Wednesday, October 12, 2016

abandoned. . . . .or not?

A little over two weeks ago I took a bouquet of garden blooms
'up the creek' to a favorite abandoned house that is on the neighboring
property of where my little Juniebird house (she shed) is.
Years ago when we lived on my husband's grandfather's ranch that
is just north of this house, I would pass it almost daily and
think how awesome it would be to fix it up and live in it someday.
  Well that never happened,
but we did buy the 40 acres that was originally part of grandpa's that ran south of it,
so I have always been able to keep my eye on it over the years.
I had never been in it until the other
day when I decided to trespass a little and crawl through the fence with
my little bouquet and camera
(oh, and yes, a tattered piece of lace for the window)

The interior walls are almost non-existent now and the windows are gone,
but I could see that in it's day this house had a lot of charm.
From every window in the house are beautiful views and I could see
why the builders would have chosen just this spot on their ranch to build it.

Oh I forgot to say I brought up the little chair too,
you know, in case I got tired  :)

This photo I snapped below gives you an idea of it's surroundings
and the mountains just to the north.

As I was gathering things back up, I thought about trying to find a way to the upstairs
because the staircase was totally absent, but as I looked up into the
second story I saw that the house really wasn't abandoned at all.
As you can guess, I gave up any intention of following through with climbing
 up the 2x4 walls and joining this guy in case he had the inclination
to put his talons into my hair and cause me to go screaming out of the door
and through the fence and down the road to my car!!!!

But, it won't be the last photo shoot I do in HIS house!
I just hope next time I go he's out for the day.

I wanted to share just a few of the flowers I have been enjoying from the
garden since I last posted.
This little rose is a favorite of mine and is called Ballerina.
It doesn't get very big in my garden because it has to start over from
the root every year because it isn't zoned for our area. But whatever it's size, I'll
take what blooms it's little canes decide to give me.

I like to pair Morden Blush roses with Limelight hydrangeas.
I covered the top of the mantle with them and I think they
  looks so pretty together.  

Morden Blush roses with Rosanne geranium

My sweetpeas are still blooming! I planted 
4" cups the first of July because I was too late to plant seeds in the spring.
It's nice to have them this late in the season.


An old iron headboard in the grape arbor

This is one of my clematis that grow under the pergola on the way
 to the front door. This is it's second bloom, it's first bloom
is a real show stopper!

There are several trellis in the garden and this pole trellis borders 
our neighbor to the right of us. 
I was trying to create a little secluded place for my dear 
friend Sarah's daughter. 
On the other end of this trellis she has a hammock hanging 
in the trees and this gives her a little more privacy when she 
hangs out in it.

I LOVE my Lambert Closse roses!!!

A picture of my Limelight hydrangeas before they started to turn their 
Autumn hues.

Below is a little outhouse that my daughter bought at a farm auction for me and
we put in the garden for a tool shed.
It's in a very secluded part of the garden and  looks very charming
under the trees. I understand the the normal person wouldn't
have anything like this in their garden...but there's nothing normal
about me or my garden!

The second bloom on the John Cabot rose in September.

Thank you all who read here and I wish you lovely Autumn or Spring
in your parts of the world!


  1. There are NO words to tell you how beautiful I think this post is. You are so talented with your camera and your garden. I loved the "abandoned" house too. Thank you for sharing this amazing beauty with us today.

  2. June, I've had a trying day....nothing too serious, more annoying than anything else. When I saw your post on my Blogger home page and clicked on it, it truly brightened my day. I can't get over that owl! He has a lovely home, and he didn't seem too irritated to have you as company.

    I love your garden posts, and your little roses are so pretty. How do you get your limelight hydrangea such a pale and pretty color? I've never seen them look like that! You are a master gardener.

    Again, thanks for sharing your beautiful world with us. I appreciate you and your posts!

    Happy autumn to you!


  3. All so lovely, but you had me at those amazing little roses!!!

  4. Beautiful photos! love the out house repurposing :) ....

  5. Many blessings to You, June. Thank You for your lovely pictures. Warming pieces. I love compos with flowers and wood and metal. Strong and fragile together.

