Thursday, January 9, 2014

Blessings of the past year

Hello from here!!!
Can you believe that I just took the Christmas decor down yesterday?
I'm a little slow here.
I thought since it's the first of the new year that I would show some photos
I took over the past year and share some thoughts that have been on my mind
as I look back through the year 2013.

At this time of year I do what I know all of you do. That is to look back over the past year and 
reflect on the experiences that made the year most memorable.
It was full of many wonderful times with my family and also a few sorrows.
Isn't that the way most years go for all of us?
We have good times and we have hard times.
 I lost three beloved people in my extended family this year and they have left big holes, but in contrast,
I received a new little granddaughter and news of another grandchild that will be born in May.
All of my children are the joy of my life of which I never take for granted.

One of my greatest blessings year after year comes to me from living with a sweet angel son 
who is full of smiles and laughter everyday. These twenty-seven years with him are
 the best years of my life. He is dependent on Dale and I for all of his daily needs, but even with the worry and the stress, it is worth more than anything else I could be doing with my life. 
This year has been surprisingly free of illnesses that we usually face with Landon and that has been
such a blessing. March was difficult, but other than that he has done amazingly well. He is my little buddy during the days and has the sweetest personality.
Because he has no speech, he has to be patient with me while
I try to figure out his subtle cues on what his needs are, but for the most part I think our days go
along wonderfully well.  
Whenever I think of 2013 it will be with mixed emotions, like most years are for all of us, but all in all 
it was a good year for personal growth and I can only hope that 2014 will be as
full of blessings as it has been.

Landon and I (October 2013)

The photo above was taken during a shoot of the studio for the Where Women Create publication
that will be out soon (Feb/Mar issue). I loved the photographer Kirsten Shultz and we had a great day
that went surprisingly well. I was pretty uptight at first but she put me right at ease. I was nervous that
my studio seems so sparse when compared to many of the studios that their magazine
features, but if you remember, my studio is only being featured
 because I won the honor when Jo Packham chose three different studios from the
Where Bloggers Create party, and not because I'm some great artist.
 I reminded myself that Jo must have seen something about it that made her choose it
and so I relaxed and went with the experience and just enjoyed it.
And I did enjoy it!

I'm thankful for the blessings that came to me and my family in 2013 and hope that we will
all find much joy in 2014!


Catherine said...

Hello June.

First of all, i Wish you all the best for this new year.
I love your pictures. I was reading some of my magazines last morning and realised that you had been featured in it, I just did not realised as your blog's title was translated in French.... But, I recognised your photos.
I wish you a lovely day with your son.

Draffin Bears said...

Happy New Year to you dear June and all your family.
As always loved seeing all your gorgeous photos.
Congratulations on having your studio chosen for 'Where Women Create'- I look forward to buying the magazine.
Wishing you good health and happiness for you all, this year.

Bernideen said...

What a beautiful post and also tribute to your son who you care for so lovingly! Happy New Year! The photos are so pretty!

My name is Riet said...

Dear June. Happy NewYear to you and yours my friend. I hope it will be your best year ever.
Your post is beautiful as always and how I love your photo's.What a beautiful photo of you and your darling son .
Hugs from Riet

oldgreymare said...

Oh June, I am so happy to see the pic of you and Landon. How beautiful a shot.

Your studio is marvelous my dear and you are a true gem. <3

Victoria said...

Oh brought tears to my eyes! How precious your sweet Landon is and how blessed he is to have such loving parents:) I love that photo of the two of you, you're as beautiful on the outside as you are on the inside!

Thank you for sharing your beautiful home with us, it's always a treat to visit here and thank you also for always taking the time to visit my little means a lot! HUGS and here's to a happy and healthy New Years with all your little Grandbabies!!!

Julie Marie said...

Oh June, what a beautiful post!... not just all of your flowers and such, but the photo of you and Landon... I think of him often and wonder how he is doing... so happy to hear he did very well this past year... you and he look adorable in the photo... so happy you are being featured in Where Women Create... you are such an inspiration to so many, including me... your photos were a breath of Springtime today!... we are getting hit without another huge snowstorm, up to 10 more inches, and I am so longing to be in my gardens!... now, I will linger a while longer in your photos... Happy New Year to you, xoxo Julie Marie

Custom Comforts said...

