'Starry Night' rose
'Adalaide Hoodless' rose
'Aunt Honey' rose
'Gourmet Popcorn' with 'Henry Kelsey'

'Colette' with 'Hidcoat' lavender

'Colette' with 'Hidcoat' lavender
I'm loving life right now. The warm, ok, HOT weather has finally come to my part of Idaho. I'm so loving it. I am one of those people who are always cold. I make everyone who visits my home suffer terribly by always having the fire blazing in winter and little or no air conditioning on in summer, just the windows open letting the breeze cool the house. On very hot days, we turn it on of course. The nights here are very cool and it's perfect for sleeping. To me the perfect day is getting up early, going to 'The Corner', as we all call our convenience store, and getting my Coke and visiting with my father-in-law and his pals for a few minutes at the round table. Have you ever seen those movies or videos of small town life, when someone rolls into town and stops at the bar or the gas station, and the locals just sit there and stare at them like they're going to eat them for lunch? Well, that's my town. (Hey, we get hungry here!) Then I go home and sit at the computer a few minutes and see what you are all up to. Then I love to see the smiling face of my sweet angel, Landon, when he wakes up. Then it's out to the garden to see what's new. I just walk around and say hi to all the plants and birds and check what needs watering and pull a few weeds. Usually without my gloves on, and that's why I could sand wood with my bare hands right now. My fingernails are never clean and my hands are rough this time of year. But I love the garden and would stay out in it all day. Some days that's exactly what I do. And that's why I'm lovin' life right now and things are coming up roses.
I don't wear gloves either. It just seems like I need to "feel" the earth and check the soil. My nails and hands look the same way. Your roses are beautiful. I gave up growing them here, they are prone to black spot which requires a lot of spraying and I just don't have what it takes I guess.
God gives us the desires of our hearts my friend. I'm loving my life right now too. Even with it's imperfections (and there are some)...I wouldn't change a thing
...to everything there is a season.
Someday I'm going to have a garden like yours.
Love to you sweet friend.
Hi June,
What a delightful garden you have.
I enjoyed looking at all your beautiful roses and flowers.
I especially love the Rose Colette with the lavender. Is that a David Austin old fashioned rose?
I am like you never wear gloves in the garden but do have a gardeners scrub to use if I am going out.
I hope that you are having a lovely weekend
See my roses are spent, I am glad I have your roses to enjoy. Buona Notte
Hi June,
I am so jealous of your garden. It is so beautiful. I dream and pray that mine will be like yours some day. Thank you for sharing your lovely flowers.
♥Ana~A Petite Cottage
Hi June, you sound like me always cold and looking for any excuse to turn the heating on. Your example of your your home town does sound like a movie and I can just picture you there. Sandy x
Good morning June,
I am so happy to hear that a little dirt under your fingernails doesn't bother you. It speaks of your character of which I feel I know well through your blogs. You are a down to earth sweet spirit.
Your roses are beautiful. In Florida it just gets to hot and the soil is so sandy that the only luck I seem to have is with the knock out roses and I am always happy to see them thrive.
I know what you mean about a small town. Eufaula is like yours. I haven't become one of the locals who knows a visitor yet but I am sure that will happen soon.
Have a great weekend.
seriously, i want to move into your garden...your pictures of your flowers are always so vibrant and lovely...i don't wear gardening gloves either...they never fit me because my hands are so tiny...and i just prefer not to have any on...
BEAUTIFUL Roses June! I do wear gardening gloves at least most of the time! LOL
Your pink roses reminds me of one that Annika's mommy picked and gave to her yesterday as we were driving out the driveway with her. So sweet!
Dear sweet June,
I enjoyed seeing your beautiful roses so much!!!! I love them all, but my favorite is the Colette with the Hidcoat Lavender. It is the perfect shade of pink and the lavender looks gorgeous next to it. You are such an inspiration, and one day I hope my garden will be as beautiful as yours!!!
I am so glad you are enjoying the hot weather. Like you I am always cold, I freeze in the winter!!! It is so hot here in the summers we have to use the air and it feels good during the day, but I get chilled at night, but you can't do without the air because the humidity is so high! I love spring and fall when I can open the windows and feel the cool breeze, isn't that wonderful?
It sounds like you live in such a delightful small town! I am sure your sweet angel Landon is just as happy to see your smiling face when he wakes up!
I don't wear gloves either, I love to feel the flowers, weeds and earth, it is so relaxing! I can just imagine a stroll through your lovely garden with you! I am so glad you are loving your life and everything is coming up roses. I wish that for you everyday dear June!!!
Love and hugs,
P.S. You can see a trailer and some photos from the new Emma adaption at Laurie's lovely blog.
Ugh!! Your roses are just gorgeous and your town sounds so very nice!!
I enjoyed a little ramble around your site - it's been a while since I last visited. I'm putting in a new rose bed (hooray for the deer fence!) so I really loved the tour of your roses.
Your Roses are Breath-taking!! Of course, I am partial to the pink ones but I never met a Rose I didn't like!!
I wish our town was like that....
June- your lovely photos make me wish I could come over and have a stroll in your lovely garden! I planted 7 David Austen roses before my accident and so they are not blooming yet (though 1 has some buds one it yeah!)
