventure!
    It was such a blessing hearing from you.

  22. I have been thinking of you so often this summer and hoping things were well. I'm happy to hear precious Landon is doing better. I will continue to hold you in my prayer and positive thoughts that he continues to improve. I think you already know I'm in love with that little shack and would stay the night with you and chase all the boogie men away. I love the added tough of color and I know the right curtains will find there way to the shack. Take care sweet one and you post whenever you can. Heaven knows I've been bad at the posting, yikes!

  23. Ah, June, but this was a full post. It was good to see a post from you as I haven't yet figured out Instagram and don't know how to find anyone there.
    I am glad to read that the worries of the past year have abated somewhat. I pray that Landon will continue to feel better and that the drugs will do a better job than previously. You and your husband have such responsibility in making those decisions about drugs.
    You little shack is sweet. I smiled when I read that your husband and Landon were nearby. It seemed rather remote for a solo sleepover!!!

  24. June

    I hope that this change of meds remains the answer for your son.
    I love the little bunkie. It's the perfect place to go and breath deep, scream loud or lay down and listen to the earth around you. If you put the bed under the window you might be able to fall asleep watching the stars outside of it or the moon dancing next to the night clouds.

    sending you big hugs

  25. Hi, June! I so feel bad that Landon is having these difficulties. I truly pray he gets over this must be so hard to decide what is safe and effective. I hope you have less and less sleepless nights. And I can only guess that's just one minor problem for you.

    It's wonderful that you have your beautiful gardens and love for having flowers in your pretty home. And your shack! Love it! I remember asking you about it, if you stayed by yourself. I can be at our lakehouse all day without locking a door but at night I feel very insecure when alone. I'm so trying to get over this. Are you okay alone at night in your 'main' home? I am and friends at the lake laugh that I feel safer in Chicago!! I'm just a little weird about being out in the middle of nowhere!!

    Anyway, pay no attention to me! Your little cottage is just perfect and I'll ease into mine as you do the same. Pinky promise!!! ;-D


  26. What a lovely place to calm and I like the colours there! Always so nice reading your blog...
    Have a beautiful day, take care!

  27. I'm so glad your sweet boy is doing better and hope that he continues to improve! LOVE your flowers and your little shack! hugs!

  28. The photos are beautiful!
    So sorry to hear about Landon! We have had a couple of our kids with multiple seizures a day given a pacemaker and it has changed their lives. Have any of your doctors recommended one? I just wanted you to know about it in case it hasn't been put on the table.... I always like to hear about different options. I hope the new meds keep helping! Hugs! karen....

  29. hello june,
    so happy to hear that Landon is doing better xo love and hugs to you both!

    love your juniebird house ~ what a beautiful little treasure in the woods to create and dream in xo

  30. I am glad the meds are working better for Landon, and I am sorry he has been so ill. I love all that you do and am inspired by you and your skills. Your little cottage reminds me of the one my Dad built for my daughter in our yard. It has a day bed that pulls out and a desk and shelves. Your green bed is perfection!
    Hugs and kisses my friend!

  31. Dearest June... Landon is so lucky to have you and Dale as his parents and you are so blessed to have him in your life...
    It is not an easy road having a child that depends on you for everything.
    Our son Aaron who is now 37 years old was born with Aortic Stenosis and had his first open heart surgery at age 2.
    Over the years he has had three more surgeries replacing his aortic valve and now he has a ICD (pacemaker).
    He has a family of his own now and will need another valve replacement next year. I worry about him everyday but have to trust that he will be okay.
    Our children are such a miracle & a blessing... please give Landon a hug for me...
    Your juniebird house is perfect!
    Sending love your way...

  32. Hello Sweet June! I am so sorry that Landon has had such a tough go at it for a couple years. I am glad to hear that things are going better for him. Bless his heart! I will keep him in our prayers. The shack looks adorable, as always! It looks pretty with some bright colors in it! Love you tons my friend and so happy we are both on Instagram! Instagram rules! Love ya, Maryjane xox

  33. What a cheery little spot! Too bad you have to give a second thought about intruders. My favorite details are your little shelf with all the pretty collections arranged, and the paintings grouped with that beautiful old wood frame. Lovely touches! I'm so glad things have improved for Landon, and so in turn, for you. Instagram so far has turned out to be "one too many" projects for me. I gave it a running start and then pooped out! I think it's supposed to be easier than I have made it. But I do love seeing your beautiful photos there too. I'm glad you still have a way to share your creativity and all the beauty. We are all enriched by it. I always love seeing what you post!