I don't have my Christmas decorations down yet, or at least not all of them. They seem to be coming down this year here and there as the mood hits.
Such beautiful photos of your past year and so nice to see all the flowers and green leaves in the midst of this harsh winter.
Thank you for sharing a photo of Landon with us. It is really special to hear you talk about him with such abundant and unending love.

Cheryl ~ ZanyMayd said...

Dear June, Wishing you the Happiest of what the New Year has in store for You.... What a Sweet photo of You & Landon, God has certainly given you many Blessings... I can hardly wait to see the issue of the magazine, I know your Studio/Home will be Fabulous....
I always know I will find Joy in your Photos & Thoughts, Your Spirit Glows!
Big Hugs

Cheryl ~ ZanyMayd said...

PS ~ My Little Christmas Tree is STILL UP!

Rostrose said...

Dearest June, a wonderful post! It is exactly how you say it - the past year had its sad times and its wonderful. I'm very, very sorry that you lost THREE people - and I'm happy for you about the newborn and the soon-to-be-expected young life in your family! Oh, and it was lovely to see you with your angel son. It's been so long ago that I saw a photo of him and I think I never saw one where you were both on it. Well, and as for your studio - it is one of the most beautiful that I know (that's the truth, not a compliment) - how could it NOT be shown in a magazine?
I wish you and your family a wonderful, healthy, joyful, happy new year!
Lots of hugs, Traude

Julie Marie said...

Hello again June... I was so mesmerized with all of your photos... I wanted to tell you also how saddened I was to learn of the loss of three of your family members... but happy for you over the birth of your new granddaughter... and another sweet little bundle arriving in May (Spring)... much love, xoxo Julie

chateau chic said...

Your pictures are always stunning and breathtaking, June! I'm not at all surprised your studio would be chosen to be featured.
This is such a lovely post with your beautiful spirit shining through!!
Continue to be Blessed,
Mary Alice

Mammabellarte Rita Reade said...

My dear June,
first of all I am so happy to see you and Landon! and that he had a good year. Second I will pin pin all your collages on Laughing with angels board.
Third CONGRATULATIONS! I can't wait to buy a copy of Where Women Create.
You are and always will be an inspiration to me. Visiting your blog makes me so HAPPY! Baci Rita

Seawashed said...

June your posts are always so beautiful. I do have to correct you on one truly are an artist. You have the artistic eye to be an amazing photographer, as well as in home decor, creating beauty, sewing, stitching, gardening...Oh my are you an artist as a gardener. I dare say, you are truly an artist and one that I admire. You always inspire me. I really don't know how you do all that you do! Caring for your sweet Landon is a full-time joy. Congratulations on the publication...I will look for them! xxo

Just a bed of roses said...

A great big WOW on how you posted your beautiful refreshing photo's. I love your thought sharing of 2013, your blessings at home with your son, and soon to be in a well deserved spotlight of WWcreate, my favorite magazine.
may 2014 be equally rewarding!

Jacqueline @ HOME said...

Dear June,
The photograph of you and Landon is absolutely beautiful and shows us all the love that you have for him and, just in that photo, the sunshine that he has brought into your lives. You have been blessed with the most wonderful gift in Landon and have embraced it with a very special love for him.
Isn't it lovely that we are both to welcome a new grandchild into the world this Summer ?
You are a very special person June and I am so pleased to have found you. Much love to you and your very special family. XXXX

Debby said...

God Bless you and your family. Exciting about the grandbabies. Also that you are being featured in the magazine. Beautiful photos. Your son is special to you and I can tell that you love being able to care for him. Hope this is a good year for your family.

Shabby Passion said...

June, oh my I'm wiping tears now... you're such a lovely mom, I love reading about you and your Angel and I want to hug you tight! Thank you for this post, for the beautiful pics you shared, for being you, a wow-person!
ciao, un bacio all'Angelo


Diane said...

Such a dear and sweet photo of you and Landon. Thanks for sharing that and some of your day to day life.

Your pictures, as usual, are scrumptious! And I wish you a wonderful 2014, June. Diane

Diane said...

Such a dear and sweet photo of you and Landon. Thanks for sharing that and some of your day to day life.

Your pictures, as usual, are scrumptious! And I wish you a wonderful 2014, June. Diane

Diane said...

Such a dear and sweet photo of you and Landon. Thanks for sharing that and some of your day to day life.

Your pictures, as usual, are scrumptious! And I wish you a wonderful 2014, June. Diane

Diane said...

Such a dear and sweet photo of you and Landon. Thanks for sharing that and some of your day to day life.

