Pardon me while I do a little bragging.
There is nothing on this earth that I love more than my children
and their children.
and that is why we drove 12 hours in the car so we could be there when this
little guy was born.
and their children.
and that is why we drove 12 hours in the car so we could be there when this
little guy was born.
Briana with baby Jace
Geesh! It's a long way to drive.
Do you know how many potty stops there
are in a 12 hr drive?
Too many!
Why is it every time you stop to go, you buy something more to make you need to go again?
Allena and Ella with their new baby brother
The C-section was scheduled for
March 2nd, giving Dale and I plenty of time to plan the trip so we could be there
for the big event.
We made the drive in one day, and I was so surprised that Landon did as well as he did.
He has never been on this long a drive and he did so well.
On Friday we were all up early and at the hospital by 7:30 to welcome our 10th grandchild.
Dale and I wanted to be there so we could help get the children back and forth so
they could be a part of it all.
What a special experience it was to be there
and to see the children welcome their new baby brother.
Jace Beau Kelsey weighed in at 7-14 and I do believe he is the cutest little baby on the planet.
(I'm a granny after all) of course I think that ; ))
I think Ella agrees with gram.
Our little Ella is four
While we were there spending time with our family I was able to snap some photos
of our other grands.
It's hard to grasp how fast they are all growing up.
Anton is sixteen this year and is the oldest of the family and our firstborn grandchild.
This boy is so darn funny!!!!
He is really a wonderful young man.
Briana comes next in the family and is fourteen, soon to be fifteen.

of our other grands.
It's hard to grasp how fast they are all growing up.
Anton is sixteen this year and is the oldest of the family and our firstborn grandchild.
This boy is so darn funny!!!!
He is really a wonderful young man.
Briana comes next in the family and is fourteen, soon to be fifteen.
Briana enjoys so many of the things I do.
You say the word yard sale to this girl and she is right there!!!
Allena is 12.
Dale and I have always called her Cindy Lou Who,
because when she was a little girl she looked just like the little girl in The Grinch.
Dale and I have always called her Cindy Lou Who,
because when she was a little girl she looked just like the little girl in The Grinch.
She looks so much like her mom did at this age except Season's eyes are blue.
Lorin is 9 and was named after my father.
She is such a joy to have around if you have the energy to keep up with her.
Her batteries never run down.
She always knows what I'm going to do even before I do it : )
It may have been a long tiring trip, but oh so worth every mile.
I miss all of them already and I've only been home two days.
Darn them for moving farther away!
Some of my overseas friends asked if I would post about my feature in Romantic Homes
since it is not sold in their countries.
It was in the March issue.
It was so exciting because I was told that they wanted to feature my blog
in the 'site seeing' section. Beth Livesay had asked for several photos from my blog
and I thought she would pick three or four and that would be that.
I hadn't seen the magazine when some of you where e-mailing and telling me
that I was in two different sections of the issue. I then was pretty eager
to get to the nearest store to find a copy, but since I live so far away
from where magazines are sold I couldn't justify a trip to town to just buy a magazine : )
So when I heard my neighbor was going to town I asked if she could pick me up a copy.
And she did.
When I saw my living room on the pages, I have to say it was kind of an odd experience.
I live in the space everyday and never thought of it being so WHITE!
I really do have color in the space...
(not tons, but some)
but in print it looks so WHITE :o
Then when I turned the page I remembered again why I love it white...
in the Summer when I walk outside, I am bombarded with color.
Lots and lots of color.
So coming indoors to my mostly white space
is a calming experience when the garden is in bloom.
I want to thank Beth Livesay for giving me the opportunity of being part of
the March Romantic Homes.
It's just one of those things you never imagine until it happens.
I'm done bragging now.
until the next grand baby is born!
June ~ so wonderful to see your newest grandchild! What a lovely experiene for you all! All of your grandchildren are adorable! That Anton...I can tell he's going to be a heartbreaker...maybe he already is! (*_*) Too bad you couldn't have made one of your "potty stops" at my house in Riverton! Next time!
Also, loved seeing your home in RH. It looked so beautiful and the all white interior is so calm, soothing and fresh looking! I enjoy your blog so much!
Congratulations to your grandson, you will be very proud! And what a distance, when we drive so far we arrive at the other side of Europe :)!
All the pictures in the magazine are really great, you have a wonderful house!!
With love, Ingrid
Congratulations on your beautiful new grandchild, June! What a lovely family.
And congrats on Romantic Homes!
