necessary shopping, although a couple of bags may not have fallen under that category.
I usually make this trip about four times a month and
the drive is long, but gives me time to think.
As I drove today I saw cows with newborn calves at their sides and
mama ewes with their new little lambs.
They were jumping and frolicking and
I could have watched them all day.
Dale watches Landon when I go so I have no worries at all and can
pretty much fly through my list of things to get and do while there.
On the way there I think, and on the way home I sing (loudly)
to the radio.
I think of the best posts to write---but never do,
I think about to-do lists, my life and how blessed I am.
Love these outings and actually happy I live so far away from civilization :)
a little birdcage found at Joanne's fabrics

I also wanted to share some photos I took at the little shack in the woods last summer
when I was getting it ready for a couple of friends to come and have a little picnic.

We have this rickety park bench there that I hope keeps standing for a few more years
because I love how it looks among the aspens.
Makes me want to go see how the little shack made it through the winter.
and the bench!
I hope you all enjoy this last week of February!