Your pictures, as usual, are scrumptious! And I wish you a wonderful 2014, June. Diane

BECKY said...

Sweet June,
Life sure has a way of ebbing and flowing, doesn't it? So many struggles and loss, yet so many incredible blessings along the way. I am so sorry you had so much to deal with this past year. I pray that God and His unfathomable grace will continue to strengthen and heal your heart, and flood your soul with gentle blessings and fond memories.

I adore the photo of you and Landon, and can't wait to see your spread in the magazine. I'm sure it will be incredibly lovely, peaceful, and delightful. ♥

Hugs to you, my friend,

Low Tide High Style said...

June your posts are always like a breath of fresh air tinged with the scent of lilacs, and this one is no exception! I'm sorry for your losses in 2013, but happy for all your blessings! I wish you and your entire family nothing but the best that 2014 has to offer, and I can't wait to see your feature!

xo Kat

Laura said...

Hi June-
Happy New Year!
Your year of blessings is as good and true as you are.

You are so talented and so special.

White Spray Paint

Laura said...

Hi June-
Happy New Year!
Your year of blessings is as good and true as you are.

You are so talented and so special.

White Spray Paint

Laura said...

Hi June-
Happy New Year!
Your year of blessings is as good and true as you are.

You are so talented and so special.

White Spray Paint

White Lace and Promises said...

Your home is a garden filled with precious blessings including your son! What a priceless tribute to your views of life. What an inspiration you are! Thanks for sharing.

A difficult few years for me after the loss of my parents, made for a year of questions and doubts. So happy to have worked through much of this and looking forward to new discoveries this year.

White Lace and Promies

Victorian1885 said...

Dear June
Happy New Year my Dear Blogging friend!
Landon is very blessed to have such loving parents... thank you for sharing the sweet photo of the two of you.
We are so excited to see what 2014 brings in our first year of Retirement!
I look forward to following your beautiful blog again this year!
Sending love & hugs...

Blondie's Journal said...

I really don't know how to say what I feel after reading your post. You are such a genuinely positive and loving person. You have more love in your heart than most of us could ever hope to have. I admire the way you face the challenges in your life and embrace all the goodness. I wish I knew you in person. I would be so honored to have you as a friend.

I'm so sorry for your recent losses and yet I know your growing family is bringing you much joy! What a great blessing!

Much love to you this New Year and always.


Katherine said...

Congratulations on the publication - it is well deserved.

When you write about Landon your heart brims over on to the page. You are indeed blessed - and so is he to have picked such an incredible Mother.
With little babies growing right before your eyes and new life on the way, your blessings will surely increase this year... and you'll need more space at the dining room table.

I'm looking forward to hearing about your adventures in 2014.


joanne said...

love all the pictures, especially you and Landon. It is rare that you talk about him on the blog and I'm so glad to see him. The both of you together are indeed a special blessing, Dale is an angel too. You both take on so very much to keep Landon with you and for that I think you are one of the best people I've ever met. Yay, we finally go to meet, and it was so much fun. I can't wait to come back but this time I'm gonna be knocking on your door. Best of 2014 to you sweetie.

Mimi Sue said...

Such exciting news to be in the Where Women Create magazine! I think I have most of the issues and I'll look forward to seeing your creative space featured. I always enjoy the beautiful photos you take of your stunning home and garden. It would be so fun to see it all in person. One of my favorite things to do is to tour gardens! Landon seems to be one of those perfect spirits that come to this earth to teach us all the things that are truly important to learn. Patience, unconditional love, humility. Stay warm. Mimi

NanaDiana said...

God bless you and your dear family, June. Your love for your son oozes out of you and I do believe that God gives special children to special people that will see God's face through the face of that child.

I am excited to see the magazine when it comes out. What a wonderful honor for you to be featured.

Your photos today lifted my spirits. I don't do well in winter so the thoughts of flowers and green makes my heart sing.

Hope you had a wonderful day- xo Diana

Domanne said...

Je vous souhaite une très belle année 2014.

sophie said...

Très belle année 2014 avec beaucoup de bonheur !
de magnifiques photos !

Lin from A {tiny} Cottage In The Woods said...

Gentle thoughts and lovely photographs for 2013, June. It is always so very uplifting to visit you.
Happy New Year!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Oh dear June, you know how I feel about your home, your photography, and all the ethereal loveliness you capture. But I have to say that my absolute favorite photo is the one with you and your son. The most glorious photo of all. Anita

My Little Home and Garden said...