Oh June, your new little man is adorable!!! I had my 3 boys c-section and they had really nice round heads like that:) How blessed you are to have all those grandchildren!
Congratulations on the magazine feature, it was definitely well deserved. I don't buy magazines very often but I may have to treat myself to this one:)
A big congratulations to your whole family! Welcome Jace! He is just precious...all of your grandchildren are! Lovely pictures, June!
I didn't know you had a feature in Romantic Homes! I have to get a copy right away! Another congratulations!! From what I can see in your post, your living room and garden look wonderful! Hurray for you!
Happy Saturday!
Dear June,
Brag away! Your newest grandson is as delightful as your eldest, Anton. My goodness though, I must not linger too long on those baby photographs or I will hold you responsible for igniting my mothering hormones again at 43!
Have a beautiful weekend and thanks for sharing those family members with us.
Brag away girlfriend...there is absolutely NOTHING more brag worthy than grandchildren!!
You have every reason to brag about your new grandson, and all of your grands shine with inner and outer beauty, I can tell. Also, wow, that is a thrill to be featured in the magazine. That is a week of good news.
Oh June,
I have to say that Jace is indeed a very beautiful baby. How exciting to add another one to the fold. ....and, wasn't it brilliant that Landon did so well on the journey?
What a beautiful family you have .... no wonder you are so proud of them all. It must be so hard now that they live further away.
.....and, how wonderful does your home look in the magazine ?!! I think that bragging about grandchildren and being in print is so justified. It is so well deserved that you are featured in Romantic homes. Your home and garden are so beautiful and would be just the sort of home that I would want to read about in an interiors magazine..... I just hope that you will still be talking to us now that you are famous !!!!Haha
Hope that you are having a lovely weekend and many congratulations once again June. Much love. XXXX
HI dear friend June. Congratulations on the new born grandson. What a beautiful baby it is and of course it is the most beautiful baby in the world :))))). And all your grandchildren here are so beautiful too, a lovely family.
I am glad I could see your photo's in the magazine. Just beautiful. I am proud to be your friend.
Hugs from Riet
You have so many reasons to brag!!!
Your grandchildren look so sweet and thank you for sharing them with us today. The new grand baby is adorable..and it looks as though his sisters have taken a liking to him :)
Enjoy and I am sure it is so hard to be so far from them but you will just have to visit often!!!
Hope your weekend is wonderful!!
Suzann ~xoxo~
June: What beautiful grandkids. I know what it means to drive miles to see your kids. But our's is only 4 hours so not so bad. How wonderful to have so many little faces to grow up around you, we only have one, but that is such a treat, I can imagine how special more would be..Thanks for sharing..Judy
Wow! Wow! and Wow!
So much good news, where do I start? Well of course that beautiful new addition to your lovely family!
The article is great! I know what you mean about seeing your house in print, it is a odd feeling. We look at it everyday and enjoy it. I'm so happy for you!
What a beautiful Jace! And your family are as gorgeous as are you, June ... brag away my sweet friend ... you have the rights. So glad that you had a grand time. Nothing like being there for the most precious gift on earth from God... BIRTH.
WOW! What a beautiful magazine presentation of you & your fabulous welcoming romantic home. Your soul so shines of your beauty in your entire decor, June. Congratulations! It couldn't happen to a more wonderful person.
Have a lovely PS weekend ~
Hugs & love sweet friend ~
~ GIVEAWAY ends 3/15 ~
Congratulations June on your feature in Romantic Homes!
Your home is so beautiful, and you are the heart of it I'm sure.
Your grandchildren are so precious and your photos of them so endearing. How wonderful to welcome in a new grandchild and how kind of you to have driven so far to welcome this sweet little one!
Bless you sweet lady!!!
Love to you & big hugs!
All my heart,
Deborah xoxoxoxo
Congratulations, June, with the newborn grandchild. You must be sooo proud of all of them.
Have a great sunday
Hugs Bente
OH June I am so happy you all where able to be together to share in the birth of Jace (great name!)
What beautiful grandchildren you have!
I love your article in Romantic Home!
You need to be in more magazines! So we can all enjoy big spreads of your rooms!
Our next article is going to be out in august, of our back patio...wish we had the flowers you have!
Everything about your home speaks to me of love joy & peace!
Enjoy the was your trip home?
Did you make as many pit stops!...yeah road trips...glad you are safe & snug @ home!