  6. Dear June!
    Oh I love your walk through this old ranch and this little (hi hi) beautiful bird.
    It's such a beautiful place on earth and I'm sure it's very quiet ....what I love ...being alone in the wild nature.
    But when I see your dreamy garden ...I must ask myself where do you have all the water from for all this greenery.
    The land of this old ranch is a prairie and it looks very dry!?
    The photos on this dreamy place are wonderful dear June! Thanks a lot!
    Hope you are fine and I wish you a lovely day with your family!
    With love,

  7. Breathtaking. You need to do a book my dear girl.

  8. You have wonderful garden. I like such climates. The night owl was lovely, I adore night owls. Have a nice weekend.

  9. Dear June. I simply love the old house. You took some beautiful pics there.
    Your blooms from your garden are gorgeous.
    Wish you wonderful days.
    Hugs from here

  10. Oh my gosh! I loved your photos in the abandoned home. The resident owl is very handsome.

    Your roses and other glorious beauties are always a joy to see. You have an amazing green thumb. Do you fertilize your roses? If so, what do you use?

    Happy autumn ~ FlowerLady

  11. It is such a pity that the house be forfeited..
    it would be a nice summer house

    your flowers in the garden are so beautiful
    best regards

  12. Dear June,
    Everything is so beautiful. Love that abandoned house. I could spend hours there with my camera. Lucky you and Mr. Owl. As always, your flowers are stunning. They put on quite the show. Thanks so much for posting.
    Blessings for a beautiful Fall day.

  13. Love these beautiful photos. That window is so beautiful ♥

  14. Oh my goodness June, scrolling through your blog is like looking through the scrummiest, most beautiful magazine! Your photo of the owl is amazing, like he was waiting there to have his picture taken! How fun to imagine the history that little house has. Your flowers are beautiful and hey, why not have a little outhouse...such a fun piece of whimsy! Have a wonderful day June!!!

  15. What a wonderful post. Your photos are always gorgeous. I love your garden photos, but also the way you shoot the old house. The photo of the owl is amazing. Hugs Yvonne

  16. Dearest June, your world is just amazing, not only do you live in garden heaven, but you also have a view to that beautiful old house, made in logs, and laying there so wonderfully with the high mountains behind it. I know you will create gorgeous photo sessions there, in the future, and wonder how it will look in wintertime ....
    Hugs to you from Dorthe Xxx

  17. Oh my! Such beautiful pictures! The mantle is just breathtaking. Love the pictures of the old house and that owl, nice place he has.
    I love to see posts from you in my inbox. They are always gorgeous!

  18. This old house is a wonderful place for a fotoshoot, with or without owl ;-). The pictures of all the flowers are so beautiful, I love them so much. Thanks for sharing, dear June.

    Sending many hugs,

    Xxx Ingrid

  19. Unas fotos preciosas. Me encantaría poder hacerlas igual.
    Un saludo

  20. Your bouquets, photos, interiors are fabulous June! And that owl, what a precious capture!Thank you for sharing your paradise with us.

  21. Dear June
    I am always so happy when I see your pictures. You are an amazing photographer, and you know just how to make your beautiful flowers look even more gorgeous. The owl is fantastic and majestic to see, and I understand his choice of home.
    I wish you a wonderful evening dearest friend 🌸

    Love Lone

  22. I absolutely love your photos of the old farmhouse. You can see all the detail of the hand hewn beams. Never saw anything like that so up close before.

  23. June your flowers are beautiful as always. Just makes me smile to see your pretty pictures. Oh my that Owl sure did have his eye on you. I bet that little house was so full of charm in it's day.

  24. My heart was beating just a tad faster when I saw you had entered the house. There is just something about old, abandoned houses, isn't there? I always wonder how it came to be that the 'last family' to live there WAS the last family to live there. I wonder why no one else ever moved in and the house began to return to the earth. It is always a bit sad to me.

    What is NOT sad---your flowers! Those roses and hydrangeas---oh my goodness! What sheer beauty, June. I am so envious of your roses--I don't have a single bush left here and not putting anymore in due to moving.

    Hugs to Landon and hugs to you, too- xo Diana

  25. Dear June: I really enjoyed your 'break-in' to the little house. Your pictures are so pretty and the one of the wise old owl is magnificent, but quite scary. I would have had to run out of there fast as I could. I hope you will be able to make a return visit without that old over-seer. All your flowers are just gorgeous and I am so envious that you have an outhouse in your own back yard. I grew up visiting my grandparents and using that type of facilities. We took a little trip back to the property which belongs to someone else now, and the outhouse is still there. I wanted to ask the folks if I could buy it but they weren't home and I haven't gone back. Now you have me thinking about it again..Happy Weekend to you..Judy

  26. No, your garden is not normal,'s extraordinary! So beautiful! The little outhouse is a fun, rustic addition!
    I enjoyed your visit to the little house...the owl photo is amazing. Scary, but how great to see one that close! It is certainly surrounded by majestic views! Lovely post!