Good Morning, June. I'm sorry for your loss of three family members last year. On the other hand, how wonderful that your son is doing so well.

The photographs have such a delicate quality to them, full of ethereal beauty.


Geli said...

Dear June!
I' m sooooo happy to see you on your photo with Landon!
What a beautiful photo!
I always admire you for your kindness and great heart.
And your home full of beauty and poesie ...
I wish you and your beloved family a very happy year!
With love,

Junebug said...

Good morning sweet one! This morning as I read your post and all the comments I thought, should I comment? I can't say anything more then what has been said. But by golly I wanted June to know that I stopped by! I so agree with everyone about the beautiful pictures. But You and Landon, priceless. I once heard that God only gives the blessed Mothers with a beautiful child for a lifetime of care. You my dear are truly blessed with a beautiful soul. Much love, the other June

La Vie Quotidienne said...

Such a lovely post full of so many beautiful photos that I could look at it again and again. But the one I enjoyed the most is the picture of you and your son ~ so much love is shown, it is wonderful.

Half-heard in the Stillness said...

Dearest June, Oh! how wonderful is the photograph of you and Landon! As soon as I saw it and read your lovely words, the tears ran. You, (as we all know) are such a loving and special person and there he is dear special Landon engulfed in an terrific hug...I was so pleased to see a picture of you together. Oh I wish I could rush over and bring you a delicious bunch of Freesia and share a cup of coffee,I know we would never stop chattering. Wow! you are being featured in another magazine! I totally not surprised though, your home is SO gorgeous and you are brilliantly artistic and a sheer genius in the garden! And to top it all another small person expected to join you all in May, I bet they somehow know already just what a lovely loving family they will arrive into.
I'm thrilled that you enjoy my little memory writings, it means SUCH alot to me to hear that.

Biggest Bestest huggings
Jane X

Deb said...

Happy New Year June & what a beautiful start to 2014! Congratulations on your new grandbaby & how exciting to learn that your lovely family will welcome another grandbaby this Spring ♥
Congratulations also on being featured in Where Women Create - can't wait to pick up this issue at Chapters when it arrives.
I LOVE the photo of you & Landon {such a great name}! Thank you for sharing the beauty you create & that which surrounds you. xo

Madelief said...

Dear June,

A Happy New Year to you and your family! Such a beautiful photo of you and your son. It makes me happy looking at it and reading your text. Your son is fortunate to have such loving parents too.

I enjoyed scrolling trough your photographs. It always a joy to pop over to your blog!

Happy weekend!

Madelief x

toves sammensurium said...

Dear June :)))
Happy New Year
I can only say what my eyes and heart is thinking looking at your pictures - it´s beauty from the first to the last one!!!So magic!!! And I love how honestly you write,you touch my heart!I am sure your feature in the magazine will be great,believe in yourself!!!! :)))
Tovehugs :)

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest June,
Happy New Year to you as well and wishing you good health for you need it to take care of your Angel at home.
Life is not easy but it can be very rewarding if we go back to the basics of it all!
There are so many people a lot worse off than all of us... Like I did post about in December: {Like Princess Diana, I also Tried to Tackle the Leprosy Stigma}
Most poeple have no inkling how much joy comes from helping those that cannot help themselves!
May God bless you with continued good health.

Sandi~A Cottage Muse said...

I love that photo June, your smile is so bright and full of love! Looking forward to seeing the article, how exciting!
Thank you for the treat of looking at your beautiful photos! Can't wait to see what you share this year!

Ricki Treleaven said...

Oh, joy! I'm a new follower, so I missed most of these lovely posts. I've bookmarked this post so I can revisit over the weekend. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Ricki Jill

Nella Miller said...

Dear June, January always brings reflection and gratitude for me as well... I am so happy to hear of your achievements through your beautiful blog, but best of all, June, the photo of you and your son, is beautiful to see, N.xo

Pondside said...

June, you inspire with your art, your photos - always such a treat to see that you have posted. There are many beautiful blogs in Blogdom, but yours has that special, blessed quality - love and gratitude for your family and the the gift it is to you.
So glad to have found you in the immensity of Blogdom.

Snooks said...

You are so right. We are blessed daily with the wonderful as well as the hardships. Those difficult times may not seem like it at the time that they are blessings but they are. Glad you had a good time with your photo shoot. I love your studio ( the photos you have shared) and always the wonderful pictures from around your home.