I don't think I congratulated you on the article. If so congratulations again! Your home and garden is so beautiful to see always. And I have also been around for the bith of a grandchild and it is incredibly special. One time both sets of grandparents were waiting in the wings when a little bassinet came down the hall. Our darling new granddaughter looked up into our faces with a pure look of curiousity and all four of us wept tears of joy! You have just a lovely lovely family.
so wonderful to meet Jacon Beau, he is such a darling, as well as all the grands you share with us here, so nice to meet part of them, they are so cute!!!!
It´s also, such a pleasure to see the images of your home in Romantic Homes mag. I do have some of these mags and they have always been part of my favortie ones.
You could do your own book with all the wonderful images to create of your garden and home, it would be a success!!!!
Would you please tell what camera and lens are you using now, I have to buy a new one and there are so many offers that I´m confused.
hugs dearest June
Your grandchildren are just beautiful and congrats on the new addition!
Also congrats on the RH feature ~ well deserved!!
Well deserved bragging rights! Your Grand children are all gorgeous!!!!What a cutie your newest is already:) Congratulations on being in Romantic Homes!!! Your home is so amazing it belongs in all of them. I am sure you have inspired so many people. Have a beautiful weekend:)
~Debra xxx
Capers of the vintage vixens
Congratulations Dear June for both
wonderful events !!!!
Post is absolutely gorgeous, photos of the Little One are absulutely darling...I am happy for You from the bottom of my heart !
Hugs !!!
Congratulations you have allot to brag about.What a beautiful family you are blessed with.And now a new little one.Your home is so pretty.I missed that issue.I wonder if I can still get it.Blessings to you and your family.
Oh June how precious... congratulations my friend. What a lovely family you have, a direct reflection from your loving heart. Such beautiful pictures you have captured.
I hope mama and baby are doing well, bless them.
How exciting to see your home in RH! They are so lucky to have you grace their pages.
Blessings my friend
Oh dear June, what a wonderful little new member of the family-he is so sweet- and all your grandchildren looks so lovely and sweet- and Anton a handsome young man--we also use Anton as a real danish name :-) you SOO have the right to brag grandma, what a bunch of fantastic grandchildren-
and then you are also in Romantic Homes-- I can`t also not get it here, unfortunately- so thankyou for showing the wonderful photoes.
I`m happy for you you could be with your daughter and her family, to welcome the baby.. I know how it feels to be long away from them!
Dear June, your grandbabies are all so gorgeous! And that sweet baby is so beautiful and so sweet!! I missed that issue of Romantic Homes! I rarely spend money on magazines anymore, but if I'd seen the issue with you in it, I would have bought it! The photos are gorgeous! Your home is definitely magazine material! It's so dreamy!
Michelle xoxo
Congratulations Grandma & Grandpa. I cannot believe you have that many grandchildren - you look way too young {hmm, maybe it's the kidlettes that keep you young}.
Happy Birthday Baby Jace. He is a dolly, so cute! All of your grandchildren are cuties.
Your posting is filled with happiness and love, thanks for sharing that with all of us.
Congrats on the new precious grandbaby June! Lucky you to have so many beautiful children and grandchildren! I'd be bragging up a storm if I were you too:)
Now... about getting featured in Romantic Homes Magazine... WOW!!!!
I remember back we both first started blogging and you did a post about being a magazine-a-holic lol, and I left you a comment telling you that I was too... and that Romantic Homes was one of my faves, and that I bet it was yours too... and now here you are FEATURED in it. That just blows me away!! I hope I can still find that issue on the stands since I cancelled my subscription back then, so now I can have some bragging rights about knowing you way back when... before you became famous;)
I'm so happy for you dear happy:)
Big hugs, Sherri
Oh June, my dear, sweeeet "braggy-girl" ;o) - sooo many congrats to "Number 10"!!! For I still have no grandchildren, I can gladly say that Jace is the prettiest baby in the world :o) - but the others of you grand-children are male & female beauties, too! I love the "Ella-is-kissing-the-Baby"-photo, it is wonderful!!! I think, at the moment you must be one of the luckiest people in the world: A brandnew pretty baby is born - and your fantastic home was the star of a magazine! So: Why not brag a little bit ;o)
Lots of warm Rusty-Rose-hugs to you and enjopy these days!!!
What the hell does enjopy mean???
What gorgeous grandchildren...but look at the "stock" they come from <3
You know St George is only a skip away from me ..hint hint.
anyhoot...still have not seen your article but will soon I promise, for now it is only work and then home..
