the things that are still blooming.
This beautiful pink rose is 'Bonica' it will bloom
all the way through October here.
little hint of yellow in it's bloom.

This wonderfully fragrant rose is 'Moxie'.

This is my 'Pink Diamond' hydrangea. It's starting to change
it's lovely fall color.
This wonderfully fragrant rose is 'Moxie'.
This is my 'Pink Diamond' hydrangea. It's starting to change
it's lovely fall color.
bloom, but I'm glad that it is.

Pink petunias on the porch.
This package came wrapped so beautifully. You know the kind
They are huge!
Pink petunias on the porch.
I bring in big bouquets of them, and they
make the house smell heavenly.
to get a hard frost this week, so I must
say goodbye to the pretty things.
I won an awesome giveaway over at French Larkspur.
Tracey gave away a $50 gift card to Starbucks
and the newest issue, in English, no less, of
the beautiful Jeanne d'Arc magazine.
that you hate to open, because it is just too lovely.
Jeanne d'Arc, that I couldn't help myself.
What an amazing issue this is. Just full
of so much beauty.
Tracey's beautiful shop French Larkspur is stocked with
beautiful Jeanne d'Arc products.
I'm very excited to get to Starbucks and start
gaining those extra pounds that I know
I will by the time I'm done with this gift card.
What a haul I made off with there. The box that arrived
was filled to the brim with the most beautiful things.
I had so much fun unwrapping every package.