Blessings to you June.

@3Beeze Homestead

Home and Lifestyle said...

Dear June,

For you and your family my best wishes for 2014!! Your words, your pictures and the story about your son make this post a wonderful post. I hope this year will be like last year... with little care and a lot of moments to enjoy.

Enjoy your weekend! Sending hugs, Ingrid

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Beautiful photos. Blessing tos you and yours. So glad you share your feelings on life and love. Sometimes it takes us all to have a little wake up call and not take so much for granted. Everyday is a Special Day in our lives.
Can'w wait to get my new issue of Where Women Create, I know I'll love your studio.
Enjoy a lovely weekend and hug your son for me.

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Darling June,

Thank you for coming to visit my blog post. You are so gracious and lovely, and it IS because of PEOPLE who continue to grace this community, that my desire to go on and express myself is so strong. Thank you for all the positive and lovely world you share! Oh how I love that photo of you and your son...LOVE!

Musings From A French Cottage said...

Hi June!

I really enjoyed reading this beautiful post. Your photos are gorgeous and I especially love the one of you and your son! One of our boys has Downs Syndrome and he is such an incredible blessing. I can really relate to what you have said in this post. The neat thing is, one of his very good friends has Angelman Syndrome and he is such a joy when he comes over to our house. Pretty neat!

I hope that 2014 brings you great joy and even more blessings. Happy New Year and have a wonderful weekend!

God Bless,

Musings From A French Cottage said...

Oh, and one more thing I meant to tell sister lives in Idaho too - small world, no?

Have a happy day,

Susan EvelynAndRose said...

Oh June, when I think of you I always think of the meaning of 'joy'. You truly exude joy - not an offhand lighthearted cheer, but true and real joy - through hardships and all. I gobbled up the photos of your beautiful home and fleurs that you shared in this post, but most of all I adore the photo of you and Landon. Your joyous expression says it all - pure love. I'm so thankful to be able to catch a glimpse of it via this platform, across the miles.
Thank you for sharing (and huge congrats on the Where Women Create feature - I will be sure to take a look!).
xo, Susan

Maison Beldecor said...

Hello dear June,

first of all, all the best for you and your sweet family for 2014.
I enjoy your photos from the last year very much, they are so gorgeours.

I'm looking forward to a beautiful year with you!

Bine x

suziqu's thread works said...

Oh Dear June I am just swooning here with each and every image of your collaged roses, lilacs and peonies, and of course, your sweet home but the photo which touched my heart was the one with you and Landon. There is no escape from the fact that you so love each other. Imagine how different your life would have been without him - the love and joy he brings is immeasurable! Very few would really know what you and Dale face every day!

I know 2013 was a tough one for you but already there is much promise for this new year and much to look forward to.

Bless your heart for the courage you have to continue to deal with life's ups and downs. You have been rewarded dearly with all the natural beauty which surrounds you. Enjoy the precious moments.

Sending much love from a balmy Summer's evening here!

Ingrid said...

Just beautiful your post June....straight from your heart!...x

Beehive Needleworks said...

A lovely post June. The way in which you express yourself through words and photographs is clearly a reflection of the abundance of love and joy within your heart and home.
Wishing you a year overflowing with blessings and light.

MJ Ornaments said...

Happy New Year June! I love the pic of you and your son, just beautiful!
Take care,

Carolyn said...

Hi June,
This is such a beautiful post~ I too, love the photo of you and Landon as well as all your collages.
I am full of admiration for all the love, beauty and joy you share!

Hope this is a wonderful year for you and your family and congratulations on the new grandbabies. I have been thinking we are due for a new little one too....but none on the way yet!
Thank you for your visits over the past few years.

bobbie said...

I love the review, and I esp. love the picture of you & Landon!! There is so much love there...
Hugs ~

sweetvintageofmine said...

Blessings to you and your beautiful family.....your home and garden is beyond words and you deserve such recognition! Roxie

Georgianna said...

Dear June, I've just read through all these comments and loved the eloquence that your beautiful post has inspired. All that you do is artistic, such a wonderful photographer, stylist, decorator, gardener and a fabulous Mom and grandmother. The way you life your life is an inspiration. So happy for you to be in the upcoming issue and thank you for sharing the sweet photo with Landon.

Shabby soul said...

Darling darling June! You are marvelous: your words, your images, the world around you, as you are able to create it, so soulful .
Wish you all the best for this new year, my darling friend!
Your photo with your son is stunning!