  27. June, I am always I awe of your garden! The flowers are just breathtaking. I love the little abandoned house. Only you would think to take a lace curtain and chair to add to it's beauty. The photo of the owl is awesome! What a majestic animal.

  28. Hi June,
    I don't know where to begin commenting on how beautiful and peaceful everything looks in your world! I used to love wondering through old abandoned houses back when I was a kid. There is something magical about them and your imagination just takes over. Only you would carry along some old lace, a chair and some flowers to turn it into a lovely photo shoot. I'm sure Mr. Owl doesn't mind your visits. Thanks for sharing your flowers. You've brightened my day.


  29. This abandoned house is a great location for a photo shoot, dear June. It's wonderful that the owl found a shelter there. All of your pictures are gorgeous! I enjoyed the trip to the house and the garden tour very much. Thank you!
    Have a wonderful and happy weekend! :)

  30. June, The roses and hydrangea on the mantle are truly gorgeous, I love the elegance and softness of the combination. You and I have a love for the same types and colour of flowers.
    Although the owl might have given you a jolt when you first discovered him, he let you know he was there for a reason. You know how much i believe in the Cardinal..... and the presence of birds in general. They are around us with messages. Looking forward to more details of your exploring.
    Enjoy the trek.


  31. Dear June
    What beautiful pictures as always.
    You really knows how to create atmosphere.
    In a very special way with beautiful pictures.
    You get sucked into a dream world of enjoyment.
    Every little flower turns into something big and beautifully in your hand.
    You are truly a master photographer.

    Good weekend

  32. Your garden looks always so beautiful!
    And, wow, the owl looks great!
    So sweet photos again!

    Wishing you happy weekend!

  33. You have really outdone yourself with this beautiful post. I think it would be wonderful to have a book published with your amazing pictures. Such beauty is both inspiring and uplifting. Thank you!

  34. Dear June
    Oh..what beautiful pictures you share !!.. AS always!
    IT makes me so happy ..i have to look at the pictures again and again
    Your LOVELY garden blooms...every picture tells its own story ..
    I am sitting with my coffee dreaming ..
    Your LOVELY Mordon Blush with the limelight hydrangas...oh dear pretty !
    I have been thinking of you a lot this summer.
    So good to hear that your dear Landon is going better..hope and pray IT will continue ..
    He has a LOVELY mom ...and you a LOVELY son ..

    Whishing you a nice day and all the best for the autumn .
    Blessings to you and your family.

  35. Oh do I feel like I've abandon my own house this summer. I've been gone so much I could take still life photos for proof. Now if I could win the lottery I would love, love to restore that old house. Yes, a dream!! But Mr. watchfull will have to move out. That would have scared me enough not to return. Your photos are beautiful and do send me into dream world. Take care dear and look forward to you next post. Oh yes, still a dream to spent a night in the shack! Swoon!!

  36. Hello dear June. I am sorry I haven't commented on your blog for quite some time. I do read and beieve me admire your photo's but I just don't get to commenting.

    I haven't posted on my photoblog for a long time because as we get older,my husband will be 82 in a few weeks time we don't get around or on trips like we used to so no photo's no blogging .But I sometimes post on my craft blog show my quilts. I would love to see you there :))
    Lots of love from Riet

  37. Oh June .... where to start ?!!
    You have such talent and should have been in display're so good at it !
    ..... and, that photograph with the owl is AMAZING !! .... and such beautiful scenery. You live in an amazing place.
    All of your roses are so pretty and your limelight hydrangea is so much better than mine !!!!! Do you prune it and, if you do, when ?
    Hope Landon is getting on well and that changing his medication has helped .... I do think of you all often.
    Sending much love from a chilly, Autumnal England. XXXX

  38. Oh, June - this is absolutely splendid in every way.

    Blessings to you and yours, now and always.

    Thank you for the beauty you have shared with us!


  39. June this side of your camera and your beautiful foto's always fascinate, but I have to say that foto of the abandoned and decaying home stood beautifully I'm your giving it a bit of attention. The window dressed with shears, and a jar of garden pickings cheered it up beautifully.
    What a soulful home, and I must say that owl has found his place of shelter in the comfort of beauty.

    Your gardens amaze June, and the garden artifacts charm.


    Ps. I hope you take more foto's of the old home, I am sure it will welcome your visit.

  40. Dear June I'm going back through your posts and what can I say but I adore every single photo here and I need to come and linger longer as each one needs time to appreciate. Oh my goodness you take the most amazing photos dear friend!!!
    Much love again,
    Suzy ♥♥♥


You all bless my life with your sweet words,
and I appreciate you taking the time to leave them.