Congratulations on everything, but especially to the new expanded family.
much love,
He's such a handsome little guy! All your grands are adorable, what a blessing!! and congrats again on the feature, you so deserve it my dear! xoxo
What a great post June, all about birth and new life, to follow your post about winter! Spring and new baby!! What could be better!?!
Hi June,
What a special post with the most beautiful photos of your grandchildren. It's so wonderful that you could be there to welcome the new baby. And a pretty baby for sure. Your grandchildren are precious and you have captured their personalities with your lens.
hugs and happiness,
June, I am thanking the Dear Lord for entrusting your family with another precious child. Jace is beautiful and so are all the others. Hugs, Olive
Congratulations June on your new grandbaby!... all of your grandchildren are just precious!... I am sure they think you are the best grandma ever!!! Loved all of your features in Romantic Homes... glad you got a copy finally!!! Maybe next time you go to St. George you can stop in Centerville when you are not on a tight time schedule... I would love that!... xoxo Julie Marie
I raise my teacup to you beautiful June and all the lovely and blessed achievements for you and your family.
Welcome to the world Jace, you've chosen well.
Happy day Lovely!
OH MY GOSH! Look at your beautiful family! Each and every one is precious, and now a new baby! You took such beautiful photos of them... wow...
And your feature in Romantic Home is incredible! Is it out now???? I have to go buy one right away, i hope i'm not too late! I was trying to read your tips from your blog photo. I can't believe you didn't even have your own copy.
What a delightful post, i enjoyed seeing your family and the magazine pics of your house, so cool...
Oh June you are so very blessed!! Here I thought maybe the wee one shared my birthday {today}, but alas no. lol Beautiful family and I love your article in the magazine. I have had my copy for awhile now!!
well done grandma! {ok, suppose his mommy had a teeny bit to do with his adorableness! ;} and holy smokes! Briana looks just like you!!!! ;} so glad you could be there!! {and as i recall...the drive to St Geo. is a LONG one! ;}
m ^..^
Dear June,
Congratulations on your latest sweet Grandson and such a darling little baby. Jace looks like he is going to get lots of cuddles from his big sisters. So lovely to see all your beautiful Grandchildren and can see why you have such bragging rights.
Congratulations on your wonderful article and for sharing. I will try and see if I can order a copy from my magazine shop.
Have a happy weekend
YAY..I am always happy when I see you've put up a new post.
A NEW GRANDBABY is the Best!!! What a cute little boy. Love the name, espeically the Beau part.
Makes me think of the Gone With The Wind era and that is a fav of mine.
When my daughter was expecting her first child, we said if it was a boy we'd call him (ha ha..listen to me, if dad has no say)
anyway, we'd call him Rhett Brian.
Brian is her husband.
He said NO
but it was a girl so I guess that took care of that and he also wouldn't give in to Scarlett.
(she's Olivia)
anyway, names can be so cool and meaningful I think. I love how Lorin is named after your dad.
All my kids are named after some ancestor.
a 12 hour drive is now fun, but worht it when you get to be with your kids. It's a 16 hour drive from my house.UGH.
all Your grandkids are beautiful.
I also have a BRIEANNA, as you can see just a different spelling.
I'll have two 16 year olds this year. The youngest will turn 4 this year.
so brag away!!!!! Grandmas are allowed that.
and of course, your place being highlighted in a magazine is like, the Nobel Prize of houses and yards I guess.
June, they are all beautiful...precious little Jace, Welcome to the world!
Hi, June,
Your grandchildren are absolutely beautiful!! Welcome to sweet Jace! I know why you are so proud of them all! Congratulations, too, on being in the Romantic Homes. I love that magazine and your home is perfect for it. Enjoy the rest of your weekend, sweet friend~ Blessings, Vicki
Hi June,
Congratulations on your newest grandchild!! What a beautiful baby boy! I really enjoyed seeing pics of your family....such a great looking family!
Congrats too on being published in Romantic Homes. I'm going to go buy a copy!
Braggin Rights for sure!!!!!! Grandbabies are truely God's gift to us Grammies! Number 10 and everyone of them so special.
I was so surprised looking through Romatic Homes and I went, Hey, I know who's home this is before even reading. You have such a beautiful and loving style.
Well girlfriend keep loving on that new little guy and hopely you get to make that 12 hr trip again, SOON! Sending Hugs from June to June!
Congratulations! What a beautiful family you have there! You are so blessed..and another new baby to boot.
