Several days ago I was awarded the Honest Scrap award by three wonderful blog friends.
Tracey at French Larkspur was the first to award me...then
Gale at Wizard of Once Was...and then
Judy at Tapestries of Nature.
I love these ladies blogs and I thank them for this award. What great friends they have become to me and they encourage me and inspire me.
I have been so busy with company that I was barely able to squeak out a White Wednesday post. So this was put off until I could have a moment to think of ten honest things about myself.
Wouldn't you rather hear some crazy made up things about me instead? But since it is called Honest Scrap, I'll keep it HONEST.
I am going to copy Tracey and put in some pretty pictures so you have something to look at while
you read these not so interesting things about me.
I am totally flying by the seat of my pants here. They never load like I
would like them to, so I end up deleting them and starting over
more times than I would like to admit.
2. I cry every time I watch Steel Magnolias.
3. If I had my choice between chips or candy, I would choose chips and candy.
4. Sometimes I can't believe that I am married to the greatest guy
on the planet.
5. I love to clean house...I don't do it as much as I should, but when
I do, I love it.
6. I'm afraid of water and heights.
7. I knew at an early age, that I wanted to have a large family.
8. I love scary movies...the scarier the better. I don't like too
much gore though.
9. I didn't always like my name. I always wanted to have my
sister's name...Patricia.
10. I don't follow rules very well and so instead of naming seven blogs that inspire me, I am naming all the blogs on my side bar. I'm such a rebel.
you rebel you! I love learning new things about you...we actually have a lot in common. As for flying by the seat of your pants? You sure fooled me, I always come here completly envious of the beautiful blog that you have...enjoy your weekend June...p.s. I love your name.
I'm so glad that a blog as great as yours, that the "owner" has problems with the formatting..ha ha...It's enough to drive ya crazy!! I love your sweet peas, June, they are just beautiful. I never would have figured you a Rebel! I love it!
My Best
Dear June,
your ten points come across so sympathetically.
Also your pictures are absolutely nice again.
I wish you and your family quite a marvellous Sunday.
Lots of love sends you,
I just love this kind of trivia about you! I liked Isabelle far better than my real name and I wished I could speak french at the age of 4 (now I can) hence the Isabelle desire. Thanks for naming us all and for playing in my pink ribbon support give away. Have a lovely Sunday!
what an interesting list all about you June...i think your blog always looks so pretty, so whatever you are doing here is working very well...i cry when i watch steel magnolias too, and a whole bunch of other movies too...
Loved reading this post June!! I too got this award and I need to get mine posted this week.
I was reading it outloud and told my husband, 'Well I can't put that one now" {I am married to the greatest guy on the planet}...lol.
Beautiful photos also!!
Hello June, your list of honest things was wonderful! Your blog always looks picture perfect to me! I too received that nice award and passed it on to EVERYONE! If I had to choose between chips and candy, I would choose chips and candy too!!! Bisous... Julie Marie PS Kisses TT!
I am glad you broke the rule! It's so much better to award all your bloguettes. I am glad I know more about you now and I can see few thing that we have in common. It's neat. Have a Happy Sunday Ciao Rita
My darling friend June. June is my favorite month of the year. I chose to be married on that month.
I love the time and effort you put into preparing your blogs. That's a mark of true passion. I received this award last week also and my computer did a blink and I lost the givers name. I've been trying like crazy to find it, but can't. I appreciate your invitation to respond.
I'm working on your prize this week. I think I need you address.
Hi, June,
Thank you for sharing ten things about yourself. You are an amazing lady, and I am glad to call you my friend. I can't believe you have trouble with your posts!! They are always so beautiful!! Now, I am the one who has no idea what I am doing with my computer. I only started posting in July. I always get tickled when I read my first 3 or 4 posts because it was very obvious I was flying by the seat of my pants!! I love to visit you and love when you visit me. I have a special prayer for you if you have a chance to stop by Bunny Cottage. Vicki
Dear June,
I enjoyed reading the ten things that make you, June.
I think June is a pretty name and suits the lovely Lady, that you are.
Your sweet peas are beautiful as are all the other delightful posts you share with us.
Thank you June for always making your blog a beautiful place to come and visit and I love it when you come to mine.
Happy week
Dear June,
your such a wonderful person - thank you for telling about you.......it was sooo nice!!!!! And the pictures are soooo beautiful!!!! And thank you so much for your lovely comment........have a wonderful week,
Hugs Jade
Sweet June,
I love your name! June is one of my favorite months, so many beautiful flowers blooming then...and when I think of beautiful flowers blooming, I think of you!
It was great to learn more about you... I love a good cry at a sad movie, and love suspense thrillers too, hold the gore!
Hope you're having a nice Sunday!
Love ya!