  34. Neighbor ~

    I'm so sorry to hear about Landon ~ hoping the new meds work out.I'm sending gentle healing thoughts for him, and strength and courage to you guys ~

    Adorable "shack"!

    Hugs ~


  35. June, I hope that Landon can be well. I love your shack and your white. I know nothing about Instagram. I have been facebooking for the last 5 months while we have been building our house. If you Facebook, you can visit, hugs to you my friend.

  36. I almost missed this post and if I had I would have felt bad on so many levels. First of all I hope that your son continues to improve. this all must have been very stressful and worrisome for you. It sounds like you made the right decision on his new medication.

    I love your little cottage in the woods. It is enchanting and the paintings are spectacular. It is perfect.

    You mentioned privacy curtains. I am probably the last person that still likes pull-down white window shades. Especially if the ends are trimmed with a vintage, or handmade lace. This is what I am going to do in my entry hall windows. My daughter has even made shades with fabric...yes, they do roll up and down. Shades are dirt cheap, can be cut to fit, and would give you the privacy you want with a vintage feel without being intrusive.

  37. what a pretty cottage! and lovely flowers. It sounds like you have fun with your family! which is the bestest

  38. June, Love your little shack-cottage ♥ I would love a place like that just to reenergize myself. You have decorated it with your special touches and it feels so inviting! Your garden flowers are just beautiful in your home. I hope your sweet Landon is doing better with his new meds. My daughter, Carly has helped me start Instagram on our blog. Just learning how to do it. So I know what you're saying about posting a photo everyday, I like that. Thanks always for your inspiration!
    Hugs, Jody

  39. Dear June,
    I love the little cottage you re-arranged, I loved its bright colors and what a perfect taste you have. I'm glad your dear Landon is a bit better, I send you and him a huge first time hugging an feels so good...much love

  40. It sounds like Landon's medications are improved, which is great news. I like your sweet little cottage.

  41. June reading about the strength and love your family has with sweet Landon's health problems shows the power of love and prayer. I hope the medicine works well for him. I love your little cottage\she shed getaway. The décor inside is inviting and cheery. I smiled about the window, last year John and I visited friends who live in the country where darkness of night is much different than our city homes darkness. No window coverings and while I was using their guest powder room I looked up and at the window there were eyes. Well it frightened me and I screamed to only find out it was a deer!!!

  42. Good news to hear your son is feeling better. Your posts make me happy, but I understand about the ease of Instagram. Several of my blog friends have quit blogging and are posting daily photos on Instagram because it is so much easier, user friendly, less time consuming, etc.

    LOVELY post, June. Your little shack is so cute. I love how feminine everything is, and I love the bohemian vibe with the white walls and colorful accessories. I really love your throw pillows on your daybed. Would you mind sharing where you found them? I would love some for our sofa in our family room.

    Take care! I'm sorry about the pests in your garden this summer. We are overrun with spiders and cobwebs all over our home and garden. We spent several hours on Monday getting rid of them all around our house!

    Ricki Jill

  43. I am so sorry your son has had such a difficult time. I hope the changes to his medication work better for him. Your little retreat is so charming. I love all the decorative details. Hoping you have a better fall! All the best to you and your dear son!

  44. Oh my. The shack is adorable. I love your pops of color. What a sweet place to get away. I am sorry that your son has had a difficult time. I hope the new medication regime works.

  45. Hi June- For some reason as I was driving along yesterday the strongest 'thought' (is the best way I can describe it) came to me about you and I wondered about your son, Landon. It was just so odd---out of the blue. I am glad to hear that his medication is making a difference. There is nothing worse than not being able to 'fix' a child that needs help.

    I love your little place. What about some white roll-up stick blinds that would roll right up above the window if you weren't using them? I am like you- no matter how private a place is -if I am sleeping I want my windows covered somehow.

    Have a wonderful Fall. We just put our house on the market so will see what happens here. It is a bittersweet decision.