I want to apologize because I always try to do a little Romantic Homes post about the bloggers I know and the write up about them. I missed yours completely. I am so sorry because I like to give a little happy credit where credit is due.
Happy weekend to you, dear woman! xo Diana
Congratulations, What an exciting time for you.... I think being a Grandmother is the greatest things, Your newest Grandson Jace is Beautiful, all of the Grands are so adorable, or should I say Handsome for your oldest.... So happy you were able to be there, that's where the best memories come from~ also, congrats on the magazine, I have not seen it yet at the grocery store, I may have to go to the book store to pick it up ~ I am sure it has the most beautiful photos, you always give us such Fabulous Pics ~ Thanks for sharing,
Brag away my friend!!! you deserve ti. Congratulations on the new addition to the family. He is beautiful or I should say handsome!
Love your article in Romantic Homes, I still brag about it!. Love and Hugs Rita
What a beautiful baby. All of your grandchildren are beautiful. Congrats on a brand new baby in the family. So wonderful.
How exciting to be in the magazine! The pictures of your living-room look so pretty. I love all of your pictures. Congrats on the magazine too.
And good for Landon on doing such a great job on your long trip! 12 hours is a long time to travel.
Snooks @ 3 Beeze Homestead
I keep meaning to congratulate you for being in the magazine. How wonderful for you. The pictures of your family and the new baby are so beautiful and precious. You're a wonderful photographer June, I especially love the one of Ella kissing her new little brother - priceless. Blessings, Diane
Congratulations dear Grandma June !
What beautiful grand children you have- they all look like delightful and sweet children!
I tell you this blogging world has brought so much to my life! It seems like every time I get a new magazine I open it up to find someone I know!!!! How very delightful that is for me!
bee blessed
Congratulations on your new sweet grandson, dear June! All of your grandchildren are so cute.
It' wonderful and so very deserved that you've been published in Romantic Homes. Congrats on that too! I'm very happy for your.
Hugs to you,
Wow, that was fun! Your new baby is beautiful along with all of your gorgeous grandbabies...they are all just so cute! Congratulations on your article, I read it and thought...I know her, well not really LOL, just another "Invisible friend" as my son calls the people I know from blogsLOL
Hi June,
CONGRATULATIONS!!! Enjoy this little blessed miracle.. So beautiful!
Also congratulations with Romantic Homes. I am so happy for you!
Lots of love,
Hi June!!!!
Oh your new grand baby is just PRECIOUS! Oh how utterly sweet he is!!! And your other grandchildren are just beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing your story and pictures with us - I love reading about your trip and looking at the photos you took of your family. :) My eldest is 15 1/2, so I do know that time does seem to fly...
As for the RH Mag - just so you know, your feature is one of my faves - love, love, love it!!! :) Wishing you a blessed weekend!
DEar Sweet June
I am so very excited for you dear friend to hear the news of the arrival of little Jace! and you have every reason in the world to want to brag with a very happy group of gorgeous grandchildren. Anton looks like an absolute sweet charmer and the girls all look a bit like you too.
It must have been a wonderful time that you spent with your extended family but so hard to leave them and return home again!
Congrats for being published in Romantic Homes and thank you so much for sharing the stunning photos of your home and garden.
I'm just thrilled for you June!
Love and hugs,
Sweet June!!!! YOU HAVE LOVELY GRANDCHILDREN MY DEAR!!! Oh, what a life we each make, non? Look at your home. Look at your children and their children. WOW. And we get to share our corners of the world with the rest of the world, and we can learn from one another. That is a blessing.
You have all the rights to bragg and to be proud:)
What a beautiful baby and what beautiful other grandchildren! What a nice family. CONGRATS!!!!! SO well deserved! I love your garden pictures.
Congratulations to all!! He is adorable, beautiful just like the rest of them. You are one blessed grandma! You can see the love that they have for you in their eyes as they let you take the photos... like I said, you are blessed! They are as well, it is a special grandma that will drive 12 hours to be there to take care of everyone. What a sweet post, I loved every bit of it... and congrats again! t.xoxoxxooxxoo
Congratulations! LIttle Jace is a beautiful baby! Congratulations also on the magazine feature. The first time I found your blog I wondered why you weren't all over the place on the magazine stands. :) I was just being impatient, I guess!
Dear June, congratulation to your new grandchild! He is so adorable! And cute! Wish you and your wonderful family all the best!!! Lots of love Yvonne
Congratulations June! Jace is beautiful. Our friend's son is named Jace (he's 25) such an unusual name - love it!