So glad to hear you are another that loves to get your hands in the dirt! i start out with my gloves, trying to be good to them, but they always end up flung on the ground and forgotten- there is just something about dirt in your hands that I love along with going barefoot in the grass!
Love your roses! Thanks for visiting my blog too. Always great to hear from the PNW too!
Yep, it gonna get HOT for all of us this next week--I hate the cold too, so I will take the warm weather any day
Sweet June ~ Your flowers & gardens are even more breathtaking than ever. I envy you the gorgeous roses.
Yes, we enjoy the peace & communion in the morning as we capture the beauty of the new day, the morning dew & kiss of the sun, the chirping feathered friends having brunch with us ... just the above & nature, particularly.
Every day is more beautiful than the last, we treasure each ... TY for popping over.
TTFN ~ Marydon
Still waitin' on the heat here in Iowa...isn't it supposed to be HOT in July...I have sweats and socks on...WHAT!!!
Hi June, you love so many of the same things I do, your roses are breathtaking! I never wear garden gloves either, have to feel the moist earth in my hands... I am such a nature lover as well, I name all the birds, critters, all God's creatures and talk to them every day... I must check out the rest of your blog now, it is lovely...
Oh girl, it shows that you are nurturing that garden! It's like Heaven on Earth!
I read this post early this morning and then I got a phone call. Now it's almost midnight and I'm finishing it up!
I love your small town, sounds like mine where everyone knows your name.
Is there any way I could get your email address? We really have to work on getting these papers together...I'd hate for you to hire anyone else! ;) Seriously though, I'd love your email. You always leave me the sweetest comments and sometimes I'd love to reply but you have blogger set to no-reply.
And what's with the
I always got
You don't wuv me anymore?????
everything vintage
Hello June,
ooh how I love your roses,they are so beautiful, and I can almost smell them....I am so happy for you you are enjoying this lovely warm days.And just like you I am also always cold,fibromyalgie is the cause of that I think.But in winter the problems are much bigger than in summer.
The summerholidays are almost starting over here and soon I will take a blogbreak.I will miss you dear June.But I will think of you and as soon as we are home again I will visit.
Dear hugs, Ingrid.
Gorgeous roses ~ what amazing shades!
Hi June
One thing about living in the Northwest...you can sure grow roses. My daughter lives in WA and her roses are spectacular as well as yours. My roses are done for the year and I have lost more than half now to the sever winters we've had lately. I had 75 roses now I am down to a few dozen...so sad. I used to walk the garden but this year I barely have time to glance up at it. Oh well, this is my life right now, one thing in turn for another and it will change soon enough without me wishing it away. I enjoy it the way it is nothing is ever perfect.
Have a great week.
PS Yes, that is a drawing of the cottage Judy had up on her blog. She tries to go every year there and was good enough to invite my daughter and I a couple of years ago. We had a blast.
Hi June,
I almost missed your beautiful post. Your roses are so lovely and I feel the same way about our garden. It is so nice to be out in all the beauty of nature.
June, you certainly have a green thumb...your roses are gorgeous. I hate to say it sweetie, but you and I could never live in the same house! I would freeze you out, and you would make me collapse from heat stroke! As much as I love the fresh air coming in, I can't tolerate the heat. So I guess we'll just have to stick to living apart, LOL! ~Lori
To often people focus on what what parts of there life make them un-happy, and not enough on what makes them happy. There are so many wonderful things to enjoy in this world. I love it when people talk about the little things that bring them joy. Your garden in lovely. Thanks so much for sharing!
My Desert Cottage
lovely photographs of your roses.....
they look abundant!
This is such a beautiful post from such a beautiful lady!
Beautiful roses and bits of rusty iron and wood peeking through. Love your White Wednesday posts. . . ALL OF THEM! Thanks for stopping by to see our French Flea. BTW, I'm travelling to Idaho in August to pick up some treasures I have stored at my sister's house.
Hi sweet June,
I hope you are doing well. I was so delighted to find a comment from you! I understand how finicky blogger can be, I feel bad you left a comment and were not able to publish it, but I appreciate you taking time to visit me and try again. I wanted you to know I got it!
Thank you so much for your kind words, you blessed me so much and made my day!!! I love your blog!!! You are such a blessing!
I am so glad you enjoyed the Emma trailer. I look forward to seeing it.
I hope you have a lovely day!!!
Love, Paula
What a beautiful post:). The roses (my favorite) are amazing. There is nothing more beautiful in the garden than a rose. I also love the imagery of your wonderful little town. Small towns are special and I love the small, close-knit community found within them. We love living in a small community and treasure the 'regulars' at the local coffee shop:). Your life sounds like it is filled with the loveliness that only God can provide. Thanks for sharing it with the rest of us.
Lovely, No, BEAUTIFUL garden! Sounds like a beautiful little town too, Keep on enjoying and thanks for sharing. Your post gave me a great big smile!
I'm not joking, your pictures of your garden need to be in a magazine..Your flowers are just gorgeous..I'm enjoying the warm weather to..I'm with you, I'm always cold..
Your flowers are GORGEOUS!!!
:) T
Hi June,
It's always a treat to stop over and look at your gorgeous photos!
Your roses are beautiful!!
It sounds like you're enjoying your slice of heaven. Life is good, isn't it?
I love the sound of your contentment and I love your roses and all your white in your newest post. It really is a joy to visit you.
Your garden is gorgeous!!!
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