It's been awhile since I've posted about one of my favorite places on earth.
It's a little shack in the woods on some property we own in a canyon
about fifteen miles from our house.
Dale calls it the Juniebird Nest.
Last week Dale and I and Landon went for the day to
just enjoy the beauty here.
I've been up here a lot in the month of September doing a little
cleaning, reading and relaxing.
I really can't put into words how I feel after a day spent here.

These paths through the trees are well worn from the horses and the wildlife.

I think there is something so romantic about woodland paths.

and a little romantic setting in a clearing

Inside, all is warm and definitely nest-like.

It's a little shack in the woods on some property we own in a canyon
about fifteen miles from our house.
Dale calls it the Juniebird Nest.
Last week Dale and I and Landon went for the day to
just enjoy the beauty here.
I've been up here a lot in the month of September doing a little
cleaning, reading and relaxing.
I really can't put into words how I feel after a day spent here.

Of course I had to cut flowers from the garden to bring up and set a pretty table outside.
I would love to plant a garden here, but so would the deer, elk and moose
that travel and live in this area.
I can only imagine the height of the deer fence I would have to put up!
So---no garden I guess.

Late September and October are the perfect time for enjoying this
It's this time of year that the horseflies and mosquitoes
diminish and it's a lot more pleasant to be in the woods.
These paths through the trees are well worn from the horses and the wildlife.

I think there is something so romantic about woodland paths.

Inside, all is warm and definitely nest-like.

Sometimes all it takes to center me is a trip alone to this special retreat.
Because there is nothing to distract me here, I feel as though I can
fill up my soul again.
Soon, the aspens will be turning gold and then become bare,
which brings a whole new dimension to the woods.
I look forward to every season here, even winter.
A couple years ago my daughter and I painted the outside of the shack
a barn red so that it would look beautiful in the snow.
And it does!
THIS day was perfection!
Wishing you all a wonderful week!!!