Nely said...

Dear June,totally agree with previous comments,you are completely wonderful as a person,and your images breathtaking,thank you for that dear friend!

I send you a hug!

Rosemary and Thyme said...

What a beautiful and heartfelt post sweet June. Your photos are magical. I am sorry that you had to endure the loss of three loved ones in 2013. That is never easy. I hope your fond memories of them give you peace. I also want to congratulate you on your grandson and the feature of your studio in the magazine. It is well deserved June. You are a true inspiration in many ways. Most importantly, your love and dedication for your son is truly priceless to me.. God bless you and your beautiful family.



Rozmeen said...

Dear June,

I am touched by your words and how you desribe your blessings and this past year. How full of love you write about the love that your son and you share. You are an inspiration to all of us and I can learn so much from you. I have enjoyed your blog so much and your pictures where Eye candy for me. Thanks for your visits, inspiration and lovely and warm words. Hugs from your friend Rozmeen

Unknown said...

I saw you in the newest addition of one of my favorite magazines, "Where Women Create" you are an amazing woman, an amazing mother and I am so glad and so happy for you that Jo wanted your studio in the publication. God Bless you, you have such a beautiful mother's heart! My Son Ryan, is 30 and has blessed me with my first grandchild, Deegan who is a JOY!!! I know that if Ryan had been born with disabilities I would have embraced the difficult road ahead just as you did all those years ago...sometimes I get whiney about not seeing him very much because he is busy with his job and his little family but I should be thankful that he can lead that kind of life. Your Landon is a beautiful special young man and so fortunate to have a mother like you. God Bless!! Teri

Claudia said...

And you are a blessing to all of us lucky enough to 'know' you.


Just a bed of roses said...

It's where women create books just arrived. I peeked and your so cute! I'm off to my sunroom to read each page word for word...I will read yours first!

A Magical Whimsy said... be published in Where Women Create must be a very special honor.
I too, now have a new granddaughter born a couple of weeks ago.
It is not easy to embrace the difficult road with a handicap grown adult. I left a comment on your blog almost a year ago, and never got back to you, a second time, as I too have a handicap 22 year old son with Down's Syndrome. He is my buddy all day long. But as mom's we enjoy our crafting time which lightens our hearts.
Have a blessed year!
Teresa in California

Privet and Holly said...

June, your sweet spirit
simply shines in that
photo of you and your
son. I only buy the WWC
magazines that look really
special--this is one that
I must have!

It's been a year of sorrows
and adjustments for me, but
also a year of blessings. Like
you, I choose to focus on those.
Thank you for being one of them : )

Happy 2014!

xo Suzanne

Privet and Holly said...

June, your sweet spirit
simply shines in that
photo of you and your
son. I only buy the WWC
magazines that look really
special--this is one that
I must have!

It's been a year of sorrows
and adjustments for me, but
also a year of blessings. Like
you, I choose to focus on those.
Thank you for being one of them : )

Happy 2014!

xo Suzanne

Burlap Luxe said...

Looking forward to a new post. Missing your soft beauty.
I also wanted a good reason to visit again. You inspire a romantic side in all who love the beauty of your paleness here.

See you soon June, will be looking forward or your new post.

Blessings to you and yours.


Terri said...

Hello June,
I am wishing for you and your family another good year health wise. As well as hoping you have a great 2014 with many opportunities for joy! Congratulations on your WWC win. I am so thrilled for you. You are an artist June! Didn't you know? lol! No one can come to your website without knowing that! You create beauty so joyful that it draws others to you to enjoy that beauty too. Your photography is totally art! Your home and garden, all artistically created in such a amazing way!

Tamara said...

Hi June,
I'm new to your blog. I found you through Where Women Create Business and feel so blessed that I did! So Beautiful... Thank you for sharing your life and talents.

Blessings to you,

Bella's Rose Cottage said...

Hi June,
Congrats on your publication! You Are an Artist!! All the beauty you share from your home and AMAZING photography is inspiring!
The photo of you and Landon is adorable, the love you share glows!
I also loved having a look back at all your dreamy photos, makes me long for a garden full of color!
Wishing you and your family a year of health and happiness!

Creations by Marie Antoinette and Edie Marie said...

Hi June!

You are an incredible photographer! You photos capture a special essence of nature's beauty. My fav is the violet collage since I'm a February girl.