Congratulations also on your beautiful pictures being published ♥
June - not sure why my post published as Annon :-) Deb
I just bought a copy of this RH issue yesterday ~ loved seeing your stuph in it!!!
Congratulations! What a joy it must be to welcome another grandchild to your family. Your grandchildren are beautiful - your oldest grandchild has the kindest eyes.
A twelve hour drive - I haven't done one of those in a very long time, but would do so in a minute, like you!
How exciting it must be to welcome a new grandbaby...I hope to know that feeling one day. And what beautiful grandchildren you have...I see the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Congratulations on your magazine spread, it's so well deserved.
Kat :) and your family are extremely blessed! Such a beautiful edition to the family and I know that you are proud with excellent reasons! Love the family photos and congratulations on the publishing! You are a Gem and loved! Biggest Hugs...Lovey
Hello Dear Friend
What a beautiful Family you have! Congratulations on your new little Angel & having your home featured as well.
We spent most of the weekend with our two Granddaughters and every time I look into their sweet faces I am amazed at the miracle of Life. They bring so much Joy & Love into our lives we feel so blessed..
Enjoy your little Angels! I am off to look for your featured article. Have a wonderful week ahead.
Hi friend!!
Sooo happy that Landon did well on the trip.
Happy that you have a beautiful new grandson.
Happy that you were featured in Romantic Homes.
Happy that you are so full of joy!
June, YOU totally have every right to brag about a new grandbaby, and such a darling one at that! You have truly lovely grandbabies! I'm so happy for you and the magazine! AWESOME!
discovered your gorgeous photos on Pinterest. Lovely!
Hi June, what a beautiful family you have! You are blessed, In so many ways....I just picked up RH this week, and the article is beautiful as well as informative...your photos good enough for any publication. We both love the same flowers, and arranged just like they came from the garden, simply and un contrived. Wishing you a wonderful week knowing you are missing and thinking about those little sweethearts...I know I would if I had grandchildren! N.xo
Child are like delicate flowers. I like so much your pix. These all image are cute and lovely. As well as flower is also fabulous.
Congratulations on the new grand baby. Beautiful little boy sure he will bring much joy to your family.
Good morning beautiful!
Thank you for such kind words! YOu are a WONDERFUL PERSON! Have a super day! Anita
Hi June!
Congratulations on your new grandson and the great article. It is such a special time!
Blessings abound!
I don't know where to start from to comment here, so I'll say congratulations on that beautiful new bundle of joy, such an amazing family, and such wonderful features in the magazine! As for me, your home and gardens should be featured in each and every issue!!
Big hugs!
I don't know where to start from to comment here, so I'll say congratulations on that beautiful new bundle of joy, such an amazing family, and such wonderful features in the magazine! As for me, your home and gardens should be featured in each and every issue!!
Big hugs!
You have such a beautiful family.
Very deeply hearty congrats June, he is such a darling so adorable ... now you have a real little angel who will laugh with his grandmother... my love and kisses to little angel.... you have such a nice family June and I really enjoyed reading their introduction... All are beautiful babies... May God bless him with all HIS blessings and give him health, happiness and success in his life Ameen ...
With love
Oh June! Congratulations! What a wonderful, wonderful time for you! A beautiful, new angel-baby grandson, a lovely family to cherish and a magazine article on your home and talents. I'm so happy for you. I'm off to buy my copy of Romantic Homes! Love ~ Leslie
Wow June, your family certainly do create the most gorgeous children. Huge congrats to you xxxx
Wow June! You have so much to be bragging about! Your newest little grandson is adorable! Congratulations to mom and dad and to you and grandpa! I am so glad all went well and baby is here safe.
Your grandchildren are beautiful, and your images of them are just amazing.
I wanted to let you know that you won my giveaway! Please stop by and leave your address or e-mail it to me by hitting my "e-mail me" button on my blog.
Congratulations again!
June, I look so forward to your blogs..thanks for sharing your home, life and family with all of us. The pictures of your grandchilden are precious (just like you). I know how proud you must grandchilden (6 girls and 1 grandson)are so special to me. I haven't got to look at my new RH but can't wait to find a quite time and take my time...Congrats to you. vera in texas...
Thank you so much Vera! I love it when you come by : ) It really is the best thing to be a grandmother, isn't it?
big hugs from me...
