Yes, it is finally really fall here.
In fact, today it snowed a little bit just to let us know it could.
The warm weather stayed on forever and some days in October we even used
our air conditioner because it got so warm in the house.
Not today!
I have the wood stove burning and outside there is a skiff of snow on the grass
and on the trees and shrubs because most still have their leaves.
I did get a few photos of the fall colors in the garden the other day and
I will share some later in this post.
but first---
I wanted to share more photos of the late garden roses on our front porch,
as I did a little staging on the old garden table and in the swing.
I took these in late September or early October.
I really like the color of the architectural piece from an old column
with the Morden Blush and one of my late blooming garden phlox.
I wish I could have seen the house that this piece came from because
the color seems so unlikely for a house.I guess it could be from a place of business
or something else entirely.
It has to be original because it has flaked
off in many places and there isn't any paint beneath it.

The Morden Blush rose in the fall is much prettier than summer and keeps it's color longer
than in hot weather. I love this rose ! ! !
now for the early autumn colors here
Don't you just wish you could bottle this Autumn light
so you could enjoy it anytime you want ? ? ?
Nothing as beautiful as the slant of light that fall brings with it.
The hydrangeas have turned for another year and after the snow today,
they will be done for, but I will remember how pretty they were.
the roses are covered in hips this year
I really do need to get serious and get the leaves raked before the
snow comes and means it.
I'm pretty sure it's only teasing us today, so I think I have time
to still get out there.
When the trees decide it's time to let loose of the leaves,
I'll be a busy girl.
Some of you may know that Idaho (especially the area in which I live)
has been in a serious drought and we will take all
the moisture we can get,
even if it means I don't get all my fall chores done : ))
I hope wherever you live in the world, that you are loving
the season you are in and because I feel so grateful
to live in a place where we do have four distinct seasons, I have
worked hard to overcome my dislike for winter.
I think I'm doing pretty good at embracing it.
It may never be my favorite,
but I will embrace!