I'm so thrilled for you being in Where Women Create! Incredible!! The photo of you and Landon is so perfect and I hope they include that in the issue you'll be featured in. I know God has given you so many blessings with Landon in your lives.

Blessings for a very happy healthy 2014 - Edie Marie

Creations by Marie Antoinette and Edie Marie said...

Hi June!

You are an incredible photographer! You photos capture a special essence of nature's beauty. My fav is the violet collage since I'm a February girl.

I'm so thrilled for you being in Where Women Create! Incredible!! The photo of you and Landon is so perfect and I hope they include that in the issue you'll be featured in. I know God has given you so many blessings with Landon in your lives.

Blessings for a very happy healthy 2014 - Edie Marie

Anonymous said...

Hi ! just passing by and dreamed on your beautiful photos <3 thanks to share ! <3

Edith DUTERTRE said...

cela fait un moment que je suis venue vous voir
il n'est pas encore trop tard
pour vous souhaiter
ainsi que pour toute votre famille
un très joli billet rempli de tendresse
edith (iris) France

Jade said...

Oh June, can´t tell you how I love, love, love your pictures.......what a wonderful world full of flowers, beauty and love.....THANK YOU SO MUCH! Have a great year and enjoy every moment! The lovely picture from you and Landon fills my heart with joy........many hugs to him!

With love, Jade

HWIT BLOGG said...

There is so much feeling in your pictures...I just love your pictures!
Wishing you the best, take care June!
Love Titti

maría cecilia said...

Hola dear June, just needed to come here to your home and garden and have some June`s style dose, needed it so much. At the same time showing your blog to a friend who has fell in love with your style!
So lovely to see you and Landon, send him a big hug from a friend from Chile.
Sending you lots of love my dear.

Nancy's Notes said...

What a beautiful and heartwarming post. Bless all of you. Take care of you and your angel.

Betty Jo said...

Dearest June how wonderful it is to see your precious Landon. What a wonderful photo of the two of you. My dear, your beautiful studio and photos deserves to be in every magazine!! I'm so sorry for your loss of family members in 2013, but rejoice with you over the new additions. Life is truly bittersweet, isn't it? Thanks for popping by my blog and your wonderful comment. It means the world to me. . . God Bless!!

The Rustic Victorian said...

Hello June, what a wonderful post! The photos are so wonderful and seeing you with Landon filled my heart. I needed a flower fix and this is certainly the place to get that. Spring is not so far off, right? Life was filled with ups and downs last year, but God is faithful isn't he. Congratulations on being published again, I will look for the magazine. And new grand-babies, how exciting.
God Bless you and your family June. Thank you for your wonderful blog, you make such a difference in this community.
Southern hugs!

Stan and Jody Gabara said...

June, You always inspire me! I am running out the door right now to get the magazine, I love "Where Women Create". So happy they did a feature about you and can't wait to read it. You truly are an inspiration to all of us. Thanks so much!!
What a wonderful way to start the New Year!!

Ivy and Elephants said...

Hi June, so excited! I just got my copy of "Where Bloggers Create" and saw your lovely feature. Everything looks amazing, I'm so thrilled for you!
So happy to meet your loving Landon, and glad to hear of his good health. I pray that 2014 is even better!
Big hugs and congrats,

Jacqueline~Cabin and Cottage said...

I am so out of the loop, June! This is the first time I am seeing this post and it is so exquisite! All of the photo collages are gorgeous and inspiring! You have such a gift!

I just enjoyed reading your pages from Where Women Create. You should be on their staff! Your studio is a wonderful space. Every creative persons dream to have a dedicated place of their own.

I realized as I was reading your piece how true it is that the space itself and the objects in it enhance the creative process, as you said. But of course we all plowed through for years on the kitchen table anyway!

Thank you for visitng me! I'm so happy that I had time to catch up with you today!

Cindy said...

Oh my goodness, the pictures are so pretty... once again flowers everywhere. When i think of you i think of flowers. Those peonies, and those lilacs and the sweet little violets... oh my. I love the photo of you and London too ... it's just a big AWWWWWWWWW... I totally understand why they featured your studio. Every time i've seen pics of it, i thought it was wonderful! Everything you touch is made pretty by your hands...


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for sharing the lovely picture of you and your precious son. What joy it brought my heart to hear how you speak of him. Your love and devotion encouraged me greatly. I have a son with special needs, too. You are a true gem and a tremendous blessing. May the Lord bless you and your precious family richly this year!

Love from Washington