Hello! Congratulations on your new beautiful grandbaby boy! Very sweet! I LOVE the pics of your other grandkids - they are a great-looking bunch! So fun to have such different personalities and appreciate all them. I had to laugh at your potty break comment - I feel the same way - but hey - you get thirsty! Hugs! P.S. I need to see if that Romantic Home mag is still out!
What very beautiful children you have. They are so precious. It sounds like your trip was well worth the effort.
Also congratulations on your Romantic Homes success. You really are an amazing photographer and it's nice to see you recognized. Stay happy and well.
Oh June...thank you so much for sharing your beautiful family with us! I loved every minute of this post.
And congratulations on your Romantic Homes feature. So exciting! DO have bragging rights! :)
Oooo, you've got every right to brag, June! Such sweet grand-kids! And congrats on being featured! How fun!
Oh June how wonderful and he is beautiful. You have a very good looking bunch of grand-kids. There is nothing better than having them around is there. Congrats on being featured also. I hope you have a wonderful week.
Well honey you certainly have a lot to brag about. I am so happy for you. Wow a beautiful new grand baby and your home in a magazine. Wow it doesn't get any better than this.
Can't wait now to go to town to buy a copy. I am going even if that is all I go for. haha
Your pic's of all your grand babies are adorable. Loved seeing them.
I know 12 hours is hard drive but wow look at what you had waiting on you. What a blessing.
Take care and enjoy your being a celebrity.
Nothing prouder than a new Grandmother...the little guy is so handsome. Your grandaughters are so sweet..and your eldest grandson is MOVIE STAR good looking.
( Don't tell him, it might go to his head )
June, I can't possibly read all your many, many comments, and try to say something right from my heart...I am going to say I am SO VERY PROUD to know and call you my friend..and to see your beautiful home in a NATIONAL magazine.
Need to get out and get a copy of THAT mag...and SOON..before it is sold out !!
You are such a BEAUTIFUL person... marvelous gardener..and most excellent PHOTOGRAPHER.
Oh June,
You have beautiful grandbabies...And the newest one is just the sweetest little one. Congratulations! Both on becoming a nana again and on your feature in Romantic Homes. Sweet! Sending you a great big hug...♥Ana
June how proud you must be! Congratulations on your 10th grandchild! He is beautiful along with all the others! How blessed you are! I love your spread in Romantic Homes!!!! So happy the whorl can see your beautiful surroundings and feel of your sweet spirit! You are wonderful!
Love ya,
Congratulations on the new Grandbaby! I only have the one, but I love him to pieces! Jace is a handsome little guy as are the rest, (and it's not bragging if it's true!!!).
Big hugs,
Very sweet little guy June. Your grandchildren are beautiful. I'm glad you had such a good time with your family. It's always good to get away and it's an extra bonus when family is involved.
Have a great evening,
Hello June,
I sent you an e-mail about the sizing of the bracelet...but wondering if you ever received it? I can mail it right off if you do not want me to size it for you. But I am happy to do it : )
Beautiful! Congratulations! You have a sweet family! Bragging rights well deserved!!
Enjoy them!
Dearest June,
Wow, what a post and congrats with your precious new grand baby! Oh, driving 12 hours for visiting family we've done from the Venice area where we lived and worked. From there to the deep south of The Netherlands was 12 hours and intensive driving with heavy traffic.
Wish I could drive just 12 hours instead of flying over 4,000 miles with quite a huge price tag attached to it...
Glad you got to go. You still enjoy the excitement of your publication and rightly so. We only have been published in scientific magazines and I had several of my recipes included in the Southern Living magazines and annual books; that's it.
Love to you and a Happy St. Patrick's day.
Hi June,
Congratulations on your beautiful new grandson and your features in Romantic Homes too. I enjoyed seeing them very much.
Soon you will be busy in your beautiful garden again-I saw some daffodils poking up here today.
Your grandchildren are all beautiful!
If anyone has a right to brag my sweet friend its you!!!! What a beautiful family you have...everyone of them!!! So happy about your mag. spread too!! Lots of love,Chrissy
Dear June, You have absolutely earned those bragging rights - ten gorgeous grandchildren! What an utter delight. They are precious, every single one. And I'm so glad that the drive was a success. I have the Romantic Homes right here and am so happy that you were featured in it. Sending love, – g
You have earned the bragging rights! It's about time your beautiful home and amazing pictures were featured in a publication-you are an inspiration! You should definately brag on your beautiful grandchildren-what a lovely family:). Congrats on everything!