Hello June
Congratulations on your award! So interesting to find out more about you!
I can nver watch a very scary movie as stays with me afterwards... and I really don't like having that uneasy feeling I get... Murder & Mysteries but not scary.
Isabelle x
okay Mrs. Rebel...I'm so scared of you! haha
Seriously...I cannot believe that you don't know what you are doing when you post a post. You have one of the prettiest and most entertaining blogs out there (besides mine! haha) I love coming here to get my fix of pretty photos and reading about what's going on in your little world.
What would I do without you June???
(the thought just terrifies me)
everything vintage
Hi June,
For someone who says they don't know what they're doing you're sure fooling me. Keep it up it's working! I love scary movies too but can skip the gore.
I love your name!!!! and happy to find out more about you!
About the water and the heights...me tooooo!! I wear a life jacket if we jump off the boat in the middle of the lake and my kids think I'm a dork.
Love this post! It's always fun to learn more about our blogging freinds isn't it!!
Hope you have a great week!
What a beautiful post June, I love your pictures - such vivid color - and I loved learning more about you! I hate cleaning, what's your secret for liking it? Do you have some fantastical rose-scented cleaning solutions or musical mops? It's a chore I hate and avoid whenever possible :)
Have a great week-
belle ballade sur ton blog!
Oh June, You put this together so well... very cute. Thanks for sharing a little bit about yourself.. it is always nice to know more about a person where you love to visit for inspiration. I don't like heights either!
Hi June.....Love your name, by the way! :-) Loved learning more about the sweet little gal at Laughing with Angels... :-) And, the pix too. Gosh, your posies are sooo beautiful.
Congratulations on your award. Your blog deserves as many awards as can be given out! As for all the honesty going on in this post, I loved hearing all the little nitty-gritty details about you. Trouble up loading pictures and such, glad to hear I am not the only one! :-) Oddly enough, I never knew that I would some day have a large family, I always thought that I wanted just one, perhaps none at all. I was going to spend my life traveling instead! Anyway, loved the post and learning more details about the delightful lady behind this blog! Hope your week got off to a good start with this Happy Monday. Debby
p.s. Rebecca loves Turbo's name, but from looks it was Sunny hands-down! She is partial to horses of that color since her favorite over here, Always, is that color. xoxox Deb
The pictures are lovely:). We seem to have a good bit in common. I too am afraid (and I mean very afraid) of heights and water. I also love scary movies but nothing gory-I just like a good ghostly scare:). I love cleaning my house-just not the bathrooms-it hurts my back. This was a fun post!
Loved your list, June. I was surprised at the "scary Movies", though, funny... and Heights and Water, me too. Your blog is always beautiful, so no one would know that it's "spontaneous"!
Have a great week!
Love your candor, June. TY for sharing.
May your eve be full, warm & loving.
TTFN ~Marydon
Hi June,
Your sweet peas are beautiful.
I always said I was having 10 children but settled for seven.
Wow! snow already-that must have been a shock.
Congratulations on your award- I love your blog!
Lovely images..I adore sweetpeas...just the name makes me happy! Love finding out about you...thanks for sharing and congratulations on your award!
I just loved reading this post! We have so much in common! I too LOVE scary movies!!! They are my favorite kind :) I also love to clean, especially dusting my pretty things and arranging them again :):) AND I am terrified of water and heights! We also both have lots of kids, lol! Love this June, it is fun getting to know you better!
PS, I LOVE your name because it is my favorite month, summer begins!! When I see your name, I feel happy :)
fabulous post! Love all your honesty :-) ♥
You're cute! And I love, love, love all your pretty flowers!
Loved learning a little about you June. WEll, even though you don't know what you are doing when you are blogging... you are sure winging it REALLY good! your blog is beautiful and a wonderful place to visit. I also say you deserve the chips and candy if you want to. hehe
Hope you have a wonderful week! xo Heather
Just discovered your blog and the fact that we have something in common...I too am a "rebel" (albeit a good one) and have a problem following the rules "exactly"! It was nice getting to know you a bit! PS found you through Tracey...isn't she lovely?!
I'm so.. glad that your a rebel! ALways so much more fun and interesting.I also am THRILLED that you too have a few glitches when posting! I truly struggle! It sure doesn't look like you have any problems! Hope you have a fantastic week! It's been so wonderful getting to know you...you might say...dj
Dear sweet June,
I loved reading those things about you! You do a wonderful job with your blog! Your photos are so beautiful. I can imagine the incredible scent of those sweet peas! I am going to plant my seeds the end of this month or early November, so I can enjoy them for a longer time. Last year my dear husband planted them, but it was a bit late, so we only had a few blooms before the heat and humidity set in.
Thank you for all you shared!
Love, Paula
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