    Give your angel-boy a hug from Nana! xo Diana

  46. Hi June, I have missed you. :) I hope Landon is doing better, hug that sweet boy for me. I will pray for him. Your flowers are always pretty to me. I love hydrangeas. June, you should look into have the cottage moved to your property where you could enjoy it more. That little min vacations to it. Like a nice quiet afternoon. Blessings to you and your family. Love , xoxo, Susie

  47. Oh dear June,
    what a hard winter you all had. It must be so very hard on Landon, too, what a relieve your new doctor changed his old medication, for something else, now helping him much better. I hope and pray it will continue, to help him, feel better.
    Your little shag looks so very cozy, and sweet, with the folksy look you created, using more colors . And I totally agree-, only when sleeping first floor, it is ok, to do without curtains.
    We sold our big beautiful property and house, and moved to the biggest town, here on the island. A wonderful house, with a garden, not big, but lovely, and undisturbed. Very kind neighbors , and only 10 minutes walk, to centre of town. I`m happy here, but my husband misses the big sea, and view to it. I hope he gets used, living here, as it was not possibly to stay with all there is to be done, in such big property,and with 3 big outhouses-
    I so wish you a lovely rest of late summer/start autumn. Hugs and loving thoughts. Dorthe

  48. Dear June, I'm sorry to hear that Landon had such severe additional health problems for such a long time. It's great that the new meds help and I hope that his health will continue to improve.
    Your shed is a sweet place and I love the color you brought in. I would have a difficult time sleeping as well without curtains or shutters on the bedroom window.
    Have a wonderful weekend! :)
    xo Julia

  49. Dear June, I'm glad Landon is feeling better. I am praying for you and your family.
    I am glad you are still blogging... your posts and photos are always inspiring. I love to visit and daydream. :)

  50. Dear June
    I'm a new follower and I'm sorry to hear about your son. I hope he is better?
    I love your beautiful pictures and I'm glad I found your blog and Instagram account.

    Love Lone 🌸

  51. Hello June! Your little shack in the woods looks wonderful... A place for recreation, I think.
    I hope your son is doing well now, family is the most important thing in our lives❤️
    Your photos always bring me joy,
    Love, Ida

  52. As always, any post from you is pure joy - it isn't the quantity, it is the quality - and your posts are magical! I am keeping Landon in my prayers- can't say how pleased I am he/you/all may get a bit of relief from the stresses and worries of illness. Bless his soul.

    Your "shack" is absolutely darling - I cannot even believe your dear hubs rescued that bed from trash heaps! It's AWESOME, as is every detail in your happy little space. Hugs. ♥

  53. Dear June.
    What beautiful pictures you share with us. So great to find your blog. Will provide many hours of pleasure and as you write is autumn started. So, more time will be used indoors.
    As new follows. It makes me sad to hear about your son. At the same time it makes me happy that things are going the right way. Think I can feel a little of your sadness, frustration and joy. For I have also a son with a very rare disease. So it's also doctors far away to be visited. Admissions and up and down days.
    When I blog everything feels much better. But time is often barely.

    Thanks for looking at your beautiful blog and fantastic day to you

  54. Hi June,
    I somehow missed seeing your post until now. So glad that the new medication is working better for Landon. I am praying for you all.
    Your little retreat is so lovely ~ glad your husband and Landon are nearby though.

    Love and prayers,

  55. Dear June,
    I came here from "Rostrose" and I like what I find here. I looked a little bit around and I know, that I will come her again. It is realy beautiful blog and I'm happy that I find you.
    Have a nice day

  56. Dear June,
    I came here from "Rostrose" and I like what I find here. I looked a little bit around and I know, that I will come her again. It is realy beautiful blog and I'm happy that I find you.
    Have a nice day

  57. Dear June!
    I hope your Landon is feeling better and you and your family are having less problems and more time to laugh ...
    I always loved and admired your garden and home's a real paradis on earth ...
    Here it's already autumn and time to protect the garden before winter comes.
    I wish you a beautiful week June!
    With love,

  58. Tu as un jardin magnifique ! j'aime beaucoup l'ambiance de ton joli blog...
    Merci pour tes belles photos !
    Bises de France

  59. Bonjour June

    Tu as un jardin magnifique ! j'aime beaucoup l'ambiance de ton joli blog...
    Merci pour tes belles photos !
    Bises de France


You all bless my life with your sweet words,
and I appreciate you taking the time to leave them.