Congrats on the new addition to your family and being Featutred in the magaine! All beautiful photos of the kids and your home.
Hugs Lynn
Darling June I'm sorry I'm so late to let this comment, but in these days I'm late with... life! =)
You are really blessed to have so many and beauuuuutiful grandsons!
Congratultions also from me for your feature in the magazine: I would like to see it, but here in Italy this magazine is not sold: Your home and garden are really stunning!
Hugs from me
First of all, thank you for your wonderful support on my blog. You have been so good to me throughout Jud's illness and I am so grateful. I am doing better, no worse. I am so glad he is no longer suffering. The last month was awful...but the year before was pretty darn special.
I loved seeing your grandchildren and I am shocked that you have so many!!! You are too young! I am 62 and don't have one...not even a married daughter!
They are all darling and precious!
Congratulations on your article. I am so sorry I missed it. I love that magazine...I should subscribe. The pictures are phenomenal. Did you take them?
Sending love and thanks...
Hi June,
Congrats on your new grandbaby! They are all adorable. More congrats on your Romantic Homes feature - gorgeous as always. I thought I saw you are also going to be featured in the next Artful Blogging? You deserve it all! I think you should turn your place into a B & B - it would be a wonderful, inspiring place to visit!
Love and hugs,
Bragging Rights
Good day administrator, I really love how it is easy on my eyes and the data are well written,
many thanks
So exciting! Double congratulations!!! Now I have to go look for the magazine. So fun. Gardening has started in earnest here with heat wave.
Soooooooo sweet, my dear June, my best wishes for your lovely grand baby!!!! You can be sooo proud of all of them!!!! Have a wonderful springtime with your family,
Hugs Jade
Oh June! A huge congratulations on all of it!!! Baby, lovely grandkids, and a magazine! I need to look for this magazine even though I've blown my magazine budget this spring!
So Adorable June and I just love the pictures. Your photography and your home is just getting better and better. So love that your family is growing and love that you are sharing it all with us. I so love visiting your blog. Makes my day. Every. Single. Time. N x
June, this images are sooo wonderful! And the baby...sooo cute, hug ANJA
I would drive to the ends of the earth to see a new grandchild born..I'm with you! congrats on the beautiful new addition.
I so enjoyed your feature in r.h. gorgeous gorgeous!your blog makes me smile everytime I visit! :) chris
Congratulations dear June! What a beautiful family and what a beautiful home!
What joy....your grandchildren are Adorable!!! You are aloud to's the right of all grandma's in the world!
Congratulations on your feature in Romantic to find that one today!
Hugs and thank you for your sweet kind words. xoxoxo
Precious family. Beautiful grandchildren-andso many. You are truly blessed! I am dreaming of more, but sohard when they are far away. Mine are 7 hours away. I have only one 5 months:) and my daughter is waiting to see it IUI worked this time. So believing we have a child inside:)
June, your grandchildren are all so beautiful. How wonderful that you all drove 12 hours (!) to be there for the birth of your newest grandbaby. And what a treat it was to see your beautiful photos of your beautiful home in Romantic Homes - gorgeous!!!
Your newest grandson is beautiful. I have a nephew named Beau...just love that name. All of your grandchildren are beautiful. It is hard to believe that you have a 16 yr old grandson! My youngest son is 16! He brings our entire family so much happiness...he really is everyones favorite! I did not see your home in Romantic Homes...I always wait to buy the issues a few months later at a little local shop because then they are half price. I will have to go get the March issue in May so I can see your feature! Congrats...I am so happy for you. It is fun to see it in print isn't it?
Oh June, I almost missed this post, where have I been??
There's lots to congratulate you for... Your awesome home featured in Romantic Homes (I hope I'm not too late to find one), and your beautiful new grandbaby! All of them are beautiful, all of them sweet blessings from above!
Take care dear friend,
Oh Junie....
Your grands are just GEORGEOUS.... each and every one. WOW! And, you obviously have lots of rights in the bragging area. What a lucky grandma you are. :-)
And, on the magazine? HOLY COW! How exciting is that? I've always wanted to do that......mostly because my mother in law said "that will never happen"... *wink*..... I'm so thrilled for you. Your home is so perfectly perfect I can see why they'd want it in their pages. Congratulations to you dear girlie....
Hope you're enjoying your Easter... and some of your grands are there too.
Big huggies and lovies,
I missed this post! Congrats on that sweet grandbaby! I can't believe you are the grandma of 10. :) Best wishes and blessings to one and